Mini 1603 - Air Combat Mafia - Game Over

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Mini 1603 - Air Combat Mafia - Game Over

Post Post #0 (isolation #0) » Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:55 am

Post by Oman »

Air Combat is the thinking man's war. Where Army punks are digging pits, Air Combat pros are planing. Where Navy jerks are sharing bunks, Air Combat pros are strategising. Where Marines are doing pushups, Air Combat pros are having sex with attractive people.

The latest advance in Air Combat is the "asymmetric flight", a section of mixed aircraft flying and fighting together, different jets and different countries, using each advantage to cover for another's strengths. This type of warfare requires that every member there think of the team before themselves, and accept the limitations of their teammates.

Of course, this wouldn't be a fun mafia game if a statistically appropriate number of you didn't decide to think of themselves first (for their own, very good, reasons of course).


Spoiler: Alive (bold denotes confirmed)
Anatole Kuragin


Spoiler: Dead
Town Bus Driver
- Lynched Day One
- MiG-23 FLOGGER -
Vanilla Town
- Killed Night One
- MiG-23 FLOGGER -
Vanilla Town
- Lynched Day Two
- MiG-27 FLOGGER -
Mafia Goon
- Lynched Day Three
Town Tracker
- Killed Night Three
(and kinda Porochaz) - MiG-23 FLOGGER -
Vanilla Town
- Lynched Day Four
Town Jailkeeper
- Killed Night Four
Mafia Roleblocker
- Lynched Day Five
- MiG-23 FLOGGER -
Vanilla Town
- Killed Night Five
- MiG-27 FLOGGER -
Mafia Goon
- Lynched Day Six

Game Status



Stolen boldly from Agar, who stole them from me, who lost them in the crash after stealing them from Crub who stole them from Meme, I think? Modified as required.

[01] Votes must be in bold. If you do not bold your vote, it will not be counted. To vote: VOTE: Oman To Unvote UNVOTE: or UNVOTE: Oman. The site has vote tags which you can use. Please also make votes easily noticeable, preferably give them their own line.
[02] Unvotes are a nice courtesy, but not required to change votes.
[03] Lynching will require a simple majority of votes. Once a player has reached the necessary majority, their pleas are useless and any attempts to unvote will be unheeded. All players may talk in twilight: the period between the hammer and me locking the thread. If the day ends without a majority, no one will be lynched.
[04] You may VOTE: no lynch. Majority votes of this kind are necessary to end the day without a death.
[05] Deadlines for this game will be 2 weeks. Extensions may be given in extenuating circumstances, but the deadline will never be shortened unless a majority is reached.
[07] Do not discuss this game outside the thread unless your role states it. No-one may post in the thread when I declare it night (In case I don't lock it).
[08] Once your death scene has been posted, you’re dead. Stop typing. Not even a “Bah!” post. Just, just stop. Fingers off the keys. You're no longer breathing. Save it for after the game is over. I would love to hear from you after the game, just not when you could affect it.
[09] No small or invisible text. Don’t edit/delete previously submitted posts either. This also includes any forms of adding encrypted text.
[10] Don’t quote any PMs from me or other players. If you do, I will cast Summon Nature's Modkill V on you.
[11] Nights will last 72 hours. You have within this time frame to send me any night actions you may or may not have.
[12] If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period, please post a notice to that effect in the thread or PM me. Treat this game as a commitment. Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging. You will be prodded after 48 hours of inactivity. You will then have 24 hours to post. In the event that a third prod is needed, I will just force-replace you, no questions asked. This will earn you a spot on my personal blacklist.
[13] Unlike Agar, I am not fallible. However, reality sometimes is. If reality has conspired such that it appears I make a mistake, aside from votecounts, please notify me via PM and I will attempt to rectify it.
[14] There is no Rule 6
Do not attempt to impersonate me, it will result in an ugly, lonely death. I can be forgiving, but do not test me.
[16] Play to win this game. Do not use it to build a meta-game of yourself for other games, this game is an island. Also, all players must read their role PMs and understand their role before playing. If you have a question PM me.
[17] Remember, it’s a game and it’s supposed to be fun. Be nice to your fellow players (and your mod).

You want sample role PMs? WE GOT SAMPLE ROLE PMS!

Vanilla Townie: wrote:


They made a million of her, and she’s earned it. The MiG-23 FLOGGER that you pilot is a Russian made, third-generation, fighter jet. Although, that description would be better with a whole of sarcastic quotation marks.
The Russian “made”, “third-generation” fighter “jet” could zip around the battlefield…for about 12 minutes before its tiny fuel tank forced it to draw back on the throttle. The primitive radar that nestles in front of your feet can hardly support the worthless weapon load you have under your armpits. You’re a flying cannon, and that 23mm baby wouldn’t penetrate a tractor on a bad day. Also your single engine is a product of 1970s technology. Basically, if you’re not shot out of the sky, you’re going to fall.

Even worse, this tin can has been exported to damn near every country north of the equator, and as such it’s impossible to tell whose side one could be on. On the other hand, you’re part of a good crew, and they haven’t let you down yet. You are VANILLA and win with the TOWN.

Please reply with your aircraft name and your role name so that I can assure you’ve read this PM.

They say a good landing is one you walk away from. Check six.

Mafia Goon wrote:MiG-27 FLOGGER
Partners: [Hahah you wish I wrote this here]
Based on the vanilla MiG-23 FLOGGER, the 27 is a sweet ride, and one you’ve really come to love. However, when most of the pilots and governments preferred the Su-22, you took it INCREDIBLY personally.

The aircraft is sleek and well designed. With wings swept nothing can outrun you. With wings forward in fighter configuration….okay you’re trash. But your radar is better than those goody two-shoes MiG-23s, and even trashes the Su-22s!

You can probably get off one missile without getting caught, but you definitely can’t lose 2 at once without sticking out. You’ll have to take your chances and hope.

You are a GOON and during the night you can choose someone to KILL. Your team can additionally choose a member to KILL a target.

Please reply with your aircraft name, your partners and your role name so that I can assure you’ve read this PM.

They say a good landing is one you walk away from. Check six.

Disclaimer: I am an Air Combat Expert by trade. This game is fictional and does not represent any technical data of aircraft or their systems.
Last edited by Oman on Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:30 pm, edited 27 times in total.
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Post Post #1 (isolation #1) » Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:25 pm

Post by Oman »

Day One begins.

The sunrise always comes earlier when you're at 30,000 feet. Sitting high above the empty landscape, you're conducting some morning training with your 11 teammates. Together you've been spearheading a formation of mixed aircraft types with pilots from all different countries, and learning how to fight with a single mind. The team has dispersed into the sky, covering hundreds of miles between you in your first attempt at solo long range engagements, when there is breakthrough on your common frequency.

Static buzzes either side of the message, it's clearly not meant for you "...wipe them out...". You sit higher in up, your G-suit pressing on your lungs and making it hard to breathe "...Can lock one up...maybe 2". The breakthrough is getting clearer. You can make out half-sentences, and more importantly, the malice in the voice. Suddenly the cockpit feels confining. The curved seat that used to feel like a comforting and secure hold feels like a prison. "We managed to U/S their RWR before launch." Your eyes drop to your radar warning receiver, the piece of equipment that is designed to tell you that you've been targeted by another aircraft. The only warning you'd have before a missile burst through your cockpit. Your stomach pits as you run the built-in test and it flashes FAIL.

"ZIPLIP, ZIPLIP!" A new voice appears and disappears. The silence is broken by the popping and static. "We're breaking through. They can hear us. This frequency isn't secure any more." Sentence fragments. The voice is agitated. Still too much interference to recognise it. "Ionosphere, probably. Try again when the sun's down and F-layer is thin."

You strain to hear more, even turning up your volume a little. Nothing comes through, and the hiss and pop disappears as the breakthrough frequency goes silent. You fly straight and level, and look out over your wingtips. No one next to you. You've always joked that your old wingman just got in your way, but what you wouldn't give to have him by your side right now. Someone transmits "Well...I'll assume you all heard that. We've got some hostiles in our midst. We've all got cannons, and a few have got missiles, and I'm planning to go down fighting. As much as it hurts me to say this, we're going to have to find these bastards and shoot them down."

You pass back your agreement over the radio and pull into a wide left turn to keep your position in the sky. You're not going to just get shot in the back by some traitor. You're gonna find those bastards, and you're gonna solve the problem the best way you know how: With 50 pounds of high-explosive fragmentation.

Night One in (expired on 2014-09-03 15:24:00)
Last edited by Oman on Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #194 (isolation #2) » Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:46 pm

Post by Oman »

Vote Count - D1 - 12A, 7L

Csareo (2*) - Flubbernugget, Anatole Kuragin
mykonian (2) - MattP, xRECKONERx
Anatole Kuragin (2) - farside22, Csareo
MattP (1) - Ki-Gi
Ki-Gi (1) - mykonian
Flubbernugget (1) - Belisarius

Not Voting (3) - MafiaSSK, T S O, Espressojet


xRECKONERx wrote:
Also I thought this was Top Gun Mafia when I signed up GODDAMMIT MONGOOOOOOOOOSE

Are you saying Mongoose instead of Goose? Cause that makes me really happy.

You guys are welcome to come up with cool fighter-piloty callsigns for yourselves/each other. For six years mine has been "Sid".
Some people I've worked with include: Muppet, Kinny, Dutchie, Cupcake, Shamwow, Dickson, Penguin, Woofe, They're usually more a dirty joke or a reference to a mistake they made than something cool like "Iceman", but go wild :)

Oh and for those wondering why I get called Sid:

Last edited by Oman on Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #198 (isolation #3) » Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:30 pm

Post by Oman »

My bad. That's what happens when someone has a two word name.
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Post Post #278 (isolation #4) » Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:29 pm

Post by Oman »

T S O has been prodded
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Post Post #405 (isolation #5) » Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:24 am

Post by Oman »

Vote Count - D1 - 12A, 7L

Flubbernugget (3) - Belisarius, MattP, MafiaSSK
mykonian (2) - Ki-Gi, Flubbernugget
T S O (2) - mykonian, Anatole Kuragin*
Espressojet (1*) - xRECKONERx,
Anatole Kuragin (1) - Csareo
Ki-Gi (1) - farside22

Not Voting (2) - T S O, Espressojet

* Edited

farside22 wrote:
Mod: note v/la

Thanks :D

MafiaSSK (2d21hr), Ki-Gi (4d11hr), Csareo (5d9hr) have all been prodded.

Current Deadline

(expired on 2014-09-03 15:24:00)
Last edited by Oman on Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #567 (isolation #6) » Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:16 am

Post by Oman »

Replacing Ki-Gi. if you know someone that's keen get them to PM me
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Post Post #619 (isolation #7) » Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:03 pm

Post by Oman »

vezokpiraka replaces Ki-Gi.

What a cool guy.
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Post Post #836 (isolation #8) » Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:25 am

Post by Oman »

You guys exploded over the weekend. I love it, it's so awesome. During my weekend I was away and then throwing up. We're now at 4am on Monday and I'm meant to be working this afternoon/night, so I'll get a post in in under 12 hours.

Love you all.

Oh and I haven't read context or anything so take this for what it is (a quick flash over and nothing more): Be civil, please. Kill each other kindly. These people you're playing with are actually pretty cool.
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Post Post #866 (isolation #9) » Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:49 pm

Post by Oman »

Vote Count - D1 - 12A, 7L

Espressojet (2) - Anatole Kuragin, MattP,
farside22 (2) - xRECKONERx, vezokpiraka,
Flubbernugget (1) - Belisarius,
mykonian (1) - Flubbernugget
T S O (1) - mykonian,
Anatole Kuragin (1) -Espressojet,
vezokpiraka (1) - Csareo,
xRECKONERx (1) - farside22,

Not Voting (2) - T S O, MafiaSSK,

Current Deadline

(expired on 2014-09-03 15:24:00)
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Post Post #882 (isolation #10) » Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:50 am

Post by Oman »

I'll do a VC before work (in about 12-14 hours). That'll be the last one you get before deadline, sorry.
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Post Post #927 (isolation #11) » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:44 pm

Post by Oman »

Vote Count - D1 - 12A, 7L

Espressojet (4) - Anatole Kuragin, Flubbernugget, MafiaSSK,
farside22 (2) - xRECKONERx, vezokpiraka,
Flubbernugget (2) - Belisarius, Espressojet,
T S O (2) - mykonian, MattP,
vezokpiraka (2) - Csareo, farside22,
MafiaSSK (1) - T S O,

Not Voting (0) - Nobody!

Current Deadline

(expired on 2014-09-03 15:24:00)

I'm out until almost deadline. Enjoy your day guys :)
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Post Post #1031 (isolation #12) » Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:33 pm

Post by Oman »

Vote Count - D1 - 12A, 7L

Espressojet (7) - Anatole Kuragin, Flubbernugget, MafiaSSK, vezokpiraka, Belisarius, xRECKONERx, mykonian,

T S O (2) - MattP, farside22,
Flubbernugget (1) - Espressojet,
vezokpiraka (1) - Csareo,
MafiaSSK (1) - T S O,

Not Voting (0) - Nobody!

Current Deadline

(expired on 2014-09-03 15:24:00)

MattP wrote:
MOD: Can we get a minor extension just so I can have your response to my question? I mean, I'm obviously limited by when I wake up tomorrow, but just wanted to check.

Sorry, mate. While I understand you'd like to be as informed as possible, the question simply didn't validate an extension. For extensions I'm talking about: site outages, mass replacements, mod v/la, stuff like that. I'll also note that it wouldn't be fair to insert that extension this late.

"Think I'll do it then." Mykonian's voice crackles over the radio. It's uncertain whether the crackling is from the static, or in his throat. "It's Espressojet."
You count the numbers on your hand, and count again. And again. Espressojet whimpers his plea but...the sun sets over the distant horizon. Looking to your left you can see the darkness creeping along your wing. You swing into a lazy right hand turn to extend your time in the fading sunlight.

"Myko, you don't ha-"
"I said I'll do it!" He shouts through the static, and takes deep drawing breaths from his oxygen mask. The rushing of air across his microphone gives a whisper to each big pause. "I said....Locked Two-Seven-Five. Thirty eight. Twenty three thousand feet...Master arm...on."

Espressojet looks down at his radar warning receiver. Nothing. He looks down at his position readout. Bang on. "You are locked my position. Locked friendly. Hold fire, man."

Mykonian's left index finger flitters across the multiple-function screen in his cockpit, checking that everything is working within the missile. His right thumb brushes over the fire button and flinches as if the button were red hot and poison. He draws his hand back from the stick, the aircraft's trim keeping him level. Bunching his fist a few times until the blood fills his flying gloves. He rips the glove from his hand and pops his mask from his face. A red ring is the only evidence of how hard it was jammed to his jawline, but even that is temporary as his regular tan returns to his face, perhaps just a little whiter than usual.

A few deep breaths without the artificially produced oxygen start to make Mykonian lightheaded, and though he welcomes the almost drunk feeling of relaxation, he returns his mask and switches the oxygen back on. Inside your cockpit the dead air across your radio is making you worry. You start to press your transmit button to ask if everything is okay, but before you can, you hear the distinct click of the silence ending, and you await the transmission.

"Hostile hostile. Fox Three." His voice lacks the excitement and adrenaline that usually comes with such a notification. Instead it is flat. Uncertain, but not unsure. Defeated, but not disappointed.

The missile streaks through the sky. If you could hear it from your cockpit you would hear the rushing of the rocket booster. You would hear the soft blips of the radar processor. You would hear the small explosion in the warhead. You would hear the metal rods inside expand outwards and snap at their ends. You would hear those rods tear into the soft skin of the aircraft. You would hear them tear into the softer skin of a pilot.

Giving Mykonian time to collect himself, another jet flies over the wreckage in the dirt. At this low altitude it's already night time, but the fire gives ample lighting for the observer.

"Bad news, Flight. Looks Korean. Definitely an F-15."

Espressojet - F-15K STRIKE EAGLE -
Town Bus Driver
has been lynched.

Night one.

Ends in 72hrs.

(expired on 2014-09-06 06:34:13)
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Post Post #1032 (isolation #13) » Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:37 am

Post by Oman »

You cut your nose up a few degrees, getting a few more thousand feet in the air to see if you can catch the sun coming over the horizon yet. Instead of the bright sun on your east side, instead you see a flash below you and to the west. Snapping your head across you watch the flash burn out as it falls from the sky.

You flick your thumb over the transmit button "Call in!" Counting the names off doesn't take long and before the end you can guess which names wont be there.

Of course, Esspressojet is missing. Of course. Also, you don't hear the deep voice of Belisarius.

Goddamn it. You've got to do something.

Belisarius - MiG 23 FLOGGER -
Vanilla Town
- Has been killed.


Deadline in TWO WEEKS from this post date.

Okay, this is a really important issue that needs to be addressed: I incorrectly posted a death scene for Esspressojet. It occurred, very simply, because I was unfamiliar with how Countdown tags actually work. It turns out they default to UTC-10 (for some fucking reason, Kison!) and not to board time. Which means that as it approached, I couldn't reconcile what time the deadline had expired compared to when posts had been made, and so I made the decision based off the same thing I've always tried to make decisions based on: Perceived intent. Here is the question I gave myself: "What does it look like Mykonian intended by his post? Did he believe it be a lynch, or not?" This isn't an alignment thing, this is about whether or not myko intended his post to be a hammer or not. And that isn't about what he
intended, but what it appears to the game, to the thread, to me.

Without an objective answer to whether or not myko's vote counted, I was forced to say that it would.

I have a lot of regret regarding Espressojet, most notably for ceasing his play experience even a second earlier than I should have, especially for a reason as stupid as a BBCODE tag not working intuitively.

To fix the problem I have two solutions moving forward: One is to cease the use of countdown tags, as they're not achieving the intent I need. The second is that the deadline will expire 2 weeks after the post time of THIS POST. Which gives me an "in my time-zone, in board-time" benchmark.

I understand the anger the town may have, that Espressojet has directed to me. I'll use it to keep improving my methods and my structure.
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Post Post #1055 (isolation #14) » Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:38 am

Post by Oman »

xRECKONERx wrote:Can we please continue lynching farside?

@MOD: You can plug in time zone changes to your countdown tags like so:

Code: Select all

[countdown]YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS -UTC[/countdown]

So, for example, plugging in -5.00 in the UTC spot would make the counter work with EST timezone. I don't know which time zone you're in but maybe this helps.

Maybe this does and maybe you are the best.

Honestly though, when I was first learning air combat my instructor said "so that's a good battle plan, what's plan A?" And I said "Sir? The tanker and jamming aircraft are plan A?" And he said something that stuck with me very day:
"Bullshit! Plan B is everything works out fine. Plan A is your tanker breaks, your jammers fail, and everything has gone to shit."

I didn't have a contingency plan, I paid for it. Gonna try those tags now thanks reck.
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Post Post #1214 (isolation #15) » Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:21 am

Post by Oman »

D2 - 10A - 6L

Csareo (3) - Anatole Kuragin, MafiaSSK, vezokpiraka,
vezokpiraka (3) - Csareo, T S O, farside22,
MattP (1) - mykonian
Farside22 (1) - xRECKONERx,

Not Voting (2) - Flubbernugget, MattP,

Current Deadline

(expired on 2014-09-21 01:37:00)

Prodding Flubbernugget
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Post Post #1355 (isolation #16) » Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:50 pm

Post by Oman »

D2 - 10A - 6L

vezokpiraka (6) - Csareo, farside22, MafiaSSK, MattP, T S O, xRECKONERx,
Csareo (1) - vezokpiraka,
T S O (1) - Anatole Kuragin,
XRECKONERx (1) - Flubbernugget,
MattP (1) - mykonian,

Not Voting (0) - Nil

White on black is incredibly distinct picture. It's one you're familiar with, and it has a strange comfort feel to look at the distorted shapes through your infrared pod. You slew the camera around and listen to the radio chatter, pointing the camera at this aircraft or that one. The nose of each plane only just stands out against air warmed by the late afternoon sun. The tails, however, are a bright white, especially the rounded engine nozzles. You're good at this kind of stuff, and if you flick over to "black hot", right in the instant of high contrast...yes. There. You can see the little notches which allow the nozzle to open up when it goes to full afterburner.

Taking your eyes from the screen and looking out your cockpit reminds you that the world has colour. It also brings you back to the conversation on the radio.

"Here first, then SSK?" That sounds like a decision to you. The numbers should be about right. You check the paper pad that you have strapped to you knee. Somewhere between the doodles of maneouvres and quickly jotted ranges and heights you can see the list of names, six in total.

xRECKONERx was the last vote, and you think about what you know of him.Bookending his callsign with crosses is a douche move for sure, but he seemed like a decent guy. You only even shared one drink and you think that maybe he's gay, but it was St Patricks day and maybe he was just a little drunk...Not that it matters, to be honest, anyone could be out to get you up here, no matter how they seemed on the ground.

Flicking your multi-function display back over to IR gives you a great shot of Reck's jet, fuzzy with all the distance between you.

"Locked One-Four-Zero Forty five." These are the words that you hate, because you know what comes next.
"Yeah." Vezok replies. "You got me."
"Look, Vezok-" Another voice chimes in, apologetic and yet frustrated, but it quickly interrupted.
"Yes. Yes. You're sorry. I get it. Just...shut up. You've got a good lock, just take it."
Reck's sigh fills the airwaves, and you know the dread that is in both of their stomachs.

"Hostile. Hostile. Fox Fox."

Your IR camera picks up a blaze of white light from under Reck's wing. You wait for the second blaze before locking your camera to it. Your pod quickly slews to chase the two missiles that are burning through the air towards another slightly darker shape. They starburst into a brilliant white light, which engulfs your screen and destroys your contrast ratio for just a second. You flick over to black hot and watch the descending spot fall to earth. When it lands, the heat is so intense that even the hot desert sand is painted a cool white, and the blazing rubble of Vezok's jet is so hot that it almost disappears. A black hole in the earth.

You see another big flash of heat as another missile hits. MattP comes over your radio "uhh...I just wanted to make sure. Sorry. I'll check the markings."

Shaking your head, you wait for his report. " force, guys."

vezokpiraka - MiG 23 FLOGGER -
Vanilla Town
- Has been killed.

Night Two begins, and will end in 72 hours.

Current Deadline

(expired on 2014-09-18 09:50:00)
It's unfortunate that good oral sex excuses bad chemistry. - Korts
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Post Post #1356 (isolation #17) » Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:20 pm

Post by Oman »

I just got called in to work, and I've slept in.


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Post Post #1687 (isolation #18) » Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:57 pm

Post by Oman »

D3 - 9A - 5L

MafiaSSK (5) - T S O, Anatole Kuragin, farside22, MattP, xRECKONERx,

T S O (2) - Csareo, mykonian,

Not Voting (2) - MafiaSSK, Flubbernugget,

This lynch happens at 2020 on the 18th of September (UTC/GMT). I'll count the votes from here in for you guys, just because I love you and I'm paranoid that I've missed something.


MafiaSSK (5) - T S O, farside22, MattP, xRECKONERx, Csareo,

T S O (1) - mykonian,

Not Voting (3) - MafiaSSK, Flubbernugget, Anatole Kuragin,

Second hammer here

I want to approach the "very infrequent vote counts" that Reck mentioned because it's not the first time I've heard something about it. I want to point out that last night I went to bed at about This post. I didn't do a vote count because it was less than two pages from the start of the day. I woke up to 12 more pages. And resolved them.

I understand why people think I'm not active enough, even though I've posted within 48 hours in most cases, which is what I ask of you. Most of the time I've posted within 24 hours. However, these posts don't come in the middle of conversations as you'd be used to from previous games with Murican mods (or those in complementary timezones). I have other concepts on why this game is progressing the way that it is, but I'll save that for late. I do approve of the use of reaction gifs though :)

A missile streaks from the xRECKONERx's jet mid sentence. It lances through the air and hits the side of MafiaSSK's bird, it dings of the steel and falls from the sky.
"Uh...I left my master-arm on after my last shot and bumped the switch."
"Was...was that a dud missile?"
"Yeah, looked like a bad fuse. All zoom, no boom."
"Reck, c'mon."
"Yeah. Yeah. Master Arm off. Safe on."

Fucking rookies, man. Flying around with your safeties set incorrectly. This is jet pilot 101.

Csareo jumps on the radio "It's all right guys, I got him! Hostile, Hostile. Fox Three." A gap in the radio mimics your stunned silence. Minutes.
Csareo's jet has flown up towards SSKs, following his own long range missile's contrails. The missile sped forward well ahead of him, more than twice his speed, and impacted perfectly. SSK's wounded aircraft limped through the air, still in total silence, flying straight and level.

Casreo gets up beside him and tries to wave to SSK. He moves back and looks at the aircraft's markings, finally swinging forward again to see MafiaSSK giving him the bird. You know, the finger? He can see MafiaSSK flicking switches, attempting to offload all of his missiles on the teammates around him.

"GOT HIM GOT HIM FOX TWO!" The much quicker and lighter Infrared missile shoots out from under Csareo's wing, followed by a quick shout from his gun. MafiaSSK falls from the sky. Missiles thankfully unreleased, and the rest of the team luckily unhurt.

MafiaSSK - MiG 27 FLOGGER -
Mafia Goon
- Has been killed.

Night Three begins, and will end in 72 hours or before if I receive all actions early.

Current Deadline

(expired on 2014-09-22 12:00:00)
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Post Post #1688 (isolation #19) » Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:30 pm

Post by Oman »


These sexy things are deploying to the Middle East right now. I have the unenviable position of being the most current Air Combat jerk in Australia's Operational Headquarters, and also an Air Ops Officer as my primary job. I've been working constant 12+hr shifts (work, sleep, work, sleep) for a few days now, and while I'm at work I don't have any access to That's why this is about 24 hours late coming out of deadline. I'm writing this and then going straight to bed.

Morning comes. More wreckage. It's a familiar sight now, and you're kind of worried by how mechanical it's feeling. Call in your status, count the names on your hand (one short), realise the bright flash of light you saw in the night WAS a missile, find the smouldering remains of your friend, identify their aircraft. Rinse. Repeat. Pray you live. Pray that even if you do, you save enough of your friends that you're not empty inside. Maybe you should get a dog...Maybe you should start drinking.

This time it's your turn to scope the wreckage. Knowing that he's dead is one thing, actually flying down and trying to ID his jet is another. You feel sick as you pitch your aircraft down, in a way that you haven't felt since you first started learning manouvres in your home country.

"Single tail. Single Engine. This isn't a MiG."
"So, he's a baddie?"
"Sorry, not today."

Town Tracker
- Killed Night Three.

Day Four begins.

Current Deadline

(expired on 2014-10-07 11:30:00) Two weeks from now.
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Post Post #1781 (isolation #20) » Tue Sep 23, 2014 3:00 pm

Post by Oman »

D4 - 7A - 4L

Anatole Kuragin (3) - mykonian, Csareo, farside22,
Csareo (3) - xRECKONERx, T S O, Anatole Kuragin,

Not Voting (1) - Flubbernugget,

Prodding Flubbernugget.

Current Deadline

(expired on 2014-10-07 11:30:00)
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Post Post #1822 (isolation #21) » Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:38 pm

Post by Oman »

D4 - 7A - 4L

Csareo (3) - xRECKONERx, T S O, Anatole Kuragin,
Anatole Kuragin (2) - Csareo, farside22,
mykonian (1) - Flubbernugget,

Not Voting (1) - mykonian,

Current Deadline

(expired on 2014-10-07 11:30:00)
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Post Post #1878 (isolation #22) » Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:15 pm

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Called in to work on a day off...

Votecount to come this afternoon or something.
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Post Post #1881 (isolation #23) » Sat Sep 27, 2014 4:43 am

Post by Oman »

D4 - 7A - 4L

Csareo (3) - xRECKONERx, T S O, Anatole Kuragin,
Anatole Kuragin (3) - Csareo, farside22, mykonian,
mykonian (1) - Flubbernugget,

Not Voting (0) - Nil!

Current Deadline

(expired on 2014-10-07 11:30:00)
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Post Post #1904 (isolation #24) » Sat Sep 27, 2014 6:58 pm

Post by Oman »

Csareo wrote:For anyone who cares about theme...
Spoiler: McDonnell Douglas F15 Strike Eagle
The McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) F-15E Strike Eagle is an American all-weather multirole fighter, derived from the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle. The F-15E was designed in the 1980s for long-range, high speed interdiction without relying on escort or electronic warfare aircraft. United States Air Force (USAF) F-15E Strike Eagles can be distinguished from other U.S. Eagle variants by darker camouflage and conformal fuel tanks mounted along the engine intakes.
The Strike Eagle has been deployed for military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. During these operations the F-15E has carried out deep strikes against high-value targets, combat air patrols, and providing close air support for coalition troops. It has also seen action in later conflicts and has been exported to several countries.

Spoiler: F16 Fighting Falcon Block 52
The first Block 50/52 F-16 was delivered in late 1991; the aircraft are equipped with improved GPS/INS, and the aircraft can carry a further batch of advanced missiles: the AGM-88 HARM missile, JDAM, JSOW and WCMD.[6] Block 50 aircraft are powered by the F110-GE-129 while the Block 52 jets use the F100-PW-229.

Spoiler: F16 Fighting Falcon
The General Dynamics (now Lockheed Martin) F-16 Fighting Falcon is a single-engine multirole fighter aircraft originally developed by General Dynamics for the United States Air Force (USAF). Designed as an air superiority day fighter, it evolved into a successful all-weather multirole aircraft. Over 4,500 aircraft have been built since production was approved in 1976.[3] Although no longer being purchased by the U.S. Air Force, improved versions are still being built for export customers. In 1993, General Dynamics sold its aircraft manufacturing business to the Lockheed Corporation,[4] which in turn became part of Lockheed Martin after a 1995 merger with Martin Marietta.[5]

Spoiler: Mikoyan MiG-27 Flogger
The Mikoyan MiG-27 (Russian: Микоян МиГ-27; NATO reporting name "Flogger-D/J") is a variable-geometry ground-attack aircraft, originally built by the Mikoyan design bureau in the Soviet Union and later license-produced in India by Hindustan Aeronautics as the Bahadur ("Valiant"). It is based on the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 fighter aircraft, but optimized for air-to-ground attack. Unlike the MiG-23, the MiG-27 did not see widespread use outside Russia, as most countries opted for the MiG-23BN and Sukhoi Su-22 instead. It currently only remains in service with the Indian, Kazakh and Sri Lankan Air Forces in the ground attack role. All Russian and Ukrainian MiG-27s have been retired.

Spoiler: Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 Flogger
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 (Russian: Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-23; NATO reporting name: Flogger) is a variable-geometry fighter aircraft, designed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau in the Soviet Union. It is considered to belong to the Soviet third generation jet fighter category, along with similarly aged Soviet fighters such as the MiG-25 "Foxbat". It was the first attempt by the Soviet Union to design look-down/shoot-down radar and one of the first to be armed with beyond visual range missiles, and the first MiG production fighter aircraft to have intakes at the sides of the fuselage. Production started in 1970 and reached large numbers with over 5,000 aircraft built. Today the MiG-23 remains in limited service with various export customers.
The basic design was also used as the basis for the Mikoyan MiG-27, a dedicated ground-attack variant. Among many minor changes, the MiG-27 replaced the MiG-23's nose-mounted radar system with an optical panel holding a laser designator and a TV camera. Ground-attack variants of the MiG-23 were also produced, and these generally saw better export success, retaining more multi-mission capability.

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Post Post #1986 (isolation #25) » Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:04 am

Post by Oman »

Replacing T S O and Csareo now. I'm also ducking off to work so I won't get to do anything other than post the request for people until about 13 hours from now.

That's about all I can say, my hands are tied, except that these replacements are not alignment related, and you shouldn't use them to assess the two. Also due to the fact that I'm replacing such a large percentage of the game I'm going to stop the deadline ticking at this point. Feel free to continue playing though.

(except T S O and Csareo)
Last edited by Oman on Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #1988 (isolation #26) » Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:09 am

Post by Oman »

Thank you I am in a stupid crazy hurry trying to get this done before work. Apparently Csareo is already lynched too so now i need to quickly count.

You guys and your timing.
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Post Post #1991 (isolation #27) » Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:15 am

Post by Oman »

D4 - 7A - 4L

Csareo (5) - xRECKONERx, T S O, Anatole Kuragin, mykonian, farside22,
Anatole Kuragin (1) - Csareo,
mykonian (1) - Flubbernugget,

Not Voting (0) - Nil!

Csareo got hammered. I'm gonna be late for work.

Farside and Myko are both like "Fuck you, buddy!"

Casaro is like "Oh shit I'm dead"

Then he dies.

This flavour is fucking A-Grade, I don't know what else you want!

Csareo is dead. He's also town. And he's also force replaced. I'm replacing Porochaz into this spot just because I want to (I haven't told him so shhh).

Csareo/Porochaz - MiG-23 FLOGGER -
Vanilla Town
has been lynched.

Night Four.

Will last until I replace TSO. Still not alignment related.
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Post Post #1992 (isolation #28) » Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:17 am

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Micc replaces T S O. Giving him some extra time to catch up.
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Post Post #1993 (isolation #29) » Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:29 am

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Night will end 3 days from this post.
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Post Post #1994 (isolation #30) » Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:39 pm

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I'm probably going to shake this into day 12hrs from now.
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Post Post #1995 (isolation #31) » Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:13 pm

Post by Oman »

The desert is littered with carcasses of your fallen teammates. One cut off parachute is the only sign that anyone survived, and MafiaSSK probably didn't make it that far in the beating sun anyway. You reach for the water pack you have strapped to your seat. You check your fuel gauge. You run tests on every system in your jet. Time ticks by very slowly and the only action you can take is to ease right back on the throttle and lift your nose a little bit to save that precious gas.

You laugh to yourself when you think about the adages you were taught in pilot training: Nothing is as useless as the air above you, the speed you don't have, or the fuel you left in the tanker. You end up throttling up again just to climb a little higher, maybe better fuel burn, but honestly you just want to be away from the burning skeletons below you.

For some reason when it goes dark people just stop talking on their radios. There's sometimes a question, sometimes a cough. There was one joke but nobody laughed. You'd give anything to open up the fridge and have another "wet" debrief with you teammates and beers. You laugh to yourself again. You used to give anything to fly. Now you'd give anything to have your feet on the deck. The black and billowing smoke that can only come from burning carbon fibres reminds you that being on the ground might happen pretty quickly, and might not be as excellent as you think.

A voice crackles over the radio. "Falcon Two-Niner. I have five contacts in the training area. We've been looking for you guys!" You all scramble to explain the situation, stepping on each other's transmissions until the voice comes over again "Uhh Okay I think I get it. I've been sent to find out why you didn't come back. My callsign is Micc, I'm a new post-in."

You see the glorious sign of Micc's aircraft growing larger in the newly orange sky. A fighter shape, definitely, but with pods and knobs hanging off it in ways you wouldn't see on a fight. Holy shit! A Growler! An honest-to-God Growler! Sexy, powerful, flexible. This is the saviour that you really needed.

Then he explodes.

Dick move, Mafia. Dick move.

Town Jailkeeper
- Killed Night Four

Day Five starts, and if you ever needed a reason to hunt these guys down, killing the replacement is totally it!

D5 - 5A - 3L

Current Deadline

(expired on 2014-10-17 20:13:00)
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Post Post #2102 (isolation #32) » Sun Oct 05, 2014 4:58 pm

Post by Oman »

I don't really think I should be giving two adults a fucking time out in a mafia game, but Reck and farside need to start treating each other with the respect you deserve. You're people, alive on the other side of the internet, and I like you both. You shouldn't be treating each other like you're monsters.

I'm talking to farside about an alternative to replacing, but my alternative is that you both chill your fucking heels.

Take a step back, take a day off, and really think about how your words affect another person. I don't care if this is a strategy, or this is how you find scum, or this is how you look town, or this is how you don't get targeted by others. I don't care. I care about how people feel, and how much I hurt others. And neither of you care about that right now. You're both just fighting, and the fight begets more fight inside you. Because the other person is wrong or the worst or whatever. Think about the impact you're making on another person's game, and on their life, and think about how much you want that to be how people remember you.

There's no excuse for treating another person the way you have been, both of you. So stop acting like you're right and the other is wrong. Because you're not.
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Post Post #2107 (isolation #33) » Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:11 pm

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Working on it.
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Post Post #2120 (isolation #34) » Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:12 am

Post by Oman »

GreyIce replaces farside22

D5 - 5A - 3L

Anatole Kurigan (1): Mykonian
Mykonian (1): Anatole Kurigan

Yup yuuuup
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Post Post #2165 (isolation #35) » Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:12 am

Post by Oman »

GreyICE wrote:Wow, the sample role PM doesn't even say.

Oman, do scum have daytalk?

The role PM doesn't say they don't have magical wizard powers either...some things are just the default, man.






I will not hesitate to replace you right the fuck out again if you don't settle down. I already lost one player for this shit.
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Post Post #2255 (isolation #36) » Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:34 am

Post by Oman »

Heard there was a lynch. Visiting my cancerous grandfather today. I'll be home in 8 hours or so, so I'll let the thread run until I can validate and lynch. Thanks for bearing with me while I'm on my phone.
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Post Post #2257 (isolation #37) » Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:38 am

Post by Oman »

GreyICE wrote:Except Farside is town, and if you're town we're going to have words after the game. Fuck, if you're scum, there will probably be words. Double fuck, if farside was scum, we'd STILL have words. The way you bully people on this site is truly over the line. Other people go off on rants, but you spend days just insulting people. Days.

I don't know what you think bullying is, but saying "meet me at the bike rack after school and we'll have words" is what defines being a bully.

If you have a problem with Reck come to me. If you have a problem with me go to list mods. Don't threaten to earbash another player after the game.
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Post Post #2258 (isolation #38) » Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:39 am

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Thanks Grey. Got a chance to check the thread. Fucking hard on a phone. Locking thread. Death scene to come.
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Post Post #2259 (isolation #39) » Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:59 am

Post by Oman »

D5 - 5A - 3L

Mykonian (3): xRECKONERx, Grey Ice, Anatole Kurigan

Mykonian has been cruising alongside your left wing for a while. You can see him looking into the cockpit, indicating his water bottle. Just checking on other people, being a leader. Then he breaks away and flies alongside someone else. You mutter a thanks to his tail as he slices through the thin air into the distance. It's important to have guys like that, but it's dangerous to trust them. As his aircraft almost totally disappears the results of the vote comes through and you immediately cut away so you don't have to see what's going to happen next. It takes time, though, and half way through the turn you see the telltale streak of death at three times the speed of sound. The aircraft explodes and you keep turning. You don't even care any more, not really. Even if you find whoever wanted you dead, there's only going to be a couple of you left.

You look at the pads of paper strapped to your leg, what would have shown the evasive manoeuvres you flew, or tips you were given, or questions to ask instead just holds bored doodles. Flicking past all the fresh paper to the back you can see an old name tag that you wore on your training flight suit. God, it must've been 6 years ago now. The first time you were given this nametag, to celebrate the newly minted callsign they gave you. You laugh thinking about it and run your fingers over the embroidered text: "DRAGON". You can remember the name-giving ceremony. You can remember the person standing on a table telling the much embellished story. You can remember the laughs. You can remember standing on the table next to your friend and giving the only answer you were allowed to "Hello, I'm a pilot, and my name is Dragon."

They slapped the nametag on your chest and it stayed there for 5 years until you got this multinational gig. They gave you a new nametag, one with your real name so you could represent your country professionally, but you never forgot who you were back then. You slide the old nametag out from the plastic sleeve that holds it and rip your current one from your chest. They swap positions and the velcro holds as good as new. If you're going to die, it's going to be in the jet you love, with your name on your chest and memories of your friends to keep you company.

You've been in your head for too long when you notice another flare in the distance, someone trying to beat a missile they've spotted approaching them. That's the sad fact about these missiles though, if you can see it, you're already dead, you just don't know it. You look at the remaining missile on your wing, thumb your radio, and get yourself ready to start anew. Live or die, some little piece of you is gone, but maybe you can save the rest.

Mykonian - EA-6B PROWLER -
Mafia Roleblocker
- Lynched Day Five
Flubbernugget - MiG-23 FLOGGER -
Vanilla Town
- Killed Night Five


D6 - 3A - 2L

I'll check often, but remember that I'll prob be asleep when you do lynch.
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Post Post #2362 (isolation #40) » Wed Oct 08, 2014 2:28 pm

Post by Oman »

It's not resgination that you feel when that last missile leaves your wing, and not joy when you see the jet explode, and not relief when you sweep down and identify it...but it's close.

Anatole and Grey both pull away from the wreckage and look into each other's cockpit. There's a nod, but no smile. Their wings slide across the warm air as they head past what was left of their teammates and return to their home airfield. I don't know what they'll do when they land, but I think they'll both (contrary to every instinct they've ever had) take some time out from the cockpit.

Mafia Goon
- Lynched Day Six


Elephant in the room: I was forced to replace Csareo and T S O apparently because of discussing ongoing games. T S O hasn't been banned so I assume he was an innocent party in it. Csareo has been banned well timed lynch, dudes.

Wow, okay, an interesting game. I'm going to be happy with the balance of the game, that even though town lynched a power role day one, we still ended up with a 2:1 LYLO. The things that I wasn't proud of though was how I handled hostility in this game.

Besides the obvious, which is that I'm disappointed farside needed to replace out, I honestly believe the "lost" feeling that MANY townies reported to me was based on people being really verbally hostile to each other for not a lot of reason. Loud, aggressive, townies hide scum. That's just kind of how that happens. If you look back over Day One, Myko is kind of invisible for the whole thing beacuse of how hard everyone is at each other's throats. I think that is what drove what Flubber is talking about above.

Grey replacing in and breaking the game open really sucks for Reck. Really sucks. Really really sucks. Especially because of what drove farside's replace out. I disagree that MafiaSSK sunk the team. He didn't tie either of you to him which was pretty unexpected to be honest.

I was a lot more heavy handed (as promises) with Reck and Grey after farside's replace, and I would've liked to have done that from the start (looking back with all them hindsights).

I'll address the activity problems from me, in so far as I had some complaints leveled against my activity in the game. I've already kind of addressed that I was incredibly busy with work, although I still maintained a post every 48hrs (where it was required), and checked the thread every 24. Which is more than I ever asked of you as players. I've also mentioned that timezones exist, and that you guys tend to be the most active at about 3am my time, and on a work day I don't have time before work. This means that if you guys go nuts on your posts, I wont see it for 18 hours or so. That's...thems just facts, and you guys need to understand that as a consideration of the game. Not that I have a problem with getting PMs and stuff saying "There's been a lynch", I think that's incredibly helpful, and I appreciate your help, but when listmods start asking me about my activity because of multiple complaints...I dunno. I gave you guys what I could, if that's not enough for you, don't play games by employed Aussies.

Thanks for a solid run. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope you guys let me know of any issues or concerns that you have, or anything that worked well for you.

ADMIN TO FOLLOW Mafia Quicktopic.

The rest is basic mafia, gents.

Belisarius Vanilla
Ki-Gi Vanilla
Anatole Kuragin Vanilla
T S O Jail keeper
Espressojet Bus Driver
Csareo Vanilla
Flubbernugget Vanilla
farside22 Vanilla
MattP Tracker

MafiaSSK MAF Goon
mykonian MAF Roleblocker

Role PMs

TOWNIE (x6) – Belisarius, Ki-Gi, Anatole Kurigan, Csareo, Flubbernugget, farside22
They made a million of her, and she’s earned it. The MiG-23 FLOGGER that you pilot is a Russian made, third-generation, fighter jet. Although, that description would be better with a whole of sarcastic quotation marks.
The Russian “made”, “third-generation” fighter “jet” could zip around the battlefield…for about 12 minutes before its tiny fuel tank forced it to draw back on the throttle. The primitive radar that nestles in front of your feet can hardly support the worthless weapon load you have under your armpits. You’re a flying cannon, and that 23mm baby wouldn’t penetrate a tractor on a bad day. Also your single engine is a product of 1970s technology. Basically, if you’re not shot out of the sky, you’re going to fall.
Even worse, this tin can has been exported to damn near every country north of the equator, and as such it’s impossible to tell whose side one could be on. On the other hand, you’re part of a good crew, and they haven’t let you down yet. You are VANILLA and win with the TOWN.
Please reply with your aircraft name and your role name so that I can assure you’ve read this PM.
They say a good landing is one you walk away from. Check six.

Jail Keeper – T S O
Say what you will about the Super Hornet (It’s a stop-gap product that sacrifices innovation for reliability. It’s built in the late 2000s using 1980s technology. Put enough fuel on the wings to do a decent flight and she’s a flying snail. It’s flown by Navy jerks.), you can’t help but love her. When you’re in the Ward Room or the O’s Club, you’re raving about either the incredible alpha that you can pull, or the ALQ-99 Jamming Pods.
Those jamming pods will just shut down a battlefield. The reliance on airborne radar has meant that you hold the key to who can target, and who is a high-speed cheerleader. When switched to a noise jamming mode, you will blanket a jet in so much energy, that you’re lucky if the pilot doesn’t get cancer.
You are a JAILKEEPER and during the night phase you can choose a target to both PROTECT and ROLEBLOCK. You win with the TOWN.
They say a good landing is one you walk away from. Check six.

Please reply with your aircraft name and your role name so that I can assure you’ve read this PM.

Bus Driver – Espressojet
It’s nothing personal, but F-15s give this moderator a raging erection. They’re gorgeous, they’re efficient, and they define multirole. The Republic of Korea (AKA Nice Korea) took one of the most attractive, best performing aircraft of the 2010s and decided to make it better. Precision bombers changed the tide of WWII, and this jet will change the tide of any war it’s in.
Sitting next to your left arm is a deception jamming suite that isn’t found in the standard F-15 and you’re keen to try it out. Deception Jamming gives you the advantage to not just drop a missile out of the sky, but to confuse the enemy radar into seeing what you want it to see, and sending that missile where you want it to go. Where other jammers are noisy and force the enemies to hold their fire and waste time, your goal is to let them fire, then waste their time and their missile. With this jammer employed to the best of your expertise, the enemy won’t even know you’re there are you have them targeting whoever you want.
You are a BUS DRIVER and during the night phase you can choose two targets to SWAP. You win with the TOWN.
Please reply with your aircraft name and your role name so that I can assure you’ve read this PM.
They say a good landing is one you walk away from. Check six.

Tracker – MattP
What do you get when you take an almost useless air superiority daytime fighter and give it to the Republic of Singapore? You get the F-16 52+, one of the most surprisingly amazing jets in the air. And you’re in one.
The Block 52+ upgrade gave the F-16 more than just a badass sounding naming, it also received enough upgrades to make it a dominant force in the beyond-visual-range arena, meaning it can fight at the ranges of 50+ miles before closing to turn-and-burn in a dogfight tighter than most. Of course, there are old pilots, and there bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots, and you have no intention of disproving that rule. You’ll stay at range and use your AWESOME radar to watch those gung-ho MAVERICK types kill each other.
You are a TRACKER and during the night phase you can choose a target to TRACK. You win with the TOWN.
Please reply with your aircraft name and your role name so that I can assure you’ve read this PM.
They say a good landing is one you walk away from. Check six.

Roleblocker - mykonian
Partners: xRECKONERx and MafiaSSK
With an airframe that’s been in service for almost 60 years, the EA-6B Prowler is a hell of a jet. Although, when I say “jet”, I mean stumpy little bucket that somehow flies. The others are right when they say you’re looking funny, but you’re not going to take it anymore. You’ve found a safe frequency to talk to 2 of your co-conspirators and you’re going to use that to take the others down.
The Prowler is an electronic warfare specialist, and when I say specialist, I mean “redefined the role” specialist. I mean “throw out the manual” specialist. I mean “they will write books with my name in the title” specialist. You can isolate an aircraft and blank it out with your series of pods so heavily that the enemy pilot won’t be able to think of anything but the radio waves you’re pushing into his skull.
You are a ROLEBLOCKER and during the night you can choose someone to ROLEBLOCK. You win with the MAFIA. Your team can additionally choose a member to KILL a target.
If you are the last alive you cannot both ROLEBLOCK and KILL.
Please reply with your aircraft name, your partners and your role name so that I can assure you’ve read this PM.
They say a good landing is one you walk away from. Check six.

Partners: xRECKONERx and MafiaSSK and ROLEBLOCKER mykonian
Based on the vanilla MiG-23 FLOGGER, the 27 is a sweet ride, and one you’ve really come to love. However, when most of the pilots and governments preferred the Su-22, you took it INCREDIBLY personally.
The aircraft is sleek and well designed. With wings swept nothing can outrun you. With wings forward in fighter configuration….okay you’re trash. But your radar is better than those goody two-shoes MiG-23s, and even trashes the Su-22s!
You can probably get off one missile without getting caught, but you definitely can’t lose 2 at once without sticking out. You’ll have to take your chances and hope.
You are a GOON and during the night you can choose someone to KILL. Your team can additionally choose a member to KILL a target.
Please reply with your aircraft name, your partners and your role name so that I can assure you’ve read this PM.
They say a good landing is one you walk away from. Check six.
It's unfortunate that good oral sex excuses bad chemistry. - Korts
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NK Immune Miller Vig
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NK Immune Miller Vig
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Post Post #2366 (isolation #41) » Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:27 pm

Post by Oman »

I didn't make a dead thread. Been a long time since I modded and those were only just coming into fashion when I took the break.

So um...All the dead guys...were dead :P
It's unfortunate that good oral sex excuses bad chemistry. - Korts
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NK Immune Miller Vig
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NK Immune Miller Vig
NK Immune Miller Vig
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Post Post #2375 (isolation #42) » Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:27 pm

Post by Oman »

Micc is honestly the best of dudes for what he did in this game.


Originally it wasn't going to be a problem but myko changed his block so if Micc has JK'd Reck he would have lived!
It's unfortunate that good oral sex excuses bad chemistry. - Korts