As a note, these are pretty standard, stolen mostly from Bluesoul, and then modified with the exception of
#4, #9, and #12-14. Please read them, as they are not only important, but will define your experience in this game.
1.) Have fun. This is not an option.
2.) The mod is always right. Always. Yes, even then. However, if you think there’s some confusion, and it absolutely can’t wait until the end of the game, send me a PM; do not break my game because you died when you didn’t think you should’ve.
3.) Days will continue until I say so.
4.) If a deadline passes without a player or No Lynch receiving a majority of the votes, the day will end in a manner decided by my whim.
5.) Voting must be done in the format Vote: Shea. Don't worry about unvoting, I don't care.
6.) I will post a vote count every now and then. I am not infallible in this aspect (”But Sir, didn’t you say-- *cough, choke, shudder, die*”) and if you think the vote count is off, say so and I will double check it.
7.) Do NOT quote your role PMs, OR any other form of communication from me unless it is something I have already posted on this thread. Or I have given you permission to do so. This is a modkillable offense.
8.) Do not discuss the game outside of the game thread unless your role allows you to, in which case you may only do it during the specified times with the specified players. This is a modkillable offense.
9.) All mod communication is banned from the thread. If you have a question; PM me. If you want to request a vote count; PM me. If you want to request a deadline extension; PM me. If you want to communicate with me in any way at all then you MUST PM me, and DO NOT POST IT IN THE THREAD THAT YOU HAVE DONE SO. The mod is in a game of mafia only insofar as he runs the game. I will not add "modwifom" to one of the elements of the game you have to worry about. Depending on how bad your offense, and how far into the game it is, this is a modkillable offense.
10.) You’re required to post regularly. I prod after 3 days of inactivity and replace after 2 days of no response to the prod. This rule is flexible if you PM me in advance. Please be mindful, I will not be checking the V/LA thread regularly. That's not my job. If you have posted there, I expect you to send me a PM as well.
11.) Once you’re dead, you’re no longer subject to the previous rule. As a matter of fact, once you’re dead, stop posting. I will permit one simple “bah” post and nothing more.
12) My no-lynch policy (stolen from coron): No lynch only requires there to be enough people voting it that the remaining group could not successfully lynch. For example, with 12 alive, it would be 7 to lynch but only 6 to no lynch because the remaining 6 could not lynch, and with 11 it would be 6 to lynch and 6 to no lynch.
13) At the beginning of each day, I will give you the last of a list of new rules for that day. So for instance, if on day 3, there are 5 new rules, you will get the 5th one. This lets the town know how many rules there are for the day. Rules may continue, or stop at the end of each day. You may test this at your own peril.
14) Whenever a rule is broken, I will post in the thread to that effect. I may not tell you what the infraction was, but I will always tell you that some sort of rule has been broken. The punishment may or may not be apparent, but every broken rule will be punished in some way.
Day 1
5) You may not make reference to wifom
Day Two:
3) Posting in Rhyme will gain you bonus points today.