Mini Theme Game Queue
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- Gloria Cleary
Gloria Cleary Mafia Scum
- Gloria Cleary
- Gloria Cleary
Gloria Cleary
- Gloria Cleary
Gloria Cleary Mafia Scum
- Gloria Cleary
- Mafia Scum
- Mafia Scum
- Posts: 2369
- Joined: October 11, 2020
lmfaooooIn post 8308, Nero Cain wrote:Game Name:Bears with Guns
Flavor/Mechanics:Set in the future the bears have taken over yellowstone and they have guns.
Your Experience:
Current Modding Commitments:none
Reviewed By:just hectic so far
Back-Up or Co-Mod:hectic
Number of Players:13
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics?no
Have a pre-in frm DGB- Gloria Cleary
Gloria Cleary Mafia Scum
- Gloria Cleary
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- Gloria Cleary