Pronoun(s): He/Him
(You have 17 skill points to allocate between 7 skills. Each skill must have a minimum of one point and no skill can have more than 5. .You must use all 17 points (can't believe I have to say this).)
General: 4
Physical: 5
Endurance: 1
Will: 1
Mental: 1
Social: 3
Risk: 2
Daily Activities (Split up 100% between these four activities, whole numbers, minimum 0, max 100)
Building Camp: 7
Resting: 19
Searching for Advantages: 48
Strategizing: 26
Answer More Likely/Less Likely
Risk Your Vote For Advantages: More Likely
Shot in the Dark When Threat Is High: Less Likely
Use Advantage When Threat Is High: More Likely
Change Vote to Avoid Rocks: Less Likely