Ms Piggy
Metatron, Lynched Day 4, Riku, SK
YagamiLight , Killed Night 3, Goofy, Town
Ryan, Modkilled day 3, Oogie Boogie, Scum
Spambot, Killed Night 2, TinkerBell, Town
Haschel Cedricson, Killed Night 2, Kairi, Town
Atticus, Lynched day 2, Mushu, Town
Albert B. Rampage, Modkilled day 1, Hades, Scum
- Please be sure to bold your votes and unvotes or they may not be counted.
- Standard form of voting is Vote: Nanook
- Standard form of unvoting is Unvote: Nanook, I however do not push the issue of the name being included in an unvote, however I do applaud it.
- Quoting a private message that I have sent to you.
- Communicating with another player outside of the thread during the game's day, as well as doing so outside of your role's restrictions. (Basically if your role pm doesn't say that you can communicate outside of the game, don't)
- Continuous bashing of another player. This could be in use of profanity towards another player or anything that obviously another player doesn't appreciate vulgar wise. Just respect everyone as you would want to be respected.
- Once you're dead, whether by lynch or night kill, you're dead. There is to be no more posting in the thread unless of course you want to say something along the lines of bah, go town, go scum, etc. Nothing that could relay more info then what the town already knows.
- In order for a no lynch to be reached a majority of the votes must be cast. No lynch will result in no one being lynched (obviously) and the game going straight to night.
- Pretty much self-explanatory one would hope ...