The latest advance in Air Combat is the "asymmetric flight", a section of mixed aircraft flying and fighting together, different jets and different countries, using each advantage to cover for another's strengths. This type of warfare requires that every member there think of the team before themselves, and accept the limitations of their teammates.
Of course, this wouldn't be a fun mafia game if a statistically appropriate number of you didn't decide to think of themselves first (for their own, very good, reasons of course).
Stolen boldly from Agar, who stole them from me, who lost them in the crash after stealing them from Crub who stole them from Meme, I think? Modified as required.
[01] Votes must be in bold. If you do not bold your vote, it will not be counted. To vote: VOTE: Oman To Unvote UNVOTE: or UNVOTE: Oman. The site has vote tags which you can use. Please also make votes easily noticeable, preferably give them their own line.
[02] Unvotes are a nice courtesy, but not required to change votes.
[03] Lynching will require a simple majority of votes. Once a player has reached the necessary majority, their pleas are useless and any attempts to unvote will be unheeded. All players may talk in twilight: the period between the hammer and me locking the thread. If the day ends without a majority, no one will be lynched.
[04] You may VOTE: no lynch. Majority votes of this kind are necessary to end the day without a death.
[05] Deadlines for this game will be 2 weeks. Extensions may be given in extenuating circumstances, but the deadline will never be shortened unless a majority is reached.
[07] Do not discuss this game outside the thread unless your role states it. No-one may post in the thread when I declare it night (In case I don't lock it).
[08] Once your death scene has been posted, you’re dead. Stop typing. Not even a “Bah!” post. Just, just stop. Fingers off the keys. You're no longer breathing. Save it for after the game is over. I would love to hear from you after the game, just not when you could affect it.
[09] No small or invisible text. Don’t edit/delete previously submitted posts either. This also includes any forms of adding encrypted text.
[10] Don’t quote any PMs from me or other players. If you do, I will cast Summon Nature's Modkill V on you.
[11] Nights will last 72 hours. You have within this time frame to send me any night actions you may or may not have.
[12] If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period, please post a notice to that effect in the thread or PM me. Treat this game as a commitment. Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging. You will be prodded after 48 hours of inactivity. You will then have 24 hours to post. In the event that a third prod is needed, I will just force-replace you, no questions asked. This will earn you a spot on my personal blacklist.
[13] Unlike Agar, I am not fallible. However, reality sometimes is. If reality has conspired such that it appears I make a mistake, aside from votecounts, please notify me via PM and I will attempt to rectify it.
[14] There is no Rule 6
[16] Play to win this game. Do not use it to build a meta-game of yourself for other games, this game is an island. Also, all players must read their role PMs and understand their role before playing. If you have a question PM me.
[17] Remember, it’s a game and it’s supposed to be fun. Be nice to your fellow players (and your mod).
You want sample role PMs? WE GOT SAMPLE ROLE PMS!
Vanilla Townie: wrote:
They made a million of her, and she’s earned it. The MiG-23 FLOGGER that you pilot is a Russian made, third-generation, fighter jet. Although, that description would be better with a whole of sarcastic quotation marks.
The Russian “made”, “third-generation” fighter “jet” could zip around the battlefield…for about 12 minutes before its tiny fuel tank forced it to draw back on the throttle. The primitive radar that nestles in front of your feet can hardly support the worthless weapon load you have under your armpits. You’re a flying cannon, and that 23mm baby wouldn’t penetrate a tractor on a bad day. Also your single engine is a product of 1970s technology. Basically, if you’re not shot out of the sky, you’re going to fall.
Even worse, this tin can has been exported to damn near every country north of the equator, and as such it’s impossible to tell whose side one could be on. On the other hand, you’re part of a good crew, and they haven’t let you down yet. You are VANILLA and win with the TOWN.
Please reply with your aircraft name and your role name so that I can assure you’ve read this PM.
They say a good landing is one you walk away from. Check six.
Mafia Goon wrote:MiG-27 FLOGGER
Partners: [Hahah you wish I wrote this here]
Based on the vanilla MiG-23 FLOGGER, the 27 is a sweet ride, and one you’ve really come to love. However, when most of the pilots and governments preferred the Su-22, you took it INCREDIBLY personally.
The aircraft is sleek and well designed. With wings swept nothing can outrun you. With wings forward in fighter configuration….okay you’re trash. But your radar is better than those goody two-shoes MiG-23s, and even trashes the Su-22s!
You can probably get off one missile without getting caught, but you definitely can’t lose 2 at once without sticking out. You’ll have to take your chances and hope.
You are a GOON and during the night you can choose someone to KILL. Your team can additionally choose a member to KILL a target.
Please reply with your aircraft name, your partners and your role name so that I can assure you’ve read this PM.
They say a good landing is one you walk away from. Check six.
Disclaimer: I am an Air Combat Expert by trade. This game is fictional and does not represent any technical data of aircraft or their systems.