Mini 461 "24" Game Over. Roll Credits

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Mini 461 "24" Game Over. Roll Credits

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Sun Jun 10, 2007 7:17 pm

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

Hour 9 Begins 1:30 AM 8/1, ends 1:30 AM 8/4

Game Description

Fastpaced Mafia with preset deadlines and no "night"(a new function is introduced for role actions and kills)

Players represent members of an elite counterterrorism team at CTU: Washington D.C., some of whom are secretly working for a terrorist entity.

They will provide intel/instructions to a Jack Bauer(Non Player Character) who will attempt to locate a Nuclear Device in Washington D.C. before it detonates.

The town will win if it eliminates all nontown aligned forces within CTU or if Jack Bauer defuses the bomb.

The scum will win if it gains control of CTU: Washington D.C. or can't be prevented from gaining control or if Jack Bauer is killed or if the nuclear weapon detonates.

The timeline for the game will be separated into 24 "hours", at the end of the 24th hour, the nuclear device will explode and the town will lose and the scum will win.

Each "hour" will last 3 days in realtime.

The scum may not make a kill if they have made a kill within the last 3 "hours"(i.e. if the scum have made a kill in hour "1" they may not make another kill until hour "5")

The town may not lynch if they have lynched within the last 2 "hours"(i.e. if the town lynched in hour "1" they may not lynch again until hour "4")

Jack Bauer will move every hour until the 12th hour, after the 12th hour, he will move every half hour.

The team may attempt to provide information to Jack Bauer to help him find the nuclear device/eliminate the terrorist threat. In fact, certain members of the team may receive valuable intel at points in the game.

However the terrorist threat wants to kill Jack Bauer and it is quite likely that the scum within the CTU might choose to disclose false information in order to trap Jack Bauer in an attempt to eliminate him, since this is Hollywood, Jack Bauer won't be easily killed but he isn't immortal either.

It is up to the Director of CTU to decide which pieces of intel to pass onto Jack Bauer.


Ibaesha(Replacing CrashTextDummie) Counterintelligence Agent
Albert B. Rampage Field Agent
Guardian Deputy Director
Spambot Crypto
Yosarian2 Director
PetroleumJelly(replacing EyceKing) Field Agent
Kinectic(Replaced Korran) Crypto
UltimaAvalon Signal Intelligence Analyst

YogurtBandit Field Agent(Townie) Lynched Hour 3

Xdaamno FBI Liason(Townie) Murdered Hour 8

Frozen Altantic Signals Intelligence Analyst(Townie) Lynched Hour 8

OffTheMark Field Agent(Townie) Assassinated Hour 9

If you have not received a role PM, you are
The Standard Townie PM that Pooky was too lazy to send out wrote: You are a Townie! You win when Jack Bauer has defused the bomb or if all Terrorist elements within the town have been eliminated.

Positions Available:
(The Number After the Position is the MAXIMUM number of people you can give the position to, Liasons may not be assigned to the same external agency.)
Director of CTU:
This position is always filled, the director is responsible for keeping everyone on task and delegating duties to the CTU team in order to best utilize field assets in the prevention of a cataclysmic terrorist attack on the nation's capital. The Director should make sure that all discussion is on track and that team members are aware of their responsbilities as well as serving as the primary liason between CTU and high authorities.

The Director assigns all other positions to players in the game, he may opt to leave a position unfilled or to not give a player a position. The Director may choose to reassign positions in order to best utilize his assets(i.e. The Director assigns Signal Intelligence Analyst position to Rainbow Brite, Rainbow Brite spends all of her time snorting crack cocaine instead of actually analyzing intel, the Director can then choose to give the position to someone else and give Rainbow Brite no position instead)

The Director may also communicate privately via pm with players by calling them into his office. Private communication can only be initiated after a public disclosure.

(i.e. The Director wants to speak with Rainbow Brite regarding her habits as to the indiscriminate use of crack cocaine and cheap wine, the Director can then initiate a private conversation by posting in thread,
Rainbow Brite, I'd like to see you in my office

In the beginning of the game, players elect a Director by majority vote, they have one week to finish, upon the election of a Director, the Director then assigns as many of the other positiosn to players as he wants.

Deputy Director of CTU

This position MUST be filled at all times, the Deputy Director takes over if the Director is murdered, maimed, assassinated, or found smoking too much crack cocaine and summarirly deposed in a bloody coup. Upon taking over the Director position, he must name a new Deputy Director.

Signals Intelligence Analyst(2):

Signals Intelligence Analysts are able to monitor outgoing transmissions of suspected terrorists, they are able to monitor outgoing transmissions sent from any system on the network or a suspected terrorist outside the network. Translation: they choose either a player in the game or a suspected terrorist outside the game, they then receive all communications coming from the monitored player(this only includes choices made to the moderator or questions asked to the moderator) or terrorist.

Signals intercepts will be in the form of a code that must then be passed on to the Cryptography division to check.

Beware of putting a terrorist in this position! He may falsify a intercept in code that will then lead to faulty intel!

Cryptography Analyst(3):

Crypto Analysts are the backbone of the intelligence community, they specialize in breaking codes and encryptions which most signals and comm intercepts will be in the form of. Crypto will often be passed message intercepts from the Signals Intel division or Jack Bauer to decrypt.

Beware of putting a terrorist in this position! He may falsify a decryption that might lead to faulty intel which could endanger the lives of field agents!

All decryptions take 1 hour to complete.

Field Agents(3):

Field Agents are the bread and butter of CTU. They can be sent outside for field operations such as assassination, abduction, or planting tracking devices/bugs on high priority targets when Jack Bauer is unable to perform these duties. They may also investigate target sites, or perform bodyguard duties for members of the CTU staff.(Bodyguard duty means that if the player would've died, his bodyguard dies instead)

Counterintelligence Agent(1)

Counterintelligence is the section that handles internal investigations in order to root out terrorist agents, the Counterintelligence Agent can investigate a player's prior history in order to get a result about his innocence or guilt(by pulling his entire phone records for the past month).

Since the phone records are encrypted, they must be decrypted by a crypto agent.

All investigations take four hours to complete so it's important that you choose wisely who to investigate. Investigations can be interrupted or cancelled by choice or death of agent involved, partial investigations are not saved and must be restarted.(If you begin investigating player X at hour 1, the investigation will be done by the beginning of hour 5 and you can foward the results to a chosen crypto agent at that point. you may not send multiple results to multiple crypto agents).

Beware of putting a terrorist in this position because he is very likely to falsify investigation results!


Liasons are assigned to one of the possible positions:

State Department
White House

They are responsible for requesting assistance from the agency they are assigned to for the purposes of whatever you need. They may also receive valuable intel from each contact.

NSA: Signals Intelligence, Satellite Recon(Domestic), Military Strike on US Soil, the NSA can help provide aid by intercepting messages, providing Satellite Recon in order to help infiltrate/invade a location or the location of terrorist suspects or launch a military strike with special field teams on US soil.

CIA: Foreign Operations, Satellite Recon(Foreign), Information Acquisition(Foreign).

The CIA is able to carry out a variety of operations on foreign soil including,
Abduction(nothing like abducting a family to put pressure on a terrorist)
Information Extraction(Torture)

Suspected Terrorists acquired domestically can be relayed to the CIA for information extraction in more suitable places.

FBI: Domestic Operations, Wiretapping.

The FBI is able to carry out a variety of operations on domestic soil including,

Arrest,(Can be used on Players)
Release,(Can be used on arrested players)
Information Extraction(Looking at a player's extensive personal history/expenses to figure out if they are likely to be compromised)
Storming Targets,

State Department:

The State Department is responsible for twisting the arms of foreign countries in order to let you get what you want. They are also your link to foreign agencies working in the counterterrorism field.

They can request a variety of things from foreign nations, the result of which depends on how much the foreign country values its relationship with the United States.

Possible Choices:
Request Extraction of Terror Suspect/Criminal
Request Arrest of Suspect/Criminal
Request Survelliance on Location/Criminal
Request Intelligence report from Foreign Intelligence Agency regarding Terrorist/Suspect/Player(This might work better with the Mossad than with the FSB)

The White House:
The Liason to the White House may request help with the pressuring of certain foreign nations by requesting many different military options with regards to war.

He is also the one who gets yelled at by the politicians who don't want this nuclear weapon to detonate.

Possible Choices:
Request Declaration of War/Military Strikes on Target
Request Pressure be put on FBI/CIA/NSA/SD to handle CTU requests faster.
Request Presidential Pardon to use in negotiation with Terrorist.
Request Money to use in negotiation with Terrorist.

There is a lag of 4 hours for requests made to other agencies as they happen to all be turfprotecting career people with no respect for other agencies and they're only working with you because the President told them to. This lag time is reduced to 3 hours if the White House puts pressure on them.(For standard lag of 4 hours, if you make the request in hour 1, it will be completed by hour 5) You may not make a new request until your old request has been completed or cancelled. You may cancel a request.

All orders except for the position movement are PRIVATE and will be execueted upon reception at my account. Orders issued publically will be ignored.

You have 1 week to elect a Director by popular vote.

The Highest Vote Receiver at the end of 1 week will be the Director and he will issue all roles.

If a player reaches seven votes before the end of the week, he will be elected as Director.

Map of Washington D.C.:
Last edited by PookyTheMagicalBear on Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:16 pm, edited 38 times in total.
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
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It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:18 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

Jack Bauer



Health: 5/6
Luck: 6/12
Strength: 19/20
, Washington D.C.

Intelligence Report So Far:

It is unclear which group is behind the bomb, however the following profiles of the 10 most likely groups have been supplied. They are the only ones considered capable of sneaking a nuclear device into the United States.


Al-Qa'ida is multi-national, with members from numerous countries and with a worldwide presence. Senior leaders in the organization are also senior leaders in other terrorist organizations, including those designated by the Department of State as foreign terrorist organizations, such as the Egyptian al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya and the Egyptian al-Jihad. Al-Qa'ida seeks a global radicalization of existing Islamic groups and the creation of radical Islamic groups where none exist.

Suspected Headquarters

Sana´a , Yemen

The Matarese Circle

An international terrorist group that has ties to several large multinational corporations, greed is the principal doctrine of the Matarese Circle. Formed in the late 19th Century, the group is suspected of controlling upwards of billions in hidden assets. Organzational structure is tightly regimented with various cells operating independentally of any central command. The organization has been known to use terrorism to move stock prices in favorable directions.

Suspected Headquarters

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The Alliance of Twelve

A group of former top level spies for various governments that went rogue sometime in the mid 80's, multiple cells operate independently and occasionally cooperate. Deals in information, weapons trafficing, and assassination.

Suspected Headquarters

London, England


Also known as Lebanese Hizballah, this group was formed in 1982 in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, this Lebanon-based radical Shi’a group takes its ideological inspiration from the Iranian revolution and the teachings of the late Ayatollah Khomeini. The Majlis al-Shura, or Consultative Council, is the group’s highest governing body and is led by Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah. Hizballah is dedicated to liberating Jerusalem and eliminating Israel and has formally advocated ultimate establishment of Islamic rule in Lebanon. Nonetheless, Hizballah has actively participated in Lebanon’s political system since 1992. Hizballah is closely allied with, and often directed by, Iran but has the capability and willingness to act alone. Although Hizballah does not share the Syrian regime’s secular orientation, the group has been a strong ally in helping Syria advance its political objectives in the region.

Suspected Headquarters

Beirut, Lebanon


"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."—Muslim Brotherhood

Today, a very complex financial network connects the operations of over seventy branches of the Muslim Brothers worldwide. During the Muslim Brothers' seventy-plus years of existence, there have been cycles of growth, followed by divisions into factions, including clandestine financial networks, and violent jihad groups, such as al-Jihad and al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya in Egypt, HAMAS in Palestine and mujahideen groups in Afghanistan.

Suspected Headquarters
Cairo, Egypt

La Cosa Nostra

The 2000 "made members" of La Cosa Nostra belong to 24 La Cosa Nostra families. By means of stooges and dummy firms La Cosa Nostra controls numerous entertainment places, and also business in textiles, building, food and food services as well as companies in the garbage business.

Organized Crime (OC) is a continuing and self-perpetuating criminal conspiracy employed by groups that are hierarchical in structure, feed on fear and corruption, and are motivated by the potential generation of profits, impacting particular locales/regions or the nation as a whole. OC groups maintain their position through the use of violence or threat of violence, corruption of public officials, and extortion. Much like the multinational conglomerates they resemble, OC groups have expanded their activities into areas such as smuggling of drugs and other embargoed commodities, industrial and technological espionage, financial market manipulation and the corruption and control of groups within and outside of the legal state system. The La Cosa Nostra (LCN) is the most significant organized criminal threat to American society. When one factors in the number of nonmember criminal associates for each LCN member, the magnitude of the problem posed by the LCN takes on an even more compelling dimension.

Suspected Headquarters

Palermo, Italy

The Pledge

International terrorist group created by top level former KGB agents after the collapse of the Soviet Union, suspected of profiting handsomely from the disintegration of the Soviet Empire and gaining control of vast resources in the form of natural resources and weapons.

Suspected Headquarters
Saint Petersburg, Russia

Sigma AG

International terrorist group created near the end of World War II by top level Nazi officials to hide the stolen wealth of the Nazi Empire and avenge its loss on the battlefield by acts of terrorism against the Allies. Its members went into deep cover following the end of war in Europe.

Suspected Headquarters

Zurich, Switzerland

The Shadow

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."- Thomas Jefferson

Formed by top level US ex-military and ex-intelligence personnel following the retreat from Vietnam, The group believes that the military was betrayed by the politicians in Washington and seeks to prevent a repeat from occuring in Iraq. Though not yet responsible for any acts of terrorism, they are suspected to be capable of such an act and could have penetrated various government agencies deeply.

Suspected Headquarters
Arlington, Virginia, United States.

The Hand of God

International Christian Extremist group, created by former spies loyal to the Vatican who have chosen the militant route. Possibly plans to frame a Muslim group for a nuclear attack on Washington to spark a war between the Muslims and the West.

Suspected Headquarters

Barcelona, Spain
Last edited by PookyTheMagicalBear on Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:25 am

Post by ChannelDelibird »

So, we're now electing a Director, correct?
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:37 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:45 am

Post by Xdaamno »

I haven't recieved my role yet :O

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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:23 am

Post by ChannelDelibird »

OK, well, let's start this off with a
vote: Yosarian2
, because, without knowing alignment, he's the player I'd be most inclined to trust with the strategic distribution of players to the various roles.

Note that I expect us to make a collective decision on that, but it'd be the director's call officially.
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Post Post #6 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:36 am

Post by Guardian »

I also haven't received a role yet. Kidding? I'm a bit confused. I assume this happens after we elect the director?


Off the Mark


Albert B. Rampage





These are the people I know/would like to see as director.

I think it will probably come down to CdB or Yos, but I was thinking, and maybe there is really some merit to this - assigning an enthusiastic but newer and maybe easier to read player would be better? If CdB or Yos gets assigned "mafia" roles, I could see them really screwing us over. So, I'll start off with
vote: YogurtBandit
<3. Ultima, you were my second choice, all those great games in #mafia ;).

What criteria should we really be using to select the director?
Do not lynch me.
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Post Post #7 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:39 am

Post by CrashTextDummie »

The only two people I even know and trust enough to take this position are CDB and Yos. I'd be willing to volunteer though, I'd take care of things Toni Almeida style!

Vote: CTD

Second choice is Yos.
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Post Post #8 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:49 am

Post by Eyceking »

I refuse to vote Yossarion or whatever on the basis that his name comes from that awful book "Catch-22", so I will
Vote: Guardian
because I hope he will guard us.
What are you pressing select for? You don't got time to make a profile!
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Post Post #9 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:02 am

Post by Yosarian2 »

Hmmm...this is an interesting set-up.

Looking at the list of positions, I notice that there are more possible positions avalable then there are players in the game, so we will want to try and figure out which positions are the most important/useful to the town.

First of all, it looks like some of the positions help for the normal mafia "find the bad guys and lynch them" game and win condition, and some seem more useful in the "help Jack Bauer" win condition. We might have to decide which one of those two victory conditions we want to focus on, as we can either win by catching the bad guys or we can win by helping Jack Bauer. My inclination would be that it would probably be best to mostly focus on the "catching the scum" win condition, unless we seem to be in imminent danger of losing or winning due to the "Jack Bauer" win condition, but that's just me; and of course there's some overlap, as catching the scum will help us prevent people from giving Jack Bauer bad intel, and on the other hand watching people try to give Jack Bauer intel might help us find the scum.

Let me re-read the roles in a bit more detail, see if I can figure out which roles are most useful to the town to fill.
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Post Post #10 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:11 am

Post by ChannelDelibird »

Please, people, before you start complaining about roles...

Thanks to lack of common sense we have already given info to the terrorists.

Re: important positions, Yos, I suspect we're going to want at least two people on Crypto.

I could get behind a CTD vote, or a me vote, but Yos is probably my first choice outright.
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Post Post #11 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:19 am

Post by Yosarian2 »

Ok, so we have 12 people. We always have to have a Director and a Deputy Director, so that leaves 10 more people we can put into positions here. Like I said, I think our main priority for now should probably be to find the scum, so I'm focusing on that for figuring out what positions to fill.

It sounds like the Counterintellegence Agent is our main cop, so it sounds like we definatly want to keep that position filled. It's defiantly very vulnerable, though, as the identity is known to everyone, and it takes him 4 hours to investigate someone while the scum can kill every 3 hours. So the only way we're going to get any information is if we protect him. And he also has to have at least 1 crypto agent to pass information to; 2 might be better, just so the scum don't know who he sent the information to.

If we want to keep the counterintellegence agent alive, I think we'll need at least 1 "field agent", as field agents can be assigned to do bodyguard duty for another player, and that's the only "doc-like" ability I see on the list, unless I missed somehting. The other "field agent" abilities all sound like they're focused on helping Jack out in the field.

The Signals Intelligence Analysts can intecept communications from any player to the mod, which sounds to me like it's a little bit better then a tracker. We definatly should always have both of those positions filled, I think.

If we've got 2 Signals Intellegence Analysts, and 1 Counterintellegence agent, and if it takes a player a full hour to decrypt messages, and there'll also be messages coming in from Jack in the field, we probably want to keep all 3 crypto positions filled.

So, at the moment, I'm thinking that we will always want to have at least 1 Counterintellegence Agent, 1 field agent, 2 signal intellegence analysts ,and 3 crypto analysts, which makes 7 people out of the 10 we'll have avalable. Those 7 out of our 10 positions seem to me to be the most important and should always be kept filled so long as we have enugh people left alive to fill them, unless we really need to help out Jack Bauer with some other ability. Some of the others sound interesting, as well, like the ability by the FBI lieason to "arrest" a player could be useful.
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Post Post #12 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:25 am

Post by CrashTextDummie »

Some thoughts on the set-up.

We should probably have a counterintelligent agent at all times. Since his investigations take longer than it takes the scum to kill, we also need a bodyguard on him at all times (if I understand that role correctly).

I agree that 2 cryptographers sounds about right.

Since only 1 liason can be operating at one time (again, if I understand correctly), I don't see any reason to assign more than 1 player at a time to this position. This is also the position we can assign more dubious players to, since it doesn't seem like there's room to backstab us here.

: Can a cryptography Analyst process as much intel as they get, or are there restrictions?

Right now, it seems to me like we should assign the following positions:

1 x Deputy Director
1 x Counterintelligence Agent
3 x Field Agent (one of them on bodyguard duty for the Counterintelligence Agent)
1 x liason
2 x cryptography analyst
2 x signals intelligence analyst

That's 10 positions.
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Post Post #13 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:27 am

Post by CrashTextDummie »

Oh sorry, missed that decryptions take one hour to process. Depending on the amount of intel, it might be better to fill all 3 positions there.
[i]Mgm laughed nervously, his cheeks flushing in the faintest of blushes. "Patrick... I only wanted to be with you... that's why I put the game to night, so Glork would get killed."[/i] - the heartwarming conclusion of Face to Face Mafia
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Post Post #14 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:28 am

Post by ChannelDelibird »

CTD, you're missing a position. Deputy Director is one of our essentials.
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Post Post #15 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:29 am

Post by Yosarian2 »

Actually, now that I take a better look, I think we'll always want an FBI liason, those abilites are just too important, especally as it looks like he might be some kind of information role with that 3rd ability.
Pooky wrote:The FBI is able to carry out a variety of operations on domestic soil including,

Arrest,(Can be used on Players)
Release,(Can be used on arrested players)
Information Extraction(Looking at a player's extensive personal history/expenses to figure out if they are likely to be compromised)
Storming Targets,
The other 4 liasons all sound like they have abilites more designed to help Jack then to help us catch the scum.
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Post Post #16 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:30 am

Post by CrashTextDummie »

I also suck at math.

My proposal would have all 12 players assigned positions.
[i]Mgm laughed nervously, his cheeks flushing in the faintest of blushes. "Patrick... I only wanted to be with you... that's why I put the game to night, so Glork would get killed."[/i] - the heartwarming conclusion of Face to Face Mafia
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Post Post #17 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:31 am

Post by Yosarian2 »

ChannelDelibird wrote:CTD, you're missing a position. Deputy Director is one of our essentials.
Actually, he's not; Director and Deputy Director are both manditory, so I think we're both just trying to figure out what's the best use for the other 10 people.
I want us to win just for Yos' inevitable rant alone. -CrashTextDummie
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Post Post #18 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:32 am

Post by ChannelDelibird »

Yeah, but he's included Deputy in his 10 positions.
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Post Post #19 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:32 am

Post by CrashTextDummie »

Yosarian2 wrote:
ChannelDelibird wrote:CTD, you're missing a position. Deputy Director is one of our essentials.
Actually, he's not; Director and Deputy Director are both manditory, so I think we're both just trying to figure out what's the best use for the other 10 people.
I forgot to count the Director. And with 1 more Crypto Analyst, I've filled 12 positions.
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Post Post #20 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:33 am

Post by Yosarian2 »

Eyceking wrote:I refuse to vote Yossarion or whatever on the basis that his name comes from that awful book "Catch-22", so I will
Vote: Guardian
because I hope he will guard us.
On another note, I'm not sure I see how random votes for director are really going to be helpful right now; usually random votes are mostly to try to get a reaction or whatever and I don't see how that really applies here.
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Post Post #21 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:34 am

Post by Yosarian2 »

CTD: Ok; the only big difference between my list and yours is that you are assuming 3 field agents, while I was thinking that 1 or perhaps 2 to protect the counterintellegence agent might be enough.
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Post Post #22 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:39 am

Post by CrashTextDummie »

Some more thoughts:

It seems to me like field agents, liasons and, to a lesser extent, director and deputy director are the only roles that are not prone to be abused if filled by scum.

I'd be inclined to assign the most sketchy players to the field and as liasons, while having the players with the best grasp of the game to fill the two directors posts.
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Post Post #23 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:46 am

Post by CrashTextDummie »

Yosarian2 wrote:CTD: Ok; the only big difference between my list and yours is that you are assuming 3 field agents, while I was thinking that 1 or perhaps 2 to protect the counterintellegence agent might be enough.
Seeing as Field Agents seem to be completely transparent in their work, I don't see any reason to let players do nothing when they could fill positions there instead.
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Post Post #24 (ISO) » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:58 am

Post by Yosarian2 »

CrashTextDummie wrote:
Yosarian2 wrote:CTD: Ok; the only big difference between my list and yours is that you are assuming 3 field agents, while I was thinking that 1 or perhaps 2 to protect the counterintellegence agent might be enough.
Seeing as Field Agents seem to be completely transparent in their work, I don't see any reason to let players do nothing when they could fill positions there instead.
They're transparent in their work? I don't know about that, some of that "assasination" ect stuff might let the scum hurt Jack Bower if they're field agents.

I agree that we probably don't want people doing nothing, though. I'd be tempted to make someone who seems scummy or lurky/useless Deputy Director, as that's basically the most useless position and it's one we have to fill, and then just have field agenets protect the director so the deputy never takes over. Might be dangerous though.
I want us to win just for Yos' inevitable rant alone. -CrashTextDummie