We are part of the Lord Eliwood and Hector's army. You are on a mission to save the world. The evil Lord Nergal is preparing to open the an interworld gate, and unleash dragons upon this world. He will steal their quintessence, and become all powerful. Only this army can stop him and his evil inhuman morphs.
There have been a small group of us chosen for this final battle. We are the elite. No chance we can be defeated in battle. One night away, Nils, the camp seer and bard, suddenly stops in the final preparations.
"Everyone! There is evil in the camp! They are among us! Traitors, the scum! Nergal is attempting to destroy us within, and it is within..... this group!" he shouts, pointing wildly at your group.
I, Raven, have been chosen to oversee the comings and goings of this session. Some of you are morphs, and have kidnapped our friends, and hidden them away. We can only find them if we kill you all, and Nils is satisfied all evil is gone. Your weapons have been given to Merlinus to keep, and when you reach a majority, I will strike one of you down.
Your mob has been formed. Somebody will be lynched. I have informed the tactician.