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Level Up 2 - Finished

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 11:22 am
by Ircher
Welcome to Level Up 2: Dice-Rolling Fighting Game. For those of you who were around last summer, you may remember this thread. Well, this game is very similar to the last one, but I've made some changes that should help address some of the concerns from the last game. For both returning and new players, the game description and basic rules follow.

To reach as high of a level as you can without perishing. (But to do so requires working with other people. You cannot do it by yourself.)

  1. You may join at any time by posting /in.
  2. To gain levels, you must gain experience. To gain experience, you must kill monsters.
  3. To kill monsters, you must use the dice tag in accordance with the next section. If there are multiple monsters, you must indicate which monster you are attacking unless I specify otherwise.
  4. As you gain levels, you may gain new ways to play.
  5. (New from last time:)
    In general, you may
    not change your action
    after posting it. This is moreso for my sake as certain abilities are order-dependent, and thus, changing your action may cause issues.
    That said, you
    may freely change your target(s)
    as that is generally not going to change anything.
    See next rule.
  6. (New from last time:)
    Each time you change your target, you will receive a -1 penalty on your roll.
  7. (New from last time:)
    Unless otherwise specified, players may perform
    only one action per player per round
    . There are very few exceptions to this rule; it is important to note that
    initiative-granting actions do not bypass this rule.

  8. (New from last time:)
    If you have not posted in the thread within the past four days, I may send you a PM to remind you that the game exists.
    You are not required to act every day; however, you are encouraged to be active to keep the game going.
    If you do not wish to receive these PM's, you may /out of the game. You will become a Retired Player, but you will keep all of your stats in case you want to play again.
  9. This is not a game where players must strictly follow the rules. That is, I have the right to make exceptions to the rules, provided that these exceptions are within reason.
  10. Occassionally, I may challenge the players to guess something about the game. You are free to choose to participate or not; however, the first player to correctly answer the challenge may get a few bonus experience points. Players are only allowed one chance to answer the challenge. You are not allowed to consult outside resources for these challenges, although it's debatable how much that will help you.
Quick Links:
Defeating Monsters:
  • All players start at level one.
    New players now start at level
  • Your level determines your offensive power (attack dice), defensive power (defense dice), as well as your hitpoints. It may also dictate other things such as abilities and spells.
  • I determine the levels, attack dice, defense dice, hitpoints, and experience of monsters. I will do my best to keep the game reasonable, but I am no expert at balancing.
  • (New from last time:)
    I also choose enemies' targets in battle and all their actions. I will try to be fair in my choices, and I will avoid actively targeting the same person several times in a row. Note that all monsters will heavily prioritize players that are participating in a battle over those who are not participating.
  • (Modified from last time:)
    All dice are either 2-sided, 3-sided, 4-sided, 6-sided, 8-sided, or 100-sided.
  • At level one, players start with 10 HP and 1d6 attack dice. They possess no defense dice. At level two, players start with 15 HP and 1d6 attack dice with no defense dice. At level three, players start with 15 HP, 3 MP, and 1d8 attack dice with no defense dice. At level four, players start with 15 HP, 4 MP, 1d6 + 1d2 attack dice, and 1d3 defense dice.
  • When a group of monsters is defeated, all players that participated in attacking split the total XP of the group.
  • Unless otherwise noted, if there are multiple monsters alive, players may freely choose which monster to attack. (Please be explicit.)
  • To attack, just roll the dice as appropriate. Do not forget that if there are multiple enemies, you generally need to specify the name of which ever one you are targeting.
Damage and Death:
  • To determine the amount of damage dealt to you or a monster, add up the values of the attack dice and the defense dice. If the total of the defense dice exceeds that of the attack dice, the target successfully defends against the attack. Otherwise, the target loses an amount of HP equal to the difference between the two.
  • (Modified from last time:)
    If a monster's hitpoints reaches zero or less, the monster dies. Experience is awarded at the end of the battle. Note that while rare, some monsters may be able to be revived by other monsters.
  • If a player's hitpoints that were above 1 HP before an attack drops to 1 HP or lower after an attack, they are left with 1 HP. This mechanic is known as
    Healing Grace
  • Spells require a separate defense roll from normal attacks (if applicable).
  • Unless otherwise noted, if a player sustains damage at 1 HP, they die.
    If they reached a checkpoint level, they may re-/in at that level. Otherwise, they must re-/in as a level one character.

  • Players that die may either respawn at the level that new players currently join at OR at their last checkpoint level, whichever is higher.
  • Unless otherwise specified, all players with 1 HP regain 1 HP, and all players that have died may revive as according to the previous rule once a battle concludes.
  • You must wait at least 3 rounds (i.e.: the enemies get to attack three times) or until the end of the battle (whichever comes first) before reviving at the last checkpoint level you've reached.
  • (New from last time:)
    If five or more players are killed in a single battle, the battle immediately ends. (Note: It can also be one player dying five times in a single battle or some combination.)
    This is considered the equivalent of a
    game over
    No one gains experience.
    The battle restarts back at the beginning.
    The battle may restart from the beginning, or I may replace it with an easier encounter.
    All players who were still alive have their resources restored to their maximum values.
Teamwork Mechanic:

(Note that some rules here have been removed from last time, and also note the bolded rule(s). They are significantly different from last time.)
  • A round is defined as the combination of the players' turns and the enemies' turns. A round ends once every action for the round has been resolved.
  • (Modified from last time:)
    All battles will possess an action threshold value. Monsters will always attack after that many players submit actions. This action threshold value will be explicitly given at the start of every battle.

  • (New from last time:)
    When NPCs exist in the party, the action threshold specifies two values in the form "X/Y" (without the quotes). The first number X specifies the number of player actions allowed while the second number Y specifies the number of NPC actions allowed. If either is zero, initiative-granting actions for that category are not allowed.
  • Actions are resolved in the following order: a) players with the Quick Strike status b) monsters with the Quick Strike status c) players in the order they posted (only valid actions) and d) monsters in an order that I choose (it's not necessarily random or predefined).
  • Players may team up against the same enemy when using normal attacks and skills. (Spells require a separate defense roll for each one if applicable.) When players team up against the same enemy, the enemy can only make a single defense roll (which is generally made at the time most in the enemy's favor); however, each player's attack is considered separate from one another. (This last part is important for enemies that have death mechanics similar to players.) Monsters follow similar rules when they attack the same player. That said, they do not suffer the penalty mentioned in the next rule.
  • If a third or subsequent player teams up against the same monster (remember, spells are exempt from this definition), they will receive a -X modifier to their roll where X is the number of players attacking that monster minus two. For instance, if the worst is the fourth person to attack a monster named Alpha, they will have a modifier of -2 on their attack.
  • (Modified from last time:)
    Initiative for players works by not counting towards the action threshold. That is, for each initiative action used, monsters must wait for an additional player to make an action before they get a turn.

  • Initiative-granting actions generally use up a player's action for the round. As an example, one generally cannot use "Speed Slash" and cast "Fire" in the same round.
  • You may not specify actions in advance.
  • Initiative for monsters negates the effects of initiative for players.
  • If, after 24 hours, no actions have occurred (and this is not due to the moderator being absent), the current round for players will end, and actions will be resolved, regardless of how many actions were left.
    In the interest of keeping the game moving, the moderator may impose a deadline at anytime. Players will get a minimum of 32 hours since the first action of the round was posted before the round ends.
  • (New from last time:)
    If all players have acted, the monsters immediately get a turn so as to not delay the game unnecessarily.
Special Rules:

Level 21) You now possess an active skill! All active skills have a cooldown period. The cooldown time is listed in parenthesis after each active skill. While a skill is in cooldown, you cannot use any other active skill. The cooldown timer decreases by 1 every time your enemies do an attack. (*Note: Cooldowns are applied globally; you cannot use any skills during that time.*)

Level 31) You can now cast magic! To cast spells, you must have MP (Mana Points) available. The cost of each spell is listed in parenthesis after each spell. MP is fully restored when you level up or after 5 battles, whichever comes first.
2) You now possess a passive skill! Passive skills have their effects occur automatically!
3) You have reached your first checkpoint level. If you die or /out of the game, you may respawn at this level rather than level one.

Level 41) Skills and spells now possess levels! When using an active skill or a spell, please specify the level of the skill or spell. Note that you are allowed to use a lower-level version of a spell or an active skill if you prefer (though I may verify.)
2) You now possess stat points. Stat points may be reallocated whenever you level up or whenever you die (after you re-enter and provided you meet the required level to possess stat points). You may exchange one stat point for either three hitpoints or one mana.
3) Some active skills may have special internal cooldowns that applies only to that skill. Skills with an active internal cooldown cannot be used while it is active, and internal cooldowns cannot be removed unless explicitly specified otherwise. (Items that normally decrease cooldowns do not have any effect on internal cooldowns. The same applies for certain passive skills (e.g.: Adrenaline Rush).)

Level 51) You may now choose a specialization path: Berserker, Warrior, Magician, or Acolyte. Unlike stat points, your decision is
unless you perish and have to respawn at a level lower than level five. Specialization paths grant new spells and skills specific to that path. They may also grant other bonuses.

Level 61) You now possess morale. Morale determines your resistance against Fear and other illusionary/mental effects. A player suffers from a mental status effect if their morale drops below zero. (By default, this is the "Scared" status, but others like "Charm" can occur as well.) Morale increases by (Current HP%) of {Character Level} at the end of each round (rounded to nearest) until it reaches its maximum value. Players that do not utilize the morale mechanic (level 5 and below) are automatically afflicted by the appropriate status effect for three rounds.
2) The friendship system is unlocked globally for all players. Please see for more details.

Level 71) You now possess a special ability. Special abilities are special in that do not count as typical actions. Instead, they are governed by their own rules that are specified with each special ability. Most special abilities focus on providing meta effects like allowing you to reroll a bad dice roll. You must consciously use a special ability for it to have an effect. Special abilities by default do not end your turn or otherwise count against the action threshold.
2) Some spells have both a casting cost and usage cost listed in the form of (Cast: {X} Mana | Uses: {Y} Mana). Generally speaking, {Y} is some kind of variable such as {All Current Mana} or {Number of Targets}. The casting cost {X} indicates the minimum amount of mana you need to cast the spell. Despite calling it a "cost" here, you do not actually spend the mana listed under casting cost. The usage cost {Y} is the actual mana consumed by the spell. Taking the level 1 magic arrows spell as an example, it has a casting cost of 1 Mana and a usage cost of {Number of Targets} Mana. This means you need at least one mana to cast the spell, and when you do cast it, the spell uses up a number of mana equal to the number of targets you select. That is, if you select four targets, you will use up four mana.

Level 81) The party can now summon creatures. Summoned creatures fight for the party and are valid targets for enemy attacks. Summoned creatures attack automatically (i.e.: by the moderator) and do not count towards any action thresholds. Summons disappear when killed or at the end of the battle.

Level 91) You can now use power spells. Power spells are a special kind of spell that are a hybrid between active skills and magic spells. They tend to be really powerful, but they possess both a mana cost and a cooldown. Unlike normal spells and skills, power spells do not possess levels.

Miscellaneous1) The party now maintains a global inventory. After some battles, the party may receive silver coins that they may spend at shops to obtain useful items that anyone can use. Unless otherwise noted, players may use an item and perform another action during the same round.
2) The party gained a piece of equipment. Equipment can only be used by a single player, and no player may equip more than one piece of equipment (unless otherwise specified). Equipment can only be moved around during the first three rounds of any battle.

TL;DR Version for New Players:

1. To join, post /in to the thread.
2. New players start at level 5 with 20 HP, 4 MP, 2d4 attack, and 1d3 defense. Please ask your fellow players for information/advice about your abilities.
3. New players also start with one stat point and the ability to choose a specialization path. Please ask the moderator or your fellow players about this.
4. New players can post the following to perform a normal attack:

Code: Select all


5. The game gets more complex as you progress and level up.
6. This game requires cooperation to succeed. Ask first before jumping straight in and attacking.
7. Have fun!
Now go out there and slay some monsters for experience!

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 11:22 am
by Ircher
Current Players:

MP restored in: 2 battle(s).

Party's Coins: 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 52 Copper

Party Inventory1x Healing Potion: Heals 1d6 hitpoints of an ally.
2x Curing Potion: Cures all status afflictions of an ally.
1x Speed Potion: Grants the "Hasted" status for 1d3+1 rounds to an ally.
1x Cake: Restores 50% HP (rounded down) and 25% MP (rounded down) of the user.
1x Fury Crystal: Grants the "Hasted" status to the party for three rounds.
1x Scroll of Inspiration: Casts a level one "Inspire" spell on an ally: increases the morale of an ally by 2d4.
1x Scroll of Awakening: Cures a single ally of the "Sleeping" status.

Party Special Items1. Dormant Green Orb - A green orb. It charges over time; once charged, it can be released for a fearsome attack.
Charge: 14/25
Effect: Deals 3d8 damage to an enemy and disrupts their magical jewelry's effects for five rounds.

Party Equipment1. Pen of Energy Flow - Equipped by: Gobanzo.
Grants the user the ability to cast spells that cost one mana for free. This discount does not apply to spells that have variable costs like Magic Arrows.

Party Passive SkillsLevel 1 Summoning Mastery: Can summon a maximum of one creature at a time during battles.

Specialization skills and spells are now listed towards the bottom of this post under the heading Specialization Trees.

inspiratieloosLevel 9 | XP = 95
HP = 17/25 | MP = 8/8 | Morale = 15/15
Attack = 2d6 | Defense = 2d3
2 Stat Points: 2 SP = 2 MP.
Specialization level 2.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

Not Known 15Level 9 | XP = 92 | 3 CD
HP = 12/28 | MP = 7/7 | Morale = 15/15
Attack = 2d6 | Defense = 2d3
2 Stat Points: 1 SP = 3 HP and 1 SP = 1 MP.
Specialization level 2: Path of the Warrior.
Spoiler: Extra Skills

Spoiler: Extra Spells
Level 0 Essence Blast (Cast: 4 Mana | Uses: {All Current Mana}).

Number of Deaths = 1
Spoiler: Causes of Death
1. (0@1): Level 4 Red Slime

dsjstrLevel 7 | XP = 53
HP = 20/20 | MP = 6/6 | Morale = 10/10
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d6
2 Stat Points: 1 SP = 1 MP and 1 SP Unallocated.
Specialization level 1: Path of the Acolyte.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

lilith2013Level 5 | XP = 25
HP = 23/23 | MP = 4/4 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point: 1 SP = 3 HP.
Specialization level 1.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

Nancy Drew 39Level 5 | XP = 20
HP = 23/23 | MP = 4/4 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point: 1 SP = 3 HP.
Specialization level 1.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

KcdaspotLevel 5 | XP = 17
HP = 20/20 | MP = 4/4 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point: 1 SP Unallocated.
Specialization level 1.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

Jake the WolfieLevel 7 | XP = 47
HP = 19/20 | MP = 3/5 | Morale = 10/10
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d6
2 Stat Points: 2 SP Unallocated.
Specialization level 1 1/2.
Spoiler: Extra Skills

Spoiler: Extra Spells
Level 0 Smite (2 Mana).

Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

Allahandra (NPC)Level 8 | XP = 65
HP = 14/18 | MP = 10/13 | Morale = 15/15
Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d4
Spoiler: Skills
Level 2 Scry Monster (0 CD).
Level 2 Luck Mitigation.
Level 1 Power Aura.
Level 1 First Aid.

Spoiler: Spells
Level 3 Redirection Shield (3 Mana).
Level 2 Fire (1 Mana).
Level 2 Examine Creature (1 Mana).
Level 2 Cure (1 Mana).
Level 2 Tornado (2 Mana).
Level 2 Inspire (1 Mana): Increases the morale of an ally by 1d8 + 1d6 points.
Level 2 Fear (1 Mana): Decreases the morale of an enemy by 2d6 + 1d4 points.
Level 1 Magic Arrows (Cast: 1 Mana | Uses: {Number of Targets} Mana}).
Level 1 Shockwave (4 Mana): Creates a shockwave that damages everyone except the caster. Allies take 2d4 damage each (before defenses) and enemies take 3d6 damage each (before defenses). (You are allowed to allow the moderator to roll for you for this spell; however, each character damaged requires a separate die roll.)

Gobanzo (NPC)Level 10 | XP = 118
HP = 13/15 | MP = 8/8 | Morale = 20/20
Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d6
Spoiler: Skills
Level 2 Double Slash (4 CD).
Level 2 Focus (4 CD): Instead of attacking, you can increase your focus on the battle. Taking damage causes this skill's effect to end early. Your next two actions have a *2 modifier on their dice roll(s).
Level 2 Gather Energy (2 CD): Instead of attacking, you can gather energy. On the next three rounds, any spell you cast gains a +2 modifier on dice rolls.
Level 3 Meditate (6 CD / 3 ICD): Spend some time meditating to restore 1d4 hitpoints and 1d2 mana points.
Level 1 Clear Mind (1 CD): Restores the user's morale to the maximum amount and cures one level of the "Sealed" status affliction.
Level 1 Elemental Mastery: Direct damage spells with fixed mana costs require and use one less mana to cast. (These spells are marked with ^ in the skills/spells list.)
Level 1 Perseverance: Instead of dying when taking damage at 1 HP, your hitpoints drop to 0 HP, and you fall unconscious instead. If you take any further damage, you die, and if everyone falls unconscious/dies, everyone dies. Otherwise, at the end of the battle, you will be left with 1 HP and no longer unconscious. Being knocked unconscious means you cannot perform any actions. If a healing spell or item is used on you, you regain consciousness at 1 HP. (The amount healed does not matter.) Defense rolls are halved while in this state.

Spoiler: Spells
Level 1 Fire (1 Mana).^
Level 2 Examine Creature (1 Mana).
Level 1 Tornado (2 Mana).^
Level 2 Bless (2 Mana).
Level 2 Curse (2 Mana).
Level 1 Inspire (1 Mana).
Level 1 Fear (1 Mana).
Level 1 Sanctuary (1 Mana).

Retired Players:

James BrafinLevel 6 | XP = 30
HP = 23/23 | MP = 5/5 | Morale = 10/10
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d4
1 Stat Point: 1 SP = 3 HP.
Specialization level 1: Path of the Berserker.
Number of Deaths = 1
Spoiler: Causes of Death
1. (14@3): (Miniboss) Level 5 Gamma Slime.

AmzelaLevel 5 | XP = 25
HP = 23/23 | MP = 4/4 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point: 1 SP = 3 HP.
Specialization level 1: Path of the Warrior.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

Chemist1422Level 5 | XP = 26
HP = 23/23 | MP = 4/4 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point: 1 SP = 3 HP.
Specialization level 1.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

GeorgeBaileyLevel 6 | XP = 33
HP = 20/20 | MP = 6/6 | Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d4
1 Stat Point: 1 SP = 1 MP.
Specialization level 1.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

FormerfishLevel 7 | XP = 52
HP = 23/23 | MP = 5/5 | Morale = 10/10
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d6
2 Stat Points: 1 SP = 3 HP and 1 SP Unallocated.
Specialization level 2: Path of the Berserker.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

trisLevel 5 | XP = 17
HP = 20/20 | MP = 4/4 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point: 1 SP Unallocated.
Specialization level 1.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

the worstLevel 7 | XP = 52
HP = 20/20 | MP = 6/6 | Morale = 10/10
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d6
2 Stat Points: 1 SP = 1 MP & Unallocated = 1 SP.
Specialization level 1: Path of the Acolyte.
Number of Deaths = 1
Spoiler: Causes of Death
1. (1@1): Level 1 Goblin

GypyxLevel 6 | XP = 31
HP = 23/23 | MP = 5/5 | Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d4
1 Stat Point: 1 SP = 3 HP.
Specialization level 1: Path of the Acolyte.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

NoraaLevel 5 | XP = 21
HP = 20/20 MP = 4/4 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point: 1 SP Unallocated.
Specializtion level 1.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

Cerberus v666Level 6 | XP = 33
HP = 20/20 | MP = 6/6 | Morale = 10/10
| Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d4
1 Stat Point: 1 SP = 1 MP.
Specialization level 1: Path of the Magician.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

NotMySpamAccountLevel 5 | XP = 17
HP = 20/20 | MP = 4/4 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point: 1 SP Unallocated.
Specialization level 1.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

McMennoLevel 5 | XP = 17
HP = 20/20 | MP = 4/4 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point: 1 SP Unallocated.
Specialization level 1.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

Inferno390Level 6 | XP = 30
HP = 23/23 | MP = 5/5 | Morale = 10/10
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d4
1 Stat Point: 1 SP = 3 HP.
Specialization level 1: Path of the Berserker.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

PrivateILevel 5 | XP = 17
HP = 20/20 | MP = 4/4 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point: 1 SP Unallocated.
Specialization level 1.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

Jackal711Level 8 | XP = 61
HP = 25/25 | MP = 8/8 | Morale = 15/15
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 2d3
2 Stat Points: 2 SP = 2 MP.
Specialization level 2: Path of the Acolyte.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

Gamma EmeraldLevel 8 | XP = 67
HP = 25/25 | MP = 8/8 | Morale = 15/15
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 2d3
2 Stat Points: 2 SP = 2 MP.
Specialization level 2: Path of the Magician.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

i am an alternate accountLevel 5 | XP = 17
HP = 20/20 | MP = 4/4 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point: 1 SP Unallocated.
Specialization level 1.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

GuillotinaLevel 6 | XP = 33
HP = 23/23 | MP = 5/5 | Morale = 10/10
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d4
1 Stat Point: 1 SP = 3 HP.
Specialization level 1: Path of the Magician.
Number of Deaths = 0
Spoiler: Causes of Death

Left Party:

David (NPC)Level 6 | XP = 38
HP = 23/23 | MP = 3/3 | Attack = 1d6 + 1d3 | Defense = 1d3
Spoiler: Skills
Level 2 Scry Monster (0 CD).
Level 1 Double Shot (4 CD).
Equivalent to level 1 double slash.

Level 1 Poison Weapon (3 CD): Grants you the poisoned weapon status until your next attack. If an enemy takes damage from your next attack, they are poisoned for three rounds.
Level 1 Arrow Volley (4 CD): Fires a volley of arrows at two enemies for {Attack Dice} - 1 damage each.
Level 1 Critical Hit.

Spoiler: Spells
Level 1 Minor Heal (2 Mana).

The code tags provide the codes you need to use to perform a normal attack.

Standard Player Sheets

Level 1 Player:
(XP >= 0)
HP = 10/10 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 0d2

Code: Select all


Level 2 Player:
(XP >= 2)
HP = 15/15 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 0d2
Spoiler: Skills
Level 1 Scry Monster (0 CD).
Level 1 Speed Slash (3 CD).

Code: Select all


Level 3 Player:
(XP >= 5)
HP = 15/15 | MP = 3/3 | Attack = 1d8 | Defense = 0d2
Spoiler: Skills
Level 1 Scry Monster (0 CD).
Level 1 Speed Slash (3 CD).
Level 1 Defensive Slash (2 CD).
Level 1 Luck Mitigation.

Spoiler: Spells
Level 1 Redirection Shield (1 Mana).
Level 1 Fire (1 Mana).

Checkpoint at level 3 (5 XP).

Code: Select all


Level 4 Player:
(XP >= 10)
HP = 15/15 | MP = 4/4 | Attack = 1d6 + 1d2 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point.
Spoiler: Skills
Level 2 Scry Monster (0 CD).
Level 1 Speed Slash (3 CD).
Level 1 Defensive Slash (2 CD).
Level 1 Double Slash (4 CD).
Level 1 Meditate (7 CD / 3 ICD).
Level 1 Luck Mitigation.
Level 1 Adrenaline Rush.

Spoiler: Spells
Level 1 Redirection Shield (1 Mana).
Level 1 Fire (1 Mana).
Level 1 Examine Creature (1 Mana).
Level 1 Curse (2 Mana).
Level 1 Bless (2 Mana).

Checkpoint at level 3 (5 XP).

Code: Select all


Level 5 Player:
(XP >= 17)
HP = 20/20 | MP = 4/4 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
1 Stat Point.
Specialization level 1.
Spoiler: Skills
Level 2 Scry Monster (0 CD).
Level 1 Speed Slash (3 CD).
Level 2 Defensive Slash (3 CD).
Level 1 Double Slash (4 CD).
Level 1 Meditate (7 CD / 3 iCD).
Level 1 Provoke (3 CD).
Level 1 Focus (3 CD).
Level 1 Gather Energy (2 CD).
Level 2 Luck Mitigation.
Level 1 Adrenaline Rush.

Spoiler: Spells
Level 2 Redirection Shield (2 Mana).
Level 1 Fire (1 Mana).
Level 1 Examine Creature (1 Mana).
Level 1 Curse (2 Mana).
Level 1 Bless (2 Mana).
Level 1 Minor Heal (2 Mana).
Level 1 Cure (1 Mana).
Level 1 Tornado (2 Mana).

Checkpoint at level 3 (5 XP).

Code: Select all


Level 6 Player:
(XP >= 28)
HP = 20/20 | MP = 5/5 | Morale = 10/10
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d4
1 Stat Point.
Specialization level 1.
Spoiler: Skills
Level 2 Scry Monster (0 CD).
Level 2 Speed Slash (2 CD).
Level 2 Defensive Slash (3 CD).
Level 1 Double Slash (4 CD).
Level 1 Meditate (7 CD / 3 ICD).
Level 1 Provoke (3 CD).
Level 1 Focus (3 CD).
Level 1 Gather Energy (2 CD).
Level 1 Throw Weapon (3 CD).
Level 2 Luck Mitigation.
Level 1 Adrenaline Rush.
Level 1 Power Aura.

Spoiler: Spells
Level 2 Redirection Shield (2 Mana).
Level 2 Fire (1 Mana).
Level 1 Examine Creature (1 Mana).
Level 2 Curse (2 Mana).
Level 1 Bless (2 Mana).
Level 1 Minor Heal (2 Mana).
Level 1 Cure (1 Mana).
Level 1 Tornado (2 Mana).
Level 1 Enrage (2 Mana).
Level 1 Inspire (1 Mana).
Level 1 Fear (1 Mana).

Checkpoint at level 6 (28 XP).

Code: Select all


Level 7 Player:
(XP >= 41)
HP = 20/20 | MP = 5/5 | Morale = 10/10
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d6
2 Stat Points.
Specialization level 1 1/2.
Spoiler: Skills
Level 2 Scry Monster (0 CD).
Level 2 Speed Slash (2 CD).
Level 3 Defensive Slash (4 CD).
Level 2 Double Slash (4 CD).
Level 1 Meditate (7 CD / 3 ICD).
Level 1 Provoke (3 CD).
Level 1 Focus (3 CD).
Level 1 Gather Energy (2 CD).
Level 1 Throw Weapon (3 CD).
Level 1 Berserk Lunge (4 CD).
Level 2 Luck Mitigation.
Level 1 Adrenaline Rush.
Level 1 Power Aura.
Level 1 Critical Hit.

Spoiler: Spells
Level 2 Redirection Shield (2 Mana).
Level 2 Fire (1 Mana).
Level 1 Examine Creature (1 Mana).
Level 2 Curse (2 Mana).
Level 2 Bless (2 Mana).
Level 2 Minor Heal (2 Mana).
Level 1 Cure (1 Mana).
Level 1 Tornado (2 Mana).
Level 1 Enrage (2 Mana).
Level 1 Inspire (1 Mana).
Level 1 Fear (1 Mana).
Level 1 Magic Arrows (Cast: 1 Mana | Uses: {Number of Targets} Mana).

Spoiler: Special Abilities
Level 1 Trick Die (Once per battle).

Checkpoint at level 6 (28 XP).

Code: Select all


Level 8 Player:
(XP >= 58)
HP = 25/25 | MP = 6/6 | Morale = 15/15
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 2d3
2 Stat Points.
Specialization level 2.
Spoiler: Skills
Level 3 Scry Monster (1 CD).
Level 2 Speed Slash (2 CD).
Level 3 Defensive Slash (4 CD).
Level 2 Double Slash (4 CD).
Level 2 Meditate (6 CD / 3 ICD).
Level 1 Provoke (3 CD).
Level 1 Focus (3 CD).
Level 1 Gather Energy (2 CD).
Level 1 Throw Weapon (3 CD).
Level 1 Berserk Lunge (4 CD).
Level 1 Heavy Blow (4 CD / 1 ICD).
Level 2 Luck Mitigation.
Level 1 Adrenaline Rush.
Level 1 Power Aura.
Level 1 Critical Hit.
Level 1 First Aid.

Spoiler: Spells
Level 3 Redirection Shield (3 Mana).
Level 2 Fire (1 Mana).
Level 2 Examine Creature (1 Mana).
Level 2 Curse (2 Mana).
Level 2 Bless (2 Mana).
Level 2 Minor Heal (2 Mana).
Level 2 Cure (1 Mana).
Level 1 Tornado (2 Mana).
Level 1 Enrage (2 Mana).
Level 1 Inspire (1 Mana).
Level 1 Fear (1 Mana).
Level 1 Magic Arrows (Cast: 1 Mana | Uses: {Number of Targets} Mana).
Level 1 Poison (2 Mana).
Level 1 Summon Goblin Warrior (1 Mana).

Spoiler: Special Abilities
Level 1 Trick Die (Once per battle).
Level 1 Dismiss (Unlimited).

Checkpoint at level 8 (58 XP).

Code: Select all


Level 9 Player:
(XP >= 77)
HP = 25/25 | MP = 6/6 | Morale = 15/15
Attack = 2d6 | Defense = 2d3
2 Stat Points.
Specialization level 2.
Spoiler: Skills
Level 3 Scry Monster (1 CD).
Level 2 Speed Slash (2 CD).
Level 3 Defensive Slash (4 CD).
Level 2 Double Slash (4 CD).
Level 2 Meditate (6 CD / 3 ICD).
Level 2 Provoke (3 CD).
Level 2 Focus (4 CD).
Level 1 Gather Energy (2 CD).
Level 2 Throw Weapon (3 CD).
Level 1 Berserk Lunge (4 CD).
Level 1 Heavy Blow (4 CD / 1 ICD).
Level 1 Clear Mind (1 CD).
Level 3 Luck Mitigation.
Level 1 Adrenaline Rush.
Level 1 Power Aura.
Level 1 Critical Hit.
Level 1 First Aid.

Spoiler: Spells
Level 3 Redirection Shield (3 Mana).
Level 2 Fire (1 Mana).
Level 2 Examine Creature (1 Mana).
Level 2 Curse (2 Mana).
Level 2 Bless (2 Mana).
Level 2 Minor Heal (2 Mana).
Level 2 Cure (1 Mana).
Level 2 Tornado (2 Mana).
Level 1 Enrage (2 Mana).
Level 1 Inspire (1 Mana).
Level 1 Fear (1 Mana).
Level 1 Magic Arrows (Cast: 1 Mana | Uses: {Number of Targets} Mana).
Level 1 Poison (2 Mana).
Level 1 Forcefield (Cast: 3 Mana | Uses: {Half Current Mana} Mana).
Level 1 Summon Goblin Warrior (1 Mana).

Spoiler: Special Abilities
Level 1 Trick Die (Once per battle).
Level 1 Dismiss (Unlimited).

Spoiler: Power Spells
Mind Duel (5 CD | Cast: 2 Mana | Uses: 0 Mana).

Checkpoint at level 8 (58 XP).

Code: Select all


Specialization Trees

A: Path of the Berserker

Level 1
(PLV 5)
- Level 1 Active Skill "Fury Blade" (4 CD / 1 ICD)

Level 2
(PLV 7)
- Level 2 Active Skill "Fury Blade" (4 CD / 1 ICD)
- Level 1 Active Skill "Reckless Swipe" (3 CD)

B: Path of the Warrior

Level 1
(PLV 5)
- Level 1 Active Skill "Cross Slash" (4 CD)

Level 2
(PLV 7)
- Level 2 Active Skill "Cross Slash" (4 CD)
- Level 1 Active Skill "Piercing Slash" (5 CD / 2 ICD)

C: Path of the Magician

Level 1
(PLV 5)
- Level 1 Magic Spell "Silence" (2 Mana)

Level 2
(PLV 8)
- Level 2 Magic Spell "Silence" (2 MP)
- Level 1 Magic Spell "Disorient" (2 MP)

D: Path of the Acolyte

Level 1
(PLV 5)
- Level 1 Magic Spell "Minor Heal All" (4 Mana).

Level 2
(PLV 8)
- Level 2 Magic Spell "Minor Heal All" (4 MP)
- Level 1 Magic Spell "Sanctuary" (1 MP)

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 11:22 am
by Ircher
Current Monster Statuses
(Threshold 3/1)
(9) Alpha : Cultist : HP =
| MP = 2/2 | Morale = 5/5 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
(9) Beta : Cultist : HP =
| MP = 2/2 | Morale = 5/5 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3 | Blessed (+1) (2 Rounds)
(9) Charlie : Cultist : HP =
| MP = 2/2 | Morale = 5/5 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3 | Blessed (+1) (2 Rounds)
(9) Delta : Cultist : HP = 24/24 | MP = 2/2 | Morale = 5/5 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3 | Blessed (+1) (2 Rounds)
(9) Echo : Cultist : HP = 24/24 | MP =
| Morale = 5/5 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3 | Blessed (+1) (2 Rounds)

Friendly Summons:
(These creatures are friendly to you and will attack automatically.)


Active Battle Effect #1:
Ritual of Blessings:
Whenever the spell "Cultist Ritual" is cast, all cultists gain the status Blessed (+1) for three rounds.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 11:22 am
by Ircher
Level 1
(XP Needed: 0)
- Hitpoints = 10 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 0d2

Level 2
(XP Needed: 2)
Hitpoints = 15
| Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 0d2
-Gain active skill "Scry Monster" (0 CD):
Tells you the special skills, spells, and other abilties a monster possesses.
-Gain active skill "Speed Slash" (3 CD):
Slashes an enemy quickly for {Attack Dice} - 2 damage. This skill grants initiative meaning it does not count towards the action threshold.
- Active skills have cooldowns (CD). While a skill is in cooldown, you cannot use any other skills. Cooldown decreases by one each time the enemy gets a chance to attack. (Eg: CD of 2 rounds means the enemies must get a chance to attack twice before you can use the skill again.)

Level 3
(XP Needed: 5)
- Hitpoints = 15 |
Attack = 1d8
| Defense = 0d2
- Mana Points = 3 (Restored when a player levels up or after 5 battles, whichever comes first.)
-Gain passive skill "Luck Mitigation":
If you roll the minimum you can roll on an attack roll on three of your past four attack rolls, you may reroll the last roll once. (If you roll the minimum again.... Too bad!) After this skill activates, none of the previous minimums count. (However, if you managed to roll the minimum again on your reroll, that one counts.) The player is the primary one responsible for keeping track of this. The moderator will only verify that this skill is being used properly.
-Gain active skill "Defensive Slash" (2 CD):
Slashes at an enemy for {Attack Dice} - 4 damage. You will take half damage for one round.
-Gain magic spell "Redirection Shield" (1 Mana):
Protects an ally by taking some of the damage they would otherwise take for them and by giving your ally a protective shield. You will take half of all damage (before defenses) they receive rounded up. Your ally will take half of all damage they receive (before defenses) rounded down. In addition, enemies that attack players who have this spell active (target, not caster) receive 1d2 damage (ignores defenses). This effect lasts for one round.
-Gain magic spell "Fire" (1 Mana):
Sears an enemy for 1d3 damage and ignores their defenses.
- Checkpoint level (If you die, you respawn at level 3.)

Level 4
(XP Needed: 10)
- Hitpoints = 15 |
Attack = 1d6 + 1d2
Defense = 1d3

Mana Points = 4
1 Stat Point

-Gain passive skill "Adrenaline Rush"
: If you have 1 HP or less remaining (and you are still alive), your normal attacks deal double damage, your direct-damage spells cost zero MP to cast, and your active skills have zero cooldown.
-Gain active skill "Double Slash" (4 CD):
Slashes an enemy twice for {Attack Dice} and {Attack Dice} - 2 damage.
-Gain active skill "Meditate" (7 CD / 3 ICD):
Spend some time meditating to restore 1d2 hitpoints. This skill has an internal cooldown of three rounds. During those three rounds, you may not use the skill again, even if your global cooldown has expired.
-Gain magic spell "Examine Creature" (1 Mana):
Equivalent to using the level 1 active skill "Scry Monster." In addition, the creature's inventory will be revealed.
-Gain magic spell "Curse" (2 Mana):
Curses a target giving their dice rolls a -1 modifier for three rounds.
-Gain magic spell "Bless" (2 Mana):
Blesses a target giving their dice rolls a +1 modifier for three rounds.
-Upgrade active skill "Scry Monster" to level 2 (0 CD):
Tells you the special skills, spells, and other abilties a monster possesses. You also gain initiative with this skill.
- Skills and spells now have levels! Be sure to indicate what level a spell or skill is when you use it. You may freely use the lower level version of spells and skills if you prefer. (I may ask you to confirm such an action though.)
- You now possess stat points! Stat points may be exchanged for 3 HP or 1 MP each, and you may reallocate them every level (or when you die and respawn, presuming your respawn level has them).

Level 5
(XP Needed: 17)
Hitpoints = 20
Attack = 2d4
| Defense = 1d3
- Mana Points = 4 | 1 Stat Point
-Gain active skill "Provoke" (3 CD):
Increases the likelihood you are targeted for one round.
-Gain active skill "Focus" (3 CD):
Instead of attacking, you can increase your focus on the battle. Taking damage causes this skill's effect to end early. Your next action has a *2 modifier on its dice roll(s).
-Gain active skill "Gather Energy" (2 CD):
Instead of attacking, you can gather energy. On the next two rounds, any spell you cast gains a +1 modifier on dice rolls.
-Gain magic spell "Minor Heal" (2 Mana):
Heals an ally by 1d3 hitpoints.
-Gain magic spell "Cure" (1 Mana):
Cures a target of a single negative status afflictions. You may choose which one to cure.
-Gain magic spell "Tornado" (2 Mana):
Choose two targets. Each target takes 1d6 damage (roll separately for each), and if the target takes damage, the target is additionally stunned for one round.
-Upgrade passive skill "Luck Mitigation" to level 2:
If you roll the minimum you can roll on an attack roll on three of your past four attack rolls, you may reroll the last roll up to two times. (You may only reroll a reroll if it is the minimum again.) After this skill activates, none of the previous minimums count. (However, if you managed to roll the minimum again on your reroll, that one counts.) The player is the primary one responsible for keeping track of this. The moderator will only verify that this skill is being used properly.
-Upgrade active skill "Defensive Slash" to level 2 (3 CD):
Slashes at an enemy for {Attack Dice} - 4 damage. You will take half damage for two rounds.
-Upgrade magic spell "Redirection Shield" to level 2 (2 Mana):
Protects an ally by taking some of the damage they would otherwise take for them and by giving your ally a protective shield. You will take half of all damage (before defenses) they receive rounded up. Your ally will take half of all damage they receive (before defenses) rounded down. In addition, enemies that attack players who have this spell active (target, not caster) receive 1d3 damage (ignores defenses). This effect lasts for two rounds.
- Choose one path to take. Once you choose a path, you cannot change it unless you die and respawn at a level lower than level 5.

Level 5.A: Path of the Berserker

-Gain active skill "Fury Blade" (4 CD / 1 ICD):
Attacks an enemy for {Attack Dice} - 3 damage and grants a bonus action to the user. (A bonus action basically means you can act again. You will not be able to use active skills though because the cooldown from this skill immediately becomes effective.)

Level 5.B: Path of the Warrior

-Gain active skill "Cross Slash" (4 CD):
Attacks two different enemies for {Attack Dice} - 2 damage. If an enemy takes damage from this attack, that enemy takes an additional one damage.

Level 5.C: Path of the Magician

-Gain magic spell "Silence" (2 Mana):
Silences an enemy for two rounds, preventing the enemy from using spells.

Level 5.D: Path of the Acolyte

-Gain magic spell "Minor Heal All" (4 Mana):
Heals all allies by 1d2 hitpoints. (You should only roll once for this spell.)

Level 6
(XP Needed: 28)
- Hitpoints = 20 |
Attack = 1d6 + 1d4
Defense = 1d4

Mana Points = 5
Morale = 10
| 1 Stat Point
-Gain passive skill "Power Aura":
Attacking enemies that are more than four levels below you grants you a +1 modifier on attack rolls.
-Gain active skill "Throw Weapon" (3 CD):
Throws your weapon at an enemy for {Attack Dice} + 2 damage. If you roll lower than the {Expected Roll} (at this level, the expected roll is 8.0 total including the +2 modifiers; curses lower the required roll and blessings raise it), then you fumble the throw and take half of the rolled damage instead.
-Gain magic spell "Enrage" (2 Mana):
Enrages a target causing them to receive a -2 modifier on defense rolls but grants a +2 modifier on non-magical attack rolls. This effect lasts for two rounds.
-Gain magic spell "Inspire" (1 Mana):
Increases the morale of an ally by 2d4 points.
-Gain magic spell "Fear" (1 Mana):
Decreases the morale of an enemy by 2d4 points.
-Upgrade active skill "Speed Slash" to level 2 (2 CD):
Slashes an enemy quickly for {Attack Dice} - 2 damage. This skill grants initiative meaning it does not count towards the action threshold.
-Upgrade magic spell "Fire" to level 2 (1 Mana):
Sears an enemy for 1d4 damage and ignores their defenses.
-Upgrade magic spell "Curse" to level 2 (2 Mana):
Curses a target giving their dice rolls a -2 modifier for three rounds.
- Update (retroactively--as in, this new description applies for lower level players without morale as well) the description of the passive skill "Adrenaline Rush": If you have 1 HP or less remaining (and you are still alive), your normal attacks deal double damage, your direct-damage spells cost zero MP to cast, and your active skills have zero cooldown. Furthermore, you are immune to any and all attacks on your morale, and if you currently possess any morale-related statuses (like "Scared"), you immediately recover from them.
- Morale determines your resilience against fear and other illusionary effects. If a creature's morale drops below 0, they receive the Scared status (or another appropriate status depending on the skill/spell) until their morale is at or above 0 again. Scared characters are unable to act and unable to defend. Morale increases by (Current HP%) of {Character Level} at the end of each round (rounded to nearest) (until it reaches its maximum value.) Creatures that do not possess morale suffer the "Scared" status (or another appropriate status depending on the skill/spell) for three rounds if they take morale damage. Certain skills and spells will inflict morale damage. (For instance, if a character is level 6 and current possesses 15/20 HP, they will regain a maximum of (15/20) * 6 ~ 5 morale at the end of the round.)
- Unlock globally (i.e.: for everyone) the Friendship System. A full description will be posted elsewhere as it is far too long to copy into this space.
- Checkpoint level (If you die, you respawn at level 6.)

Level 7
(XP Needed: 41)
- Hitpoints = 20 | Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 |
Defense = 1d6

- Mana Points = 5 | Morale = 10 |
2 Stat Points

-Gain passive skill "Critical Hit":
If you roll {Max Attack Dice Roll} - 1 or higher on a normal attack, your target is stunned for one round.
-Gain active skill "Berserk Lunge" (4 CD):
Lunges at an enemy for {Attack Dice} damage. If the target takes damage, the target is stunned for three rounds. After using this skill, you are stunned for two rounds (the rest of this round and the following round).
-Gain magic spell "Magic Arrows" (Cast: 1 Mana | Uses: {Number of Targets} Mana):
Attacks a number of targets not to exceed {Remaining Mana} with magic-laden arrows that deal 2d4 damage each.
-Gain special ability "Trick Die" (Max one use per battle):
Once per battle, you may reroll any die roll *that you make*. Note that for actions that do multiple dice rolls (such as double slash), *you can only reroll one of the die rolls, not both.* (To be clear, if you perform a normal attack, that still counts as one die roll, so you can (and must) reroll both the 1d6 and 1d4 when using this ability.)
-Upgrade active skill "Defensive Slash" to level 3 (4 CD):
Slashes at an enemy for {Attack Dice} - 3 damage. You will take no damage for one round.
-Upgrade active skill "Double Slash" to level 2 (4 CD):
Slashes an enemy twice for {Attack Dice} and {Attack Dice} - 1 damage.
-Upgrade magic spell "Bless" to level 2 (2 Mana):
Blesses a target giving their dice rolls a +2 modifier for three rounds.
-Upgrade magic spell "Minor Heal" to level 2 (2 Mana):
Heals an ally by 1d4 hitpoints.
- Special abilities are special because they generally do not count as actions. They tend to have meta effects (like rerolling a bad attack). That said, they are not passive abilities meaning you have to consciously use them. Unless otherwise specified, special abilities do not use up a player's a turn or count towards the action threshold.

Level 7.A: Path of the Berserker

-Gain active skill "Reckless Swipe" (3 CD):
Attacks an enemy recklessly for {Attack Dice} + 3 damage, but enemies become more likely to target you for two rounds, and you become defenseless for two rounds.
-Upgrade active skill "Fury Blade" to level 2 (4 CD / 1 ICD):
Attacks an enemy for {Attack Dice} - 1 damage and grants a bonus action to the user.

Level 7.B: Path of the Warrior

-Gain active skill "Piercing Slash" (5 CD / 2 ICD):
Attacks an enemy with the intent to pierce through skin for {Attack Dice} - 4 damage. If the target takes damage, the target receives the "Bleeding" status for two rounds. Bosses and minibosses are immune to this skill. (Any enemy that explicitly specifies "Level = #" is considered a boss or a miniboss.)
-Upgrade active skill "Cross Slash" to level 2 (4 CD):
Attacks two different enemies for {Attack Dice} - 1 damage. If an enemy takes damage from this attack, that enemy takes an additional one damage.

Level 8
(XP Needed: 58)
Hitpoints = 25
| Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 |
Defense = 2d3

Mana Points = 6
Morale = 15
| 2 Stat Points
-Gain passive skill "First Aid":
At the end of every battle, you automatically regain 1 hitpoint.
-Gain active skill "Heavy Blow" (4 CD / 1 ICD):
Slams your weapon at an enemy for {Attack Dice} + {Attack Dice} + 4 damage total and counts as two actions to the action threshold. When Adrenaline Rush is active, this skill only counts as a single action.
-Gain magic spell "Poison" (2 Mana):
Poisons an enemy causing it to lose 1d3 health (after defenses) each round for two rounds.
-Upgrade active skill "Scry Monster" to level 3 (1 CD):
Tells you the special skills, spells, and other abilties a monster possesses. (Note: You no longer gain initiative with level 3 Scry Monster.) You may take a bonus action after using this skill (this bonus action does not count towards the threshold).
-Upgrade active skill "Meditate" to level 2 (6 CD / 3 ICD):
Spend some time meditating to restore 1d4 hitpoints.
-Upgrade magic spell "Redirection Shield" to level 3 (3 Mana):
Protects an ally by taking some of the damage they would otherwise take for them and by giving your ally a protective shield. You will take half of all damage (before defenses) they receive rounded up. Your ally will take half of all damage they receive (before defenses) rounded down. In addition, enemies that attack players who have this spell active (target, not caster) receive 1d4 damage (ignores defenses). This effect lasts for three rounds.
-Upgrade magic spell "Cure" to level 2 (1 Mana):
Cures a target of two negative status afflictions. You may choose which ones to cure.
-Upgrade magic spell "Examine Creature" to level 2 (1 Mana):
Equivalent to using the level 2 active skill "Scry Monster." In addition, the creature's inventory will be revealed.
- Globally unlock the summoning system. The party now possesses level one "Summoning Mastery". Summoned creatures fight for the party and are valid targets for enemy attacks. Summoned creatures attack automatically (i.e.: by the moderator) and do not count towards any action thresholds. Summons disappear when killed or at the end of the battle.
-Gain party passive skill "Summoning Mastery" (Level 1):
The party may summon up to one creature at a time.
-Gain summoning spell "Summon Goblin Warrior" (1 Mana):
Summons a level 3 goblin warrior that possesses 7 HP, 1d4 attack, and 1d3 defense.
-Gain special ability "Dismiss" (Unlimited Use):
Dismisses a summoned creature to allow more summons. You gain 1 HP for every 3 HP the summoned creature had left.
- Checkpoint level (If you die, you respawn at level 8.)

Level 8.C: Path of the Magician

-Gain magic spell "Disorient" (2 Mana):
Disorients an enemy increasing their cooldowns by two rounds.
-Upgrade magic spell "Silence" to level 2 (2 Mana):
Silences an enemy for three rounds, preventing the enemy from using spells.

Level 8.D: Path of the Acolyte

-Gain magic spell "Sanctuary" (1 Mana):
Renders an ally invisible for one round, decreasing the likelihood they are attacked. Note: If you attack (including direct damage spells; indirect damage spells like "Poison" do not count) while invisible, the spell's effect is immediately nullified.
-Upgrade magic spell "Minor Heal All" to level 2 (4 Mana):
Heals all allies by 1d3 hitpoints.

Level 9
(XP Needed: 77)
- Hitpoints = 25 |
Attack = 2d6
| Defense = 2d3
- Mana Points = 6 | Morale = 15 | 2 Stat Points
-Gain active skill "Clear Mind" (1 CD):
Restores the user's morale to the maximum amount and cures one level of the "Sealed" status affliction.
-Gain magic spell "Forcefield" (Cast: 3 Mana | Uses: {Half Current Mana} Mana):
Constructs an impenetrable forcefield around the caster preventing all damage for two rounds.
-Gain power spell "Mind Duel" (5 CD | Cast: 2 Mana | Uses: 0 Mana):
Challenges another character that possesses mana to a mind duel. To determine the outcome of the duel, both characters roll {Character Level}d3 + {Attack Dice}. The loser is the one with the lower total. The loser loses mana equal to the difference in results, and the winner gains mana equal to the difference. If the loser runs out of mana, they receive one level of the "Sealed" status affliction for every 3 points (always rounded up) the character lost by. For example, suppose Player A duels Monster B and A rolls a 7 versus B's 15. A's result is less than B's, so A lost (and B won) by 8 points. A had 4 mana at the start of the duel (note: the casting cost is not actually spent), so A loses 4 mana and B gains 4 mana. In addition, A gains two levels of the "Sealed" status affliction from the extra difference of 4 that was not taken care of by loss of mana.
-Upgrade passive skill "Luck Mitigation" to level 3:
If you roll the minimum you can roll on an attack roll on two of your past three attack rolls, you may reroll the last roll one time. After this skill activates, none of the previous minimums count. (However, if you managed to roll the minimum again on your reroll, that one counts.) The player is the primary one responsible for keeping track of this. The moderator will only verify that this skill is being used properly.
-Upgrade active skill "Provoke" to level 2 (3 CD):
Increases the likelihood you are targeted for one round. You also gain initiative with this action.
-Upgrade active skill "Focus" to level 2 (4 CD):
Instead of attacking, you can increase your focus on the battle. Taking damage causes this skill's effect to end early. Your next two actions have a *2 modifier on their dice roll(s).
-Upgrade active skill "Throw Weapon" to level 2 (3 CD):
Throws your weapon at an enemy for {Attack Dice} + 2 damage. If you roll lower than the ({Expected Roll} - 1) (at this level, the expected roll is 9.0 total including the +2 modifiers; curses lower the required roll and blessings raise it), then you fumble the throw and take half of the rolled damage instead.
-Upgrade magic spell "Tornado" to level 2 (2 Mana):
Choose two targets. Each target takes 2d6 damage (roll separately for each), and if the target takes damage, the target is additionally stunned for one round.
- Power spells are a special kind of spell that are a hybrid between active skills and magic spells. They tend to be really powerful, but they possess both a mana cost and a cooldown. Unlike normal spells and skills, power spells do not possess levels.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 11:23 am
by Ircher
Active Skills:

*Scry Monster^ - Tells you the special skills, spells, and other abilities a monster possesses.
**Level 1 (PLV 2) (0 CD): None.
**Level 2 (PLV 4) (0 CD): Also gain initiative.
**Level 3 (PLV 8) (1 CD): Also gain a bonus action (you no longer gain initiative).

*Speed Slash - Attacks an enemy and gain initiative.
**Level 1 (PLV 2) (3 CD): {Attack Dice} - 2 damage.
**Level 2 (PLV 6) (2 CD): {Attack Dice} - 2 damage.

*Defensive Slash - Decreases damage taken for a certain number of rounds at a cost of reduced damage.
**Level 1 (PLV 3) (2 CD): {Attack Dice} - 4 and half damage for 1 round.
**Level 2 (PLV 5) (3 CD): {Attack Dice} - 4 and half damage for 2 rounds.
**Level 3 (PLV 7) (4 CD): {Attack Dice} - 3 and no damage for 1 round.

*Double Slash - Slashes an enemy twice in one action.
**Level 1 (PLV 4) (4 CD): {Attack Dice} and {Attack Dice} - 2 damage.
**Level 2 (PLV 7) (4 CD): {Attack Dice} and {Attack Dice} - 1 damage.

*Meditate^ - Spends time meditating to regain hitpoints and mana points.
**Level 1 (PLV 4) (7 CD / 3 ICD): 1d2 hitpoints and 0 mana points.
**Level 2 (PLV 8) (6 CD / 3 ICD): 1d4 hitpoints and 0 mana points.

*Provoke^ - Increases the likelihood enemies target you for one round.
**Level 1 (PLV 5) (3 CD): None.
**Level 2 (PLV 9) (3 CD): Also gain initiative.

*Focus^ - Focuses on the battle in order to increase power. This skill ends early if damage is taken.
**Level 1 (PLV 5) (3 CD): *2 modifier for 1 action.
**Level 2 (PLV 9) (4 CD): *2 modiifer for 2 actions.

*Gather Energy - Gathers energy this turn in order to increase the power of spells in the future.
**Level 1 (PLV 5) (2 CD): +1 modifier on spells for 2 rounds.

*Fury Blade - Increases the user's speed and attacks an enemy.
**Level 1 (PLV 5.A) (4 CD / 1 ICD): {Attack Dice} - 3 damage and one bonus action.
**Level 2 (PLV 7.A) (4 CD / 1 ICD): {Attack Dice} - 1 damage and one bonus action.

*Cross Slash - Attacks two different enemies in one action. If an attack succeeds against an enemy, that enemy takes additional point of damage.
**Level 1 (PLV 5.B) (4 CD): {Attack Dice} - 2 damage.
**Level 2 (PLV 7.B) (4 CD): {Attack Dice} - 1 damage.

*Throw Weapon - Throws your weapon at an enemy for increased damage at the risk of injuring yourself by half the rolled damage if you fail.
**Level 1 (PLV 6) (3 CD): {Attack Dice} + 2 damage with a threshold of {Expected Roll}.
**Level 2 (PLV 9) (3 CD): {Attack Dice} + 2 damage with a threshold of {Expected Roll} - 1.

*Berserk Lunge - Lunges at an enemy for {Attack Dice} damage and stuns them. If the target takes damage, the target is stunned for a longer time. You are stunned for two rounds after using this ability.
**Level 1 (PLV 7) (4 CD): 3 rounds if successful; 0 rounds if unsuccessful.

*Reckless Swipe - Slashes an enemy for increased damage. You also draw attention and become temporarily defenseless.
**Level 1 (PLV 7.A) (3 CD): {Attack Dice} + 3 damage. 2 rounds for other effects.

*Piercing Slash - Cuts an enemy and inflicts the "Bleeding" status. This skill fails against bosses and minibosses.
**Level 1 (PLV 7.B) (5 CD / 2 ICD): {Attack Dice} - 4 damage and 2 rounds of "Bleeding."

*Heavy Blow - Performs a strong blow against an enemy at the cost of using two actions except when Adrenaline Rush is active.
**Level 0 (Special) (4 CD / 1 ICD): {Attack Dice} + {Attack Dice} + 3 damage.
**Level 1 (PLV 8) (4 CD / 1 ICD): {Attack Dice} + {Attack Dice} + 4 damage.

*Clear Mind^ - Restores the user's morale to the maximum and cures some levels of the Sealed status.
**Level 1 (PLV 9) (1 CD): 1 level.

^ - These skills can be used while bound.

Passive Skills:

*Luck Mitigation - When rolling the minimum value on an attack roll multiple times in the recent past you may reroll the attack role that triggered this skill a certain number of times (or until you get a more favorable result.)
**Level 1 (PLV 3): 3 out of 4 to trigger; 1 reroll.
**Level 2 (PLV 5): 3 out of 4 to trigger; 2 rerolls.
**Level 3 (PLV 9): 2 out of 3 to trigger; 1 reroll.

*Adrenaline Rush - When health is critically low, normal attacks deal double damage, direct damage spells cost zero mana to cast, and skills do not have cooldowns. In addition, you are immune to any and all attacks on your morale, and if you currently possess any morale-related statuses, you immediately recover from them.
**Level 1 (PLV 4): 1 HP or lower.

*Power Aura - Grants a positive modifier on attack rolls against enemies significantly weaker than you.
**Level 1 (PLV 6): >4 levels weaker and +1 modifier.

*Critical Hit - Stuns an enemy if you roll high enough on a normal attack roll.
**Level 1 (PLV 7): {Max Attack Dice Roll} - 1 or higher; one round stun.

*First Aid - Automatically regain hitpoints and mana at the end of every battle.
**Level 1 (PLV 8): 1 hitpoint and 0 mana.

Magic and Summoning Spells:

*Redirection Shield++ - Protects an ally by splitting the damage taken between yourself and your ally and by giving your ally a magical shield. You will take half of the damage (before defenses) (rounded up), and they will take half the damage (before defenses) (rounded down). Enemies that attack players with this spell active take damage that bypasses defenses.
**Level 1 (PLV 3) (1 MP): 1 round and 1d2 damage.
**Level 2 (PLV 5) (2 MP): 2 rounds and 1d3 damage.
**Level 3 (PLV 8) (3 MP): 3 rounds and 1d4 damage.

*Fire^ - Sears an enemy and ignores enemy defenses.
**Level 1 (PLV 3) (1 MP): 1d3 damage.
**Level 2 (PLV 6) (1 MP): 1d4 damage.

*Examine Creature$ - Tells you the special skills, spells, and other abilities a monster possesses. In addition, reveals the creature's inventory.
**Level 1 (PLV 4) (1 MP): None.
**Level 2 (PLV 8) (1 MP): Also gain initiative.

*Curse$ - Curses a target and lowers their effectiveness for some time.
**Level 1 (PLV 4) (2 MP): -1 modifier for 3 rounds.
**Level 2 (PLV 6) (2 MP): -2 modifier for 3 rounds.

*Bless++ - Blesses a target and increases their effectiveness for some time.
**Level 1 (PLV 4) (2 MP): +1 modifier for 3 rounds.
**Level 2 (PLV 7) (2 MP): +2 modifier for 3 rounds.

*Minor Heal+ - Heals a target a little bit.
**Level 1 (PLV 5) (2 MP): 1d3 hitpoints.
**Level 2 (PLV 7) (2 MP): 1d4 hitpoints.

*Cure+ - Cures a target of negative status afflictions; the player can choose which affliction to heal.
**Level 1 (PLV 5) (1 MP): 1 affliction.
**Level 2 (PLV 8) (1 MP): 2 afflictions.

*Tornado^ - Damages multiple targets. If a target takes damage (after defenses), the target is additionally stunned for a single round.
**Level 1 (PLV 5) (2 MP): 2 targets and 1d6 damage.
**Level 2 (PLV 9) (2 MP): 2 targets and 2d6 damage.

*Silence$ - Silences an enemy preventing that enemy from casting spells.
**Level 1 (PLV 5.C) (2 MP): 2 rounds.
**Level 2 (PLV 8.C) (2 MP): 3 rounds.

*Minor Heal All++ - Heals all allies a little bit. (You should only perform a single roll.)
**Level 1 (PLV 5.D) (4 MP): 1d2 hitpoints.
**Level 2 (PLV 8.D) (4 MP): 1d3 hitpoints.

*Enrage++ - Enrages an ally increasing their non-magical attack power but lowering their defensive power.
**Level 1 (PLV 6) (2 MP): +2 non-magical attack rolls, -2 defense rolls, 2 rounds.

*Inspire++ - Increases the morale of an ally.
**Level 1 (PLV 6) (1 MP): 2d4 morale.

*Fear$ - Decreases the morale of an enemy.
**Level 1 (PLV 6) (1 MP): 2d4 morale.

*Magic Arrows^ - Attacks a number of targets not to exceed {Remaining Mana} targets with magic-laden arrows.
**Level 1 (PLV 7) (Cast: 1 MP | Uses: {Number of Targets} MP): 2d4 damage.

*Poison^^ - Poisons an enemy making it suffer 1d3 damage each round.
**Level 1 (PLV 8) (2 MP): 2 rounds.

*Summon Goblin Warrior$$ - Summons a single goblin warrior.
**Level 1 (PLV 8) (1 MP): Level 3 goblin warrior (7 HP / 1d4 / 1d3)

*Disorient$ - Disorients an enemy increasing its cooldowns.
**Level 1 (PLV 8.C) (2 MP): 2 rounds.

*Sanctuary++ - Decreases the likelihood enemies target an ally. The effect is nullified if one attacks.
**Level 1 (PLV 8.D) (1 MP): 1 round.

*Forcefield++ - Constructs an impenetrable forcefield around the caster protecting against all sources of damage for some time.
**Level 1 (PLV 9) (Cast: 3 MP | Uses: {Half Current Mana} MP): 2 rounds.

*Essence Blast^ - Blasts an enemy with magical essence. Excess damage is split off to another target up to a certain limit. After using this spell, you suffer the "Exhausted" affliction for {Player Level} / 2 battles.
**Level 0 (Special) (Cast: 4 MP | Uses: {All Current Mana} MP): ({Player Level} + 2 * {All Current Mana})d4 - 3 damage; can split damage up to one time.

*Smite^ - Smites an enemy with a blast a cold air. If the target receives damage, they are additionally cursed.
**Level 0 (Special) (2 MP): 1d6 + 1d3 damage; -1 curse for three rounds.

Offensive Spells:
^ - Direct Damage Spell
^^ - Indirect Damage Spell

Support Spells:
+ - Healing Spell
++ - Blessing Spell

Illusionary Spells:
$ - Control Spell
$$ - Summoning Spell

Special Abilities:

*Trick Die - Grants a free reroll of a single dice roll. For attacks that make multiple dice rolls (e.g.: double slash), you can only reroll one of them. Note that if you use multiple dice for normal attacks, etc., they count as a single "dice roll."
**Level 1 (PLV 7): Once per battle.

*Dismiss - Dismisses a summoned creature and allows for the summoning of a new one.
**Level 1 (PLV 8): Restores 1 HP for every 3 HP the summoned creature had remaining. Unlimited use.

Power Spells:

*Mind Duel (PLV 9) (5 CD | Cast: 2 Mana | Uses: 0 Mana) - Challenges a magic-user to a mind duel. Both characters roll {Attack Dice} + {Character Level}d3 and compare results. The character with the lower result loses mana equal to the difference, and the character with the higher result gains mana equal to the difference. If the loser possesses insufficient mana to pay the cost, the loser receives {Remainder} / 3 (rounded up) levels of the "Sealed" status affliction.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 11:23 am
by Ircher

: Means either a) performing a normal attack b) using a skill c) casting a spell or d) explicitly doing nothing.

*Normal Attack
: Refers to the default attack all players possess which has a strength given by their attack dice.

: Generally refers only to normal attacks and skills; spells are generally exempt from this term. (Ideally, I remember to clarify in all instances where I use this term, but sometimes, I forget to.)

: Refers to the time where one cannot use another active skill. This goes down by one at the end of each round.

*Before Defenses
: Means that the character defending against the action can roll their defense dice to reduce the amount of damage they take from an action. This can also indicate that a reduction or bonus is considered before the defense roll is applied.

*After Defenses
: Means that the reduction or bonus is considered after the defense roll reduction is applied. In some cases, this means that the target ignores defenses; however, this usage is deprecated.

*Ignores Defense
: Means that the character defending against the action cannot use their defense dice to reduce the amount of damage they take from an action.

: See below.
**Players : The action does not count towards the action threshold. Note that the one action per per player per round rule still applies here. You cannot act twice in a single round unless otherwise noted. (To clarify, the player threshold and the NPC threshold are considered separately; player initiative does not grant extra NPC actions, and NPC initiative does not grant extra player actions.)
**Monsters : Cancels out initiative advantages possessed by the players. (Basically, pair each monster with initiative to a player with initiative. If there are more players than monsters with initiatives (i.e.: leftover players after all pairings have been done), then that difference is the number of extra actions the players may perform.

: Can perform only half the normal amount of actions.

: Can perform twice the normal amount of actions.

: Decreases the likelihood of being targeted directly. The effect ends early upon the use of damaging attacks or direct damage spells. Indirect damage spells are still allowed (e.g.: poison, fear, etc.).
**Players : Invisible players are far less likely to be targeted directly by enemies.
**Monsters : Invisible monsters are unable to be directly targeted by players.

: Cannot perform any actions that requires freedom of movement (including spells). Currently, only Scry Monster can be used while bound.

: Cannot take actions and cannot defend from incoming attacks. Takes 2x damage frm non-magical attacks (normal attacks and damaging active skills). Wakes up if attacked (including spells), but only after all actions against that character this round are resolved.

: Cannot take any actions, but can defend from incoming actions.

: Cannot use normal attacks or damaging active skills.

: Cannot take any actions and cannot defend from incoming attacks.

: Fights for the enemy for some time. Their actions do not count against the action threshold.

: Deals 1d3 damage at the end of each round. Ignores defense.

: Deals 1d4 damage at the end of each round. Ignores defense.

: A severe status affliction that deals diminishing damage over time. Ignores defense. Curing spells only cure a single round of "Bleeding" for every status affliction that is cured. (E.g.: A curing spell that cures two status afflictions can cure up to two rounds of "Bleeding.") Bleeding does not tick down or begin taking effect until the round after it is applied.
**One round of "Bleeding" remaining causes one to lose 10% of their current health at the end of the current round.
**Two rounds of "Bleeding" remaining causes one to lose 19% of their current health at the end of the current round. ((1 - 0.10) ^ 2). This leads to ~27% of one's current health in total (from both rounds).
**Three rounds of "Bleeding" remaining causes one to lose 27% of their current health at the end of the current round. ((1 - 0.10) ^ 3). This leads to ~47% of one's current health in total (from all three rounds.)
**More rounds of "Bleeding" continue in a similar fashion dealing 10% of one's current health as damage multiplicative for each round of "Bleeding" left. You can calculate the percentage of one's current health that is lost by (1 - 0.10) ^ n where n is the number of rounds of "Bleeding" left.

: A severe status affliction that decreases one's overall power. "Healing Grace" and "Adrenaline Rush" are disabled for all exhausted characters. In addition, maximum health is decreased by 10% (final result rounded up), maximum morale is decreased by 50% (rounded to nearest), active skills' cooldowns are increased by one, and this status acts like an innate -1 curse until it expires. Players are also unable to use active skills and cast spells from Path of the Berserker and Path of the Magician. This status affliction cannot be cured by conventional means.

: A status affliction that seals away your memory of spells. If a character's seal level exceeds their character level, the character dies. Like bleeding, the sealed status is cured one level at a time.
**Players : For every level of the "Sealed" status affliction you possess, you lose access to one player level of spells. (This includes casting higher level spells--you will have to cast the lower level variant.) For instance, if you are level 6 and possess three levels of the "Sealed" status affliction, then you can only cast the spells "Fire" and "Redirection Shield" from player level 3. Most curing spells and items only clear a single level of the "Sealed" status affliction at a time.
**Monsters : For every level of "Sealed" they possess, their maximum MP decreases by 2.

: A status infliction sometimes sustained instead of death. Any further damage kills and defense rolls are halved while in this state. Unconscious characters cannot act. Enemies will not directly target unconscious players.

*Double Damage
: Means that a *2 multiplier is tacked on to the end of the roll.

*Two Attacks
: Means that you roll separately for each attack. For players (and certain enemies), performing two attacks can allow you to kill the character in one action rather than two (provided their hitpoints are low enough, and the attack deals enough damage.)

*Quick Strike
: Moves before other characters when resolving a round.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 11:23 am
by Ircher
Friendship System
(Courtesy of James Brafin for the initial design pitch.)

Basic Description:

Friendship Points (FP) are acquired by aiding allies during battles. Whenever you aid an ally, your relationship with them gains 1 FP. When you reach certain FP thresholds, your relationship with that player will level up, and you'll be able to use special friendship skills and spells. Only skills or spells that affect an ally (such as Bless/Curse) grant Friendship Points; if in doubt, please ask me. Skills and spells that affect multiple allies (such as Minor Heal All) only grant a single Friendship Point to a single ally of your choice. Players are solely responsible for keeping track of Friendship Points (as having me do it all is way too much hassle for it to be worth it). (It is very unlikely I'll be checking heavily, so much of this relies on me trusting the players.)
Friendship Points are also mutual meaning that if the worst has three Friendship Points with Formerfish, then Formerfish has three Friendship Points with the worst.

Each time you use an action that grants a Friendship Point, you should strive to include in your post your current Friendship Points totals. (Ideally, you'll wrap it into spoiler tags.) (Don't forget to account for times where your friend uses the skill/spell on you.)

All friendship skills/spells, unless otherwise noted, count as one action towards the action threshold. Players may only use one friendship skill/spell each per round, and there may be a limit on the total number of friendship actions the party may use per round, dependent on the battle. You may not use a friendship action on/with a player that has already used a friendship action on/with you. Similar to normal active skills, all stated friendship skill cooldowns are global among the friendship skills.
Where relevant and unless otherwise noted, valid targets for ally-targeting spells and skills are only valid on friends that you possess the required friendship level with.
(For instance, if Cerberus v666 has level 2 friendship with the worst and level 1 friendship with McMenno, Cerberus v666 can only use "Share" with the worst. He does not have the required level 2 friendship to use it with McMenno.)

Friendship Levels:

Level 1
(FP Needed: 0)
- Gain Friendship Skill "Aid" (3 FCD): Grants a +1 modifier to your friend's roll. This skill grants initiative.

Level 2
(FP Needed: 7)
- Gain Friendship Skill "Share" (2 FCD): Shares a normally non-transferable item with a friend.

Level 3
(FP Needed: 14)
- Gain Friendship Spell "Symbiosis" (Cast: 1 Mana | Uses: 1 + {Mana Transferred} Mana): Heals and restores your friend by transferring health and mana on a 1:1 ratio. You may choose how much health and mana to transfer. You cannot bring yourself below 1 HP using this spell.

Level 4
(FP Needed: 28)
- Gain Friendship Skill "Team Attack" (4 FCD): Attack an enemy together with your friend. (You should roll both for yourself and your friend.) Like "Double Slash", while this skill consists of two attacks, this skill only counts as one towards the penalty.
Your friend cannot act separately after you use this skill. It still only counts as one action to the action threshold.

Level 5
(FP Needed: 56)
- Gain Friendship Spell "Cleanse" (2 Mana): Fully cures a friend of all negative status afflictions except mental ones (like "Scared"). This includes some of the harder to remove afflictions like "Bleeding" and "Sealed". The primary exception to this is the "Exhausted" status--instead, your friend will recover from that status one battle sooner.
(Other exceptions may be added as needed.)

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 11:25 am
by Ircher
Monster Codex

Spoiler: Chapter 1: The Goblin King
*Level 3 Monsters
**Goblin Warrior : HP = 7 | Attack = 1d4 | Defense = 1d3
- Active Skill "Double Slash" (4 CD): Slashes at an enemy twice for {Attack Dice} and {Attack Dice} - 2 damage.

*Bosses and Minibosses
**Gobel : Level = 3 | HP = 15 | Attack = 1d4 | Defense = 1d4
- Passive Skill "Critical Hit": If this creature rolls a 4 on their attack, the target is critically hit and briefly stunned for one turn. Stunned enemies can only defend against incoming attacks; they cannot attack or use other actions.
- Active Skill "Double Slash" (4 CD): Slashes at an enemy twice for {Attack Dice} and {Attack Dice} - 2 damage.
- Active Skill "Poison Slash" (4 CD): Slashes at an enemy for {Attack Dice} - 1 damage. If the attack deals damage, the target is also poisoned for 2 rounds. Poisoned enemies take 1d3 damage at the end of every round.

**Gobaza : Level = 3 | HP = 11 | MP = 5 | Attack = 1d3 | Defense = 1d2 | XP @ 3 = 4
- Passive Skill "Healing Grace": If an attack causes this creature's health to drop to 1 HP or less (when they were above 1 HP beforehand), this creature will be left with 1 HP instead. If the creature takes damage at 1 HP, it dies.
- Magic Spell "Curse" (2 MP): Curses an enemy granting them a -1 modifier on all rolls for 2 rounds.
- Magic Spell "Fire" (1 MP): Sears an enemy for 1d3 damage and ignores defenses.
- Magic Spell "Symbiosis" (1 MP): Heals an ally by taking damage. You cannot give more HP than half what you currently possess, and you cannot die by using this spell. To determine the amount given, roll a 1d4. You will take this much damage, and you will heal an ally by half this amount (rounded up).

**Goblomancer : Summoner : Level = 4 | HP = 17 | MP = 19 | Attack = 1d3 | Defense = 1d3
- Passive Skill "Healing Grace": If an attack causes this creature's health to drop to 1 HP or less (when they were above 1 HP beforehand), this creature will be left with 1 HP instead. If the creature takes damage at 1 HP, it dies.
- Passive Skill "Stun Immunity": This creature is immune to stuns.
- Passive Skill "Summoning Mastery" (level 2): Can summon a maximum of two creatures at a time.
- Special Skill "Siphon Soul" (Maximum Three Times): Siphons the soul of an ally. The ally dies, but you regain health equal to twice the creature's remaining health. Note: After using this skill, your health cannot exceed your maximum hitpoints.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Goblin" (1 MP): Summons a level 3 goblin. (Note: Summons do not grant experience. Summons cannot attack on the round they are summoned.)
- Summoning Spell "Summon Goblin Flinger" (2 MP): Summons a level 3 goblin flinger.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Goblin Warrior" (3 MP): Summons a level 3 goblin warrior.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Goblin Priest" (3 MP): Summons a level 3 goblin priest.
- Magic Spell "Minor Heal" (2 MP): Heals 1d3 hitpoints of an ally.
- Magic Spell "Symbiosis" (1 MP): Heals an ally by taking damage. You cannot give more HP than half what you currently possess, and you cannot die by using this spell. To determine the amount given, roll a 1d6. You will take this much damage, and you will heal an ally by half this amount (rounded up).
- Magic Spell "Bless" (2 MP): Blesses an ally granting them a +1 modifier on all rolls for 2 rounds.
- Magic Spell "Curse" (2 MP): Curses an enemy granting them a -1 modifier on all rolls for 2 rounds.

**King Goblo : Goblin : Level = 4 | HP = 22 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 1d4
- Passive Skill "Healing Grace" : If an attack causes this creature's health to drop to 1 HP or less (when they were above 1 HP beforehand), this creature will be left with 1 HP instead. If the creature takes damage at 1 HP, it dies.
- Passive Skill "Critical Hit" : If King Goblo rolls a 6 on their attack, the target is critically hit and briefly stunned for two rounds. Stunned enemies can only defend against incoming attacks; they cannot attack or use other actions.
- Active Skill "Poison Weapon" (3 CD) : The next attack that this creature makes with their weapon (if it applies damage) will coat the target in poison for 2 rounds. The poison deals 1d3 damage each turn.
- Active Skill "Speed Slash" (3 CD) : Slashes an enemy quickly for {Attack Dice} - 2 damage and grants Goblo initiative.

Spoiler: Chapter 2: The Mystical Slimes
*Level 3 Monsters
**Slime : HP = 13 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 0d2

*Level 4 Monsters
**White Slime : HP = 10 | MP = 10 | Attack = 1d4 | Defense = 0d2
- Magic Spell "Fire" (1 Mana): Sears an enemy for 1d3 damage and ignores defenses.
- Magic Spell "Minor Heal" (1 Mana): Heals 1d4 hitpoints of an ally.
- Magic Spell "Cure" (1 Mana): Cures a target of a single negative status affliction.
- Magic Spell "Tornado" (2 Mana): Deals 1d6 damage to two enemies. If an enemy takes damage from this spell, they are stunned for two rounds.

*Level 5 Monsters
**Silver Slime : HP = 15 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 1d2
- Active Skill "Spit Coin" (3 CD): Spits a silver coin at the player for {Attack Dice} + 1 damage. The coin then enters the party's inventory.

*Level 6 Monsters
**Giant Lizard : HP = 13 | Morale = 5 | Attack1 = 1d3 | Attack2 = 1d2 | Attack3 = 1d2 | Defense = 1d3
- Active Skill "Bite" (4 CD): Attacks an enemy for {Attack Dice} + 1 damage.
- Active Skill "Deep Scratch" (6 CD): Scratches an enemy and digs deep into their skin for {Attack Dice} damage. If the target takes damage, the target receives the "Bleeding" status for two rounds. For each round of "Bleeding" left, a character loses 10% of their current health (multiplicatively) (health is rounded up--bleeding cannot kill a character). (For instance, a bleed with three rounds left causes a character to lose ~27% of their current health. On the next round, the bleed will cause the character to lose ~14% of their current health (~41% cumulatively).) Each round of bleeding counts a separate status affliction for the purpose of spells. (A spell that cures two status afflictions will only remove two rounds of bleeding.) Bleeding does not begin taking effect until the next round. (This allows characters a chance to cure it ahead of time. Just to be clear, the timer does not tick down the first round.)

*Level 7 Monsters
**Red Slime : HP = 17 | Morale = 5 | Attack = 1d6 + 1d3 | Defense = 0d2 | XP @ 7 = 3
- Passive Skill "Leeching Touch": This creature heals a number of hitpoints equal to the amount of damage it deals with normal attacks each round.

**Angry Lizard : HP = 15 | Morale = 5 | Attack1 = 1d4 | Attack2 = 1d2 | Attack3 = 1d2 | Defense = 1d4
- Active Skill "Bite" (4 CD): Attacks an enemy for {Attack Dice} + 1 damage.
- Active Skill "Deep Scratch" (6 CD): Scratches an enemy and digs deep into their skin for {Attack Dice} damage. If this skill does damage, the target receives the "Bleeding" status for three rounds. For each round of "Bleeding" left, a character loses 10% of their current health (multiplicatively).
- Special Ability "Frenzy" (Single use; keep turn; only at <=50% HP): This creature enters a frenzy where attacks become stronger and faster at the cost of defense. All attack rolls (including skills) gain a +1 modifier, and active skills leave cooldown one round sooner. All defensive rolls for this creature are halved.

*Bosses and Minibosses
**Gamma Slime : Slime : Level = 5 | HP = 28 | Attack = 1d3 + 1d2 | Defense = 0d2
- Passive Skill "Leader": While this creature is alive, this creature's allies follow its orders. (The specifics of this effect are hidden. This skill may be beneficial to its enemies... or it may be harmful, who knows?)
- Passive Skill "Healing Grace": If an attack causes this creature's health to drop to 1 HP or less (when they were above 1 HP beforehand), this creature will be left with 1 HP instead. If the creature takes damage at 1 HP, it dies.
- Passive Skill "Stun Immunity": This creature is immune to stuns.
- Active Skill "Quick Slime" (3 CD): Coats an enemy in slime quickly for {Attack Dice} - 2 damage. This skill also grants initiative.
- Active Skill "Slime Ball" (2 CD): Spits a ball of slime at an enemy for {Attack Dice} + 1 damage.
- Active Skill "Slime Field" (4 CD): Increases everyone's cooldowns (both friendly and hostile, but excluding this creature) by two rounds. This skill deals no damage.

**Cultist Szyme : Cultist Sharpshooter : Level = 5 | HP = 12 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 1d4 | XP @ 5 = 10
- Passive Skill "Immortality": This creature cannot be killed by any means. Any attack that would bring this creature below 1 HP will leave this creature at 1 HP.
- Passive Skill "White Flag": The battle ends when this creature possesses 1 HP.
- Passive Skill "Fire Resistance": This creature can defend against the "Fire" spell.
- Passive Skill "Fast on Feet": This creature always possesses initiative. (Counteracts initiative from the players.)
- Passive Skill "In Control": Crowd control effects last for one less round than normal on this creature.
- Passive Skill "Hasted": This creature can act twice in one round.
- Active Skill "Power Shot" (2 CD): Fires an arrow that deals {Attack Dice} + 1 damage to an enemy.
- Active Skill "Binding Shot" (3 CD): Fires an arrow that binds an enemy in place for {Attack Dice} damage. If the arrow deals any damage, the target is bound for 2 rounds: any actions that require large movements (which includes all spells) are disallowed. Bound targets can still defend against attacks, and they can still perform actions that require very little movement. These skills are marked with a ^ in the ability guide.
- Consumable Item "Lesser Healing Potion" (x2): Restores 1d4 hitpoints.
- Consumable Item "Weak Weapon Poison": Grants the "Poisoned Weapon" status. If the user's next attack applies damage, the target is coated in poison for two rounds.

**Cultist Szyme : Cultist Sharpshooter : Level = 6 | HP = 45 | MP = 15 | Morale = 75 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 1d4
- Passive Skill "Healing Grace": If an attack causes this creature's health to drop to 1 HP or less (when they were above 1 HP beforehand), this creature will be left with 1 HP instead. If the creature takes damage at 1 HP, it dies.
- Passive Skill "Fire Immunity": This creature is immune to the "Fire" spell.
- Passive Skill "First Strike": At the beginning of the battle, all characters with first strike get one extra action before everyone else.
- Passive Skill "Fast on Feet": This creature always possesses initiative. (Counteracts initiative from the players.)
- Passive Skill "In Control": Crowd control effects last for one less round than normal on this creature.
- Passive Skill "Hasted": This creature can act twice in one round.
- Passive Skill "Energizing": While this creature is alive, all spells require and use one less mana to cast (for both friendly and hostile creatures).
- Active Skill "Power Shot" (2 CD): Fires an arrow that deals {Attack Dice} + 1 damage to an enemy.
- Active Skill "Double Shot" (3 CD): Fires two arrows that deals {Attack Dice} and {Attack Dice} - 1 damage to an enemy.
- Active Skill "Arrow Volley" (3 CD): Fires an arrow at two different enemies for {Attack Dice} - 1 damage.
- Active Skill "Binding Shot" (3 CD): Fires an arrow that binds an enemy in place for {Attack Dice} damage. If the arrow deals any damage, the target is bound for 2 rounds: any actions that require large movements (which includes all spells) are disallowed. Bound targets can still defend against attacks, and they can still perform actions that require very little movement. These skills are marked with a ^ in the ability guide.
- Magic Spell "Minor Heal" (1 Mana): Heals an ally by 1d4 hitpoints.
- Magic Spell "Heal" (2 Mana): Heals an ally by 2d3 hitpoints.
- Magic Spell "Major Heal" (4 Mana): Heals an ally by 2d6 hitpoints.
- Magic Spell "Revive" (8 Mana): Fully restores an ally's health (provided that ally is not dead.)
- Magic Spell "Raise Dead" (9 Mana): Heals a dead ally by 50% of their hitpoints. This spell has a 17% chance of failing (roll a 1d6; the ally stays dead if a 1 is rolled).
- Magic Spell "Cure" (1 Mana): Cures an ally of two status afflictions.
- Magic Spell "Cure All" (3 Mana): Cures all allies of a single status affliction.
- Consumable Item "Healing Potion" (x2): Restores 1d6 hitpoints to an ally.
- Consumable Item "Lesser Mana Potion": Restores 1d2 mana to an ally.
- Consumable Item "Weapon Poison" (x2): Grants the "Poisoned Weapon" status to an ally. If the user's next attack applies damage, the target is coated in poison for three rounds.

**Alpha Slime : White Slime : Level = 6 | HP = 43 | MP = 28 | Morale = 75 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 0d2
- Passive Skill "Stun Resistance": This creature has a natural resistance against stun. Roll a 1d6. If a 5 or a 6 is rolled, this creature will avoid being stunned.
- Magic Spell "Fire" (1 Mana): Sears an enemy for 1d3 damage and ignores defenses.
- Magic Spell "Minor Heal" (1 Mana): Heals 1d4 hitpoints of an ally.
- Magic Spell "Cure" (1 Mana): Cures a target of a single negative status affliction.
- Magic Spell "Tornado" (2 Mana): Deals 1d8 damage to two enemies. If an enemy takes damage from this spell, they are stunned for two rounds.
- Magic Spell "Lightning" (3 Mana): Deals 2d4 damage to a single enemy. Excess damage is split off to another enemy (chosen by the caster in advanced). This process continues until there are no enemies left or all the damage is used. This spell will not reduce an enemy with healing grace below 1 HP unless the targeted player began with 1 HP or less.
- Magic Spell "Flaming Arrows" (Cast: 2 Mana | Uses: 1 + {Number of Targets} Mana): Sears a number of targets not to exceed {Remaining Mana} - 1 with fiery magic-laden arrows. Each arrow deals 1d3 damage and ignores defenses.
- Magic Spell "Kill" (5 Mana): Sends a powerful electrical attack at an enemy for 2d6 damage.

**Beta Slime : Green Slime : Level = 6 | HP = 47 | Morale = 75 | Attack = 1d4 + 1d3 | Defense = 1d2
- Passive Skill "Stun Resistance": This creature has a natural resistance against stun. Roll a 1d6. If a 6 is rolled, this creature will avoid being stunned.
- Passive Skill "Poisonous Touch": Enemies that take damage from this creature are covered in poison for one round and take 1d3 damage (after defenses) at the end of every round.
- Passive Skill "Critical Hit": If this creature makes a perfect attack roll, this creature's target is stunned for two rounds.
- Active Skill "Slime Field" (4 CD): Increases everyone's cooldowns (both friendly and hostile, but excluding this creature) by two rounds. This skill deals no damage.
- Active Skill "Explode" (3 CD): Creates an explosion that deals {Attack Dice} - 2 damage to every enemy attacking this creature this round. This creature takes 1d3 damage in the process.
- Active Skill "Spit Poison" (2 CD): Coats a target in poison for three rounds causing them to lose 1d3 health at the end of every round.
- Special Ability "Field Cleanser" (Unlimited use; lose turn): Decreases everyone's cooldowns (both friendly and hostile, including this creature) by two rounds.

**Delta Slime : Purple Slime : Level = 6 | HP = 31 | MP = 12 | Morale = 75 | Attack = 2d2 | Defense = 1d3
- Passive Skill "Fear Touch": Enemies that take damage from this creature lose 1d6 morale. (If a creature's morale drops below 0, they receive the Scared status until their morale is at or above 0 again. Scared players are unable to act and unable to defend. Creatures that do not possess morale suffer the "Scared" status for 3 rounds if they take morale damage.)
- Active Skill "Explode" (3 CD): Creates an explosion that deals {Attack Dice} - 1 damage to every enemy attacking this creature this round. This creature takes 1d3 damage in the process.
- Magic Spell "Fear" (3 Mana): Fills an enemy with fear for 1d8 morale damage.

**Hydra Slime : Level = 7 | HP = 400 | Morale = 15 | Attack = 1d8 | Defense = 1d2
- Passive Skill "Split": When this enemy takes damage, it splits into two weaker slimes. Each weaker slime has half the HP of the original slime. If the amount of HP remaining is odd before the split, one of the slimes will get the extra hitpoint. An individual slime will stop splitting from damage when it has 5 HP or left. Only the original creature awards experience. (To be very clear, "taking damage" in this context means per attack. If two characters attack the slime in the same round, the slime may potentially take damage twice (and thus split twice). The defense roll is applied to the first 1-2 attacks; attacks that deal zero damage do not count as "taking damage".)
- Passive Skill "Fire Vulnerability": This creature is vulnerable to the "Fire" and "Flame Arrows" spells. Those spells deal 2 * {Dice Roll} + 1.
- Passive Skill "Stun Resistance": This creature has a natural resistance against stun. Roll a 1d6. If a 4, 5, or 6 is rolled, this creature will avoid being stunned.
- Active Skill "Explode" (3 CD): Creates an explosion that deals {Attack Dice} - 2 damage to every enemy attacking this creature this round. This creature takes 1d4 unblockable damage in the process.

**Cultist Andromeda : Cultist Musician : Level = 6 | HP = 50 | MP = 24 | Morale = 100 | Attack = 1d4 | Defense = 1d4
- Passive Skill "Cultist Charm": This creature cannot be killed. If this creature is rendered unconscious, this creature's protective magic will auto-revive them in three rounds at 25% maximum health (rounded to nearest). The battle ends when all slimes are dead.
- Passive Skill "Perseverance": Instead of dying, this creature is rendered unconscious when this creature takes damage at 1 HP. Further damage will kill this creature. Healing items and spells restore unconscious characters to 1 HP, regardless of how much health is healed.
- Passive Skill "Healing Grace": If an attack causes this creature's health to drop to 1 HP or less (when they were above 1 HP beforehand), this creature will be left with 1 HP instead. If the creature takes damage at 1 HP, it falls unconscious.
- Passive Skill "Energizing": While this creature is conscious, all spells require and use one less mana to cast (for both friendly and hostile creatures).
- Magic Spell "Song of Medicine" (3 Mana): Plays a special song that cures one status affliction of all allies and heals all allies by 1d3 hitpoints.
- Magic Spell "Trill" (2 Mana): Plays a delightful trill and increases an ally's morale by 2d4 points.
- Magic Spell "Low Note" (1 Mana): Plays a low-pitched note and causes an enemy to lose 2d6 morale.
- Special Ability "Absorb Slime" (Unlimited use; does not end turn): Siphons the life force of a slime to restore HP and MP by half of the slime's remaining health.

**Slimemancer : Summoner : Level = 7 | HP = 49 | MP = 25 | Morale = 11 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d6
- Passive Skill "Emergency Teleportation Wards": This skill activates when this creature would otherwise die. This creature teleports away from the fight, but experience is still gained.
- Passive Skill "Perseverance": Instead of dying, this creature is rendered unconscious when this creature takes damage at 1 HP. Further damage will kill this creature. Healing items and spells restore unconscious characters to 1 HP, regardless of how much health is healed. Defense rolls are halved while in this state.
- Passive Skill "Healing Grace": If an attack causes this creature's health to drop to 1 HP or less (when they were above 1 HP beforehand), this creature will be left with 1 HP instead. If the creature takes damage at 1 HP, it dies.
- Passive Skill "Control Mastery": This creature is immune to all crowd-control effects (including stuns and silencing).
- Passive Skill "Summoning Mastery" (level 3): Can summon a maximum of three creatures at a time.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Red Slime" (3 Mana): Summons a level 7 red slime.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Orange Slime" (4 Mana): Summons a level 7 orange slime.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Yellow Slime" (5 Mana): Summons a level 7 yellow slime.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Green Slime" (4 Mana): Summons a level 7 green slime.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Blue Slime" (4 Mana): Summons a level 7 blue slime.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Purple Slime" (3 Mana): Summons a level 7 purple slime.
- Summoning Spell "Summon White Slime" (6 Mana): Summons a level 7 white slime.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Black Slime" (5 Mana): Summons a level 7 black slime.
- Summoning Spell "Mass Summon Slimes" (14 Mana): Summons three random level 7 slimes. Roll 3d100 to determine which slime is summoned: 1-7 = Normal, 8-14 = Tiny, 15-21: Giant, 22-28: Silver, 29-35: Pink, 36-42: Red, 43-50: Orange, 51-57 = Yellow, 58-64 = Green, 65-71: Blue, 72-78: Indigo, 79-85: Purple, 86-92: White, 93-100: Black.
- Magic Spell "Minor Heal" (2 Mana): Heals 1d4 hitpoints of an ally.
- Magic Spell "Bless" (2 Mana): Blesses an ally granting them a +2 modifier on all rolls for 3 rounds.
- Magic Spell "Curse" (2 Mana): Curses an enemy granting them a -2 modifier on all rolls for 3 rounds.
- Magic Spell "Fire" (1 Mana): Sears an enemy for 1d4 damage and ignores defenses.

**Cultist Zykkia : Cultist Musician : Level = 7 | HP = 49 | MP = 30 | Morale = 40 | Attack = 2d3 | Defense = 1d2
- Passive Skill "Healing Grace": If an attack causes this creature's health to drop to 1 HP or less (when they were above 1 HP beforehand), this creature will be left with 1 HP instead. If the creature takes damage at 1 HP, it dies.
- Passive Skill "Second Chance": The first time this creature reaches zero or less health, this creature is instantly revived instead. All status changes and cooldowns of this creature are reset upon activation of this ability.
- Passive Skill "In Control": Crowd control effects last for one less round than normal on this creature.
- Passive Skill "Energizing": While this creature is alive, all spells require and use one less mana to cast (for both friendly and hostile creatures).
- Magic Spell "Lullaby" (7 Mana): Sings a magical lullaby that causes enemies to sleep. For each enemy, roll a 1d6. If the result is a 5 or a 6, that creature receives the "Sleeping" status. Sleeping enemies cannot act, cannot defend, and are vulnerable to attacks (as in skills and normal attacks, not spells) (2x damage). If a sleeping character is attacked (including by spells), they immediately wake up.
- Magic Spell "Confusion Wave" (7 Mana): Confuses all enemies and increases their global cooldown by three rounds.
- Magic Spell "High Note" (3 Mana): Plays a high-pitched note and causes an enemy to lose 1d3 mana points.
- Magic Spell "Low Note" (1 Mana): Plays a low-pitched note and causes an enemy to lose 3d4 morale.
- Magic Spell "Low Melody" (4 Mana): Plays a very dark and low-pitched melody and causes all enemies to lose 1d8 + 1d4 morale.
- Magic Spell "Inspiration Song" (9 Mana): Plays a short, inspirational song blessing (+1) all allies for three rounds.
- Magic Spell "Song of Medicine" (4 Mana): Plays a special song that cures one status affliction of all allies and heals all allies by 1d3 hitpoints.
- Magic Spell "Charm" (3 Mana): Deals 2d6 morale damage to an enemy. If the target's morale drops to zero or less, that target receives the "Charmed" status. Charmed characters attack allies (during the opposite team's turn; that is, charmed player characters will attack at the same time as monsters) until their morale rises back up to above zero. Charmed characters' actions do not count against the action threshold.
- Consumable Item "Invulnerability Potion": Renders an ally immune to damage for 1d3+1 rounds.
- Consumable Item "Greater Mana Potion": Restores 2d6 mana points to an ally.

**Proto-G Slime : Giant Slime : Level = 7 | HP = 74 | Morale = 17 | Attack = 1d6 + 1d4 | Defense = 1d4
- Passive Skill "Critical Hit": If this creature rolls a 9 or 10 on a normal attack, the target is stunned for two rounds.
- Passive Skill "Sluggish": This creaature acts on odd-numbered rounds only.
- Active Skill "Double Slime" (4 CD): Attacks an enemy for {Attack Dice} and {Attack Dice} - 1 damage.
- Active Skill "Slime Field" (4 CD): Increases everyone's cooldowns (both friendly and hostile, but excluding this creature) by two rounds. This skill deals no damage.
- Special Ability "Berserk Mode" (Single use; keep turn; only when Cultist Zykkia is dead): This creature becomes berserk where attacks become stronger at the cost of control and defense. All attack rolls gain a +2 modifier, but this creature loses all magic spells, active skills, and special abilities. This creature also becomes immune to crowd control and mental status afflictions, but all attacks made against this creature ignore defenses.

**Proto-T Slime : Tiny Slime : Level = 7 | HP = 49 | Morale = 17 | Attack1 = 1d4 | Attack2 = 1d3 | Defense = 1d2
- Passive Skill "Fire Vulnerability": This creature is vulnerable to the "Fire" and "Flame Arrows" spells. These spells do {Dice Roll} + 2 damage.
- Passive Skill "Hasted": This creature can act twice in one round.
- Passive Skill "Quick Strike": This creature acts before creatures without quick strike.
- Active Skill "Quick Slime" (3 CD): Coats an enemy in slime quickly for {Attack Dice} - 2 damage. This skill also grants initiative.
- Active Skill "Slime Field" (4 CD): Increases everyone's cooldowns (both friendly and hostile, but excluding this creature) by two rounds. This skill deals no damage.
- Special Ability "Frenzy" (Single use; keep turn; only when Cultist Zykkia is dead): This creature enters a frenzy where attacks become stronger and faster at the cost of defense. All attack rolls (including skills) gain a +1 modifier, and active skills leave cooldown one round sooner. All defensive rolls for this creature are halved.

Spoiler: Chapter 3: The Occult Clan
*Level 7 Monsters

**(7) Cultist : HP = 20 | MP = 2 | Morale = 5 | Attack = 1d4 + 1d2 | Defense = 1d3
- Active Skill "Speed Slash" (3 CD): Slashes an enemy quickly for {Attack Dice} - 2 damage. This skill grants initiative.
- Magic Spell "Cultist Ritual" (2 Mana): Uses magic to heal oneself by 1d4 hitpoints.

**(7) Cultist Blademaster : HP = 22 | MP = 2 | Morale = 8 | Attack = 1d4 + 1d3 | Defense = 1d4
- Passive Skill "Critical Hit": If this creature rolls {Max Attack Roll} - 1 or higher on an attack, the target is stunned for two rounds.
- Active Skill "Double Slash" (4 CD): Slashes an enemy twice for {Attack Dice} and {Attack Dice} - 2 damage.
- Active Skill "Blade Sweep" (4 CD): Sweeps enemies' legs dealing {Attack Dice} damage (before defenses) to every enemy attacking this creature this round. If a target suffers damage, their cooldown is increased by one round.
- Magic Spell "Cultist Ritual" (2 Mana): Uses magic to heal oneself by 1d4 hitpoints.

**(7) Cultist Acolyte : HP = 17 | MP = 12 | Morale = 15 | Attack = 1d8 | Defense = 1d3
- Passive Skill "Healing Grace": If an attack causes this creature's health to drop to 1 HP or less (when they were above 1 HP beforehand), this creature will be left with 1 HP instead. If the creature takes damage at 1 HP, it dies.
- Active Skill "Defensive Slash" (2 CD): Slashes at an enemy for {Attack Dice} - 4 damage. This creature will take no damage on the following round.
- Magic Spell "Minor Heal" (1 Mana): Heals an ally by 1d3 hitpoints.
- Magic Spell "Bless" (2 Mana): Blesses an ally granting them a +2 modifier on all rolls for four rounds.
- Magic Spell "Curse" (2 Mana): Curses an enemy granting them a -2 modifier on all rolls for three rounds.
- Magic Spell "Holy Thunder" (3 Mana): Electrocutes an enemy for 2d4 damage. If they take damage, they become vulnerable to spells and take double damage from all spells for two rounds.
- Magic Spell "Cultist Ritual" (2 Mana): Uses magic to heal oneself by 1d4 hitpoints.

*Level 8 Monsters
**(8) Cultist Blademaster : HP = 25 | MP = 3 | Morale = 10 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d4
- Passive Skill "Critical Hit": If this creature rolls {Max Attack Roll} - 1 or higher on an attack, the target is stunned for two rounds.
- Active Skill "Double Slash" (4 CD): Slashes an enemy twice for {Attack Dice} and {Attack Dice} - 2 damage.
- Active Skill "Blade Sweep" (4 CD): Sweeps enemies' legs dealing {Attack Dice} damage (before defenses) to every enemy attacking this creature this round. If a target suffers damage, their cooldown is increased by one round.
- Active Skill "Feint" (3 CD): Attempts to trick your enemy by performing a feint. Roll 1d2 and {Attack Dice}. If you roll a 2 on the 1d2 roll, your attack deals 150% damage and bypasses defenses.
- Magic Spell "Cultist Ritual" (2 Mana): Uses magic to heal oneself by 1d4 hitpoints.

(8) Cultist Summoner : HP = 20 | MP = 12 | Morale = 5 | Attack = 1d6 | Defense = 1d3
- Passive Skill "Summoning Mastery" (level 1): Can summon a maximum of one creature at a time.
- Active Skill "Defensive Slash" (2 CD): Slashes at an enemy for {Attack Dice} - 3 damage. This creature will take no damage on the following round.
- Active Skill "Call for Aid" (4 CD / 8 ICD): Calls for reinforcements. A random level 8 cultist appears. Roll 1d4: 1 => Blademaster, 2 => Sharpshooter, 3 => Magician, 4 => Acolyte.
- Magic Spell "Cultist Ritual" (2 Mana): Uses magic to heal oneself by 1d4 hitpoints.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Goblin" (2 Mana): Summons a single level 8 goblin.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Red Slime" (3 Mana): Summons a single level 7 red slime.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Orange Slime" (3 Mana): Summons a single level 7 orange slime.

*Level 9 Monsters
**(9) Cultist : HP = 24 | MP = 2 | Morale = 5 | Attack = 2d4 | Defense = 1d3
- Active Skill "Speed Slash" (3 CD): Slashes an enemy quickly for {Attack Dice} - 2 damage. This skill grants initiative.
- Magic Spell "Cultist Ritual" (2 Mana): Uses magic to heal oneself by 1d4 hitpoints.

**(9) Wind Elemental : HP = 13 | MP = 11 | Morale = 8 | Attack = 1d6 + 1d3 | Defense = 1d3
- Passive Skill "Swiftness": For the first three rounds of the battle, this creature possesses Quick Strike and can attack before characters without Quick Strike.
- Magic Spell "Haste" (3 Mana): Speeds up the movement of an ally granting them the Hasted status for three rounds.
- Magic Spell "Tornado" (2 Mana): Deals 1d6 + 1d4 damage to two enemies. If an enemy takes damage from this spell, they are additionally stunned for two rounds.

*Level 10 Monsters
****(10) Demon : HP = 27 | MP = 8 | Morale = 7 | Attack = 1d6 + 1d3 | Defense = 1d6
- Passive Skill "Fire Resistance": This creature rolls defense against fire-based attacks and spells such as "Fire" and "Flame Arrows" spells.
- Passive Skill "Abiding Darkness": This creature is immune to the Blessed and Cursed statuses.
- Passive Skill "Summoning Mastery" (level 3): Can summon a maximum of three creatures at a time.
- Active Skill "Provoke" (3 CD): Increases the likelihood that summoned creatures hostile to this creature target this creature.
- Magic Spell "Imbue Weapon F" (2 Mana): Imbues this creature's weapon with the fire element for three rounds. Defense rolls against this creature's physical attacks are halved during this time.
- Summoning Spell "Summon Imps" (3 Mana): Summons two level 10 imps to support the caster.

*Bosses and Minibosses
**Cultist Adriana : Cultist Blademaster : Level = 8 | HP = 60 | MP = 24 | Morale = 20 | Attack1 = 1d8 | Attack2 = 1d4 | Defense = 1d6
- Passive Skill "Healing Grace": If an attack causes this creature's health to drop to 1 HP or less (when they were above 1 HP beforehand), this creature will be left with 1 HP instead. If the creature takes damage at 1 HP, it dies.
- Passive Skill "Perseverance": Instead of dying, this creature is rendered unconscious when this creature takes damage at 1 HP. Further damage will kill this creature. Healing items and spells restore unconscious characters to 1 HP, regardless of how much health is healed.
- Passive Skill "Armored": This creature is heavily armored further reducing physical damage (normal attacks and most damaging skills) by 60% after accounting for the defense roll. The final result is rounded to nearest; however, a minimum of one damage is dealt if the value before this reduction was greater than zero.
- Passive Skill "In Control": Crowd control effects last for one round less than normal.
- Passive Skill "Magic Vulnerability": Direct damage spells stack against this enemy similar to how normal attacks and active skills do. The anti-dogpiling penalty is also waived against this enemy when using direct damage spells.
- Active Skill "Berserk Lunge" (4 CD): Lunges at an enemy for {Attack Dice} damage. If the target takes damage, they are stunned for four rounds. Otherwise, the target is stunned for two rounds. After using this skill, this creature is stunned for three rounds (the rest of this round and the following two rounds).
- Active Skill "Call for Aid" (2 CD / 8 ICD): Calls for reinforcements. A random level 8 cultist appears. Roll 1d6: 1 => Blademaster, 2 => Sharpshooter, 3 => Magician, 4 => Acolyte, 5 => Musician, 6 => Summoner.
- Magic Spell "Heal All" (5 Mana): Heals all allies by 1d8 + 1d3 hitpoints.
- Magic Spell "Cultist Ritual" (2 Mana): Uses magic to heal oneself by 3d4 hitpoints.
- Power Spell "Blood Slash" (4 CD | 4 Mana): Slashes an enemy for {Attack Dice} damage and uses the victim's blood to rejuvenate this creature. This creature regains hitpoints equal to 25% of the roll (rounded to nearest, but minimum of 1 if roll was greater than or equal to 1), regardless of how much damage the target actually took.

**(9) Cultist Zyliono : Cultist Acolyte : Level = 9 | HP = 81 | MP = 48 | Morale = 25 | Attack = 1d6 + 1d3 | Defense = 1d3
- Passive Skill "Healing Grace": If an attack causes this creature's health to drop to 1 HP or less (when they were above 1 HP beforehand), this creature will be left with 1 HP instead. If the creature takes damage at 1 HP, it dies.
- Passive Skill "Perseverance": Instead of dying, this creature is rendered unconscious when this creature takes damage at 1 HP. Further damage will kill this creature. Healing items and spells restore unconscious characters to 1 HP, regardless of how much health is healed.
- Passive Skill "Regeneration": While above 1 HP, this creature heals 2 HP at the end of every round.
- Passive Skill "Magic Immunity": This creature is immune to magical damage and magical effects.
- Passive Skill "Stun Immunity": This creature cannot be stunned.
- Passive Skill "Physical Weakpoint": Critical hits (from the "Critical Hit" passive skill) deal double damage (before defenses) to this creature. In addition, the anti-dogpiling penalty is also waived against this enemy when using normal attacks and damaging active skills.
- Active Skill "Focus Attention" (5 CD): Concentrates on a single target amongst those that acted this round. This creature will target the stated target for the next three rounds. (This value includes this round.)
- Active Skill "Call for Aid" (2 CD / 8 ICD): Calls for reinforcements. A random level 8 cultist appears. Roll 1d6: 1 => Blademaster, 2 => Sharpshooter, 3 => Magician, 4 => Acolyte, 5 => Musician, 6 => Summoner.
- Magic Spell "Smite" (3 Mana): Smites an enemy for 1d6 + 1d4 damage. If the target takes damage, the target receives a -2 modifier on all rolls for two rounds.
- Magic Spell "Holy Scourge" (5 Mana): Calls down a powerful curse on an enemy. Deals 1d2 damage (ignores defenses), 2d6 morale damage, and grants a -2 modifier on all rolls for 5 rounds.
- Magic Spell "Fear Arrows" (Cast: 3 Mana | Uses: {Number of Targets} + 2 Mana): Fires blasts of magical energy that imbue targets with a sense of helplessness for 2d6 morale damage each.
- Magic Spell "Forcefield" (Cast: 4 Mana | Uses: {Half Current Mana}): Makes the caster immune to all damage for two rounds starting with the following round.
- Magic Spell "Heal All" (5 Mana): Heals all allies by 1d8 + 1d3 hitpoints.
- Magic Spell "Cultist Ritual" (2 Mana): Uses magic to heal oneself by 3d4 hitpoints.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 3:21 pm
by the worst
Edit: One last note: purple is my moderating color, but I probably won't be using it too much. I'll mainly be using it for edits.
Anyway, you may now post (and hopefully I've reserved enough posts for myself). (Previous post's contents moved here because I'm using that other post.)


Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 3:36 pm
by Ircher
the worst is minding his own business while walking on the road when he is suddenly ambushed by a monster! He readies him and unsheathes his sword.

Battle #1
(Threshold: 1)
(1) Goblin : HP = 3 | Attack = 1d3 | Defense = 1d2

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 3:45 pm
by the worst
die goblon die >:c
Original Roll String: 1d6
1 6-Sided Dice: (6) = 6

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 3:45 pm
by the worst
uh oh

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 3:47 pm
by Ircher
The goblin cackles and easily sidesteps the worst's misplaced stab. It then raises its club and attempts to smack the worst with it.

Original Roll String: 1d3
1 3-Sided Dice: (2) = 2

Pedit: Uh-oh indeed!

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 3:47 pm
by Ircher
the worst is smacked deftly with the club and takes 2 damage. 8 HP left.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 3:48 pm
by the worst
I love the adjective "deftly" when talking about using a club <3 :lol:

ok let's peck its eyeballs out
Original Roll String: 1d6
1 6-Sided Dice: (5) = 5

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 3:52 pm
by Ircher
In post 14, the worst wrote:I love the adjective "deftly" when talking about using a club <3 :lol:

ok let's peck its eyeballs out
Original Roll String: 1d6 (STATIC)
1 6-Sided Dice: (6) = 6

the worst takes a step back and then lunges at the goblin's eye. It succeeds and the goblin is vanquished.

the worst gained 1 xp. the worst stays at level 1.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 3:54 pm
by Ircher
the worst continues on his way only to be confronted by another goblin. "Die, human, die!" yells the goblin as it charges into battle.
Battle #2
(Threshold 1)
(1) Goblin : HP = 3/3 | Attack = 1d3 | Defense = 1d2

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 4:02 pm
by the worst
Human? Ick. How rude. More eyeballs for the duck god.
Original Roll String: 1d6
1 6-Sided Dice: (2) = 2

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 4:04 pm
by Ircher
Once again, the worst clumsily lunges at the goblin only to miss completely (and nearly injure himself).

Meanwhile, the goblin gets ready to beat the worst into submission....

Original Roll String: 1d3
1 3-Sided Dice: (2) = 2

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 4:05 pm
by Ircher
the worst, still confused from his failed attack, is unaware that the goblin's club is directly above his head. He is brutually smashed by the goblin's club. 5 HP left.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 4:21 pm
by the worst
"brutally" is a far cry from "deftly". I will call this NPC "Cretin Goblin". And then I will peck its eyeballs out.

Original Roll String: 1d6
1 6-Sided Dice: (6) = 6

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 4:21 pm
by the worst
..... :<

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 4:22 pm
by Ircher
the worst stumbles again and misses.

The goblin raises its club...
Original Roll String: 1d3
1 3-Sided Dice: (2) = 2

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 4:24 pm
by Ircher
the worst, a little more alert this time, steps back at the last moment and avoids absorbing the full force of the club. 3 HP left.
Man those rolls! I even made these goblins easier than the ones I had at the beginning of the other one.

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 4:25 pm
by the worst
If I can't even defeat Cretin Goblin how can I smash superpower cultists later, right?


Original Roll String: 1d6
1 6-Sided Dice: (6) = 6