RULES [ish stolen from Mr. Flay]
{1} If you don't have fun I'll replace you. Promise.
{2} Please bold your votes. That means like this:
vote: babyjesus
{3} Unvoting IS NECESSARY to change your vote. Please say
or I will not register you have changed your vote.
{4} I own red bold text. If you post in red bold text, I'll change it to something stupid like hot pink, and then you'll be sorry.
{5} A simple majority of votes will lynch a person. Once a person has been lynched, unvoting will not save them. Also, during the twilight before the kill scene is posted, talking in-thread is allowed as long as the thread is not closed.
{6} If you die, you're deadified. Don't talk. If you even make a "bah" post I'll BL you.
{7} Do not talk to any other player outside fo the thread unless you role specifically states you may, and even then only at the times permitted.
{8} Do not quote any PMs you receive from me. Also, do not attempt to present a post that looks like a quote. This refers to flavor and role information. You'll be modkilled.
{9} Please treat this game as a commitment. If you're going to be away for 48 hours or more, post in V/LA, PM me, and post in-thread please.
{10} Get your nightchoices in before the deadline or you will act as though you targetted no one/had no action.
{11} In the event of a day deadline, no one will be lynched upon the deadline unless a majority is reached beforehand. Deadlines will be imposed in the event of poor conversation and may be retracted as I see fit.
{12} If you have an issue, please keep it to the PMs. If I'm an ass to you in-thread, feel free to flame me in-thread, but any other issues are best kept out of the game.
{13} Twilight is defined as the time between someone is given the lynching vote and the time the lynch scene is posted. The game status will be checked at approximately midnight EST each night. Players are free to talk in thread, but removing a vote from a player will not save them.