"Welcome to Sim Survivor 4! Do you like Survivor? Do you hate playing challenges, the tedium of building relationships, the stress of having to lie, cheat, or betray? Then Sim Survivor is for you! Create your bot, and then watch him/her/them play it out. I'm T-Probst, let's get started."
Please copy this form and paste it as a reply. This is a game for 20ish players. Since it's been two years, sign-ups will be first come, first served.
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp:
Searching for Advantages:
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages:
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High:
Use Advantage When Threat Is High:
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks:
Hello! Even if you've "competed" before I have made some changes to the logic of the game. The biggest change I made was reworking how social and risk work. I will incorporate some of the newer Survivor concepts on a semi regular basis (journeys, beware advantages). I won't use the bullshit hourglass or pick the wrong card and you lose games though. I also added a small decision tree that I'm just going to use to tip the scales in cases where it is unclear what a bot should do. This happened often enough in previous editions, and I would make the decision in those cases. Remember this is still me rolling dice and making decisions, it's not that sophisticated.
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 7
Resting: 19
Searching for Advantages: 48
Strategizing: 26
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: More Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: Less Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 25
Resting: 35
Searching for Advantages: 0
Strategizing: 40
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: Less Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: More Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: Less Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 25
Resting: 30
Searching for Advantages: 12
Strategizing: 33
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: More
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: More
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 25
Resting: 10
Searching for Advantages: 15
Strategizing: 50
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: Less Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: Less Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 0%
Resting: 95%
Searching for Advantages: 1%
Strategizing: 4%
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: Less Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: More Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: Less Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: More Likely
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 30%
Resting: 50%
Searching for Advantages: 10%
Strategizing: 10%
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: Less Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: Less Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 27%
Resting: 23%
Searching for Advantages: 22%
Strategizing: 28%
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages:More Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: More Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely
Edit: sorry thought general was a label, not a category.
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 21
Resting: 26
Searching for Advantages: 28
Strategizing: 25
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: More Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: More Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 65
Resting: 15
Searching for Advantages: 0
Strategizing: 20
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: More
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: Less
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 5
Resting: 40
Searching for Advantages: 30
Strategizing: 25
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: More
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: Less
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 10
Resting: 10
Searching for Advantages: 50
Strategizing: 30
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: Less Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: More Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely
Xalxe: this is xofelf sometimes we call each other names and other times we share emotions
MattyP: Ur an enigma tho when it comes to circadian rhythm and the traditions we hold dear when it comes to the sun and the moon Get to reknow a xofelf here
Discord is faster than PMs or sitechat: xofelf#1697
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 25
Resting: 15
Searching for Advantages: 50
Strategizing: 10
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: Less Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: Less Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 25
Resting: 25
Searching for Advantages: 35
Strategizing: 15
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: less
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: more
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: more
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: more
I will straight up disregard all reason if you have a PR dream again. You can come back and be like, “I dreamt that Locke is a N2 Bulletproof Multitasking Cop and Self-Targeting Doctor,” and I will go, “Okay, Locke kill it is then.”
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 30
Resting: 7
Searching for Advantages: 30
Strategizing: 33
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: Less Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: Less Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: Less Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely
Hey all! Excited and nervous to play my first game with you!
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 50%
Resting: 15%
Searching for Advantages: 15%
Strategizing: 20%
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: Less Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: More Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 80
Resting: 10
Searching for Advantages: 10
Strategizing: 0
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: Less Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: More Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 0%
Resting: 100%
Searching for Advantages: 0%
Strategizing: 0%
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: Less Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: Less Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: Less Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."
"Please refrain from diverting our sleuths out there Pooky."