Players Alive
willows (townie) pianoed night 1
nard054 (vigilante with a toy gun) lynched day 1
MeMe (role cop) knifed night 2
Bluesin (one time doc) lynched day 2
Candice (nosy neighbor/peeper and fos killer) shot night 3
Tam (unstoppable kill-mafia) lynched day 3
Otaku376 (slightly crazed vigilante) anviled night 4
willows (replacing Uraj) (mostly night kill immune) lynched day 4
Jaguar (cop with demonic eight ball) bird shot night 5
Totem (vig with bord shot) overwhelmed night 5
Rules - Stolen from various people, thank you very much... and then adapted considerably
* Have fun and don't be a jerk (there will be consequences to the jerk part ^_^)
* My say is final, if you don't like it, we can discuss it via pms.
* Please don't quote my PMs.... it kinda ruins the game.
*Please put your votes in BOLD otherwise they might not be counted
*It would be appreciated if you would unvote, before casting a new vote. Please specify who you are unvoting, this helps me and other players as well.
*Be honest and do NOT delete or edit your posts (I will mod-kill anyone who tries this)
*Do NOT spoil the game by discussing it outside this thread (see previous point, although after it's finished discuss to your heart's content ^_^)
*Dead people do NOT post (unless otherwise stated to them).
*Nights are complicated, see end of rules please
*Once a majority has been reach, mob justice will be unstoppable.
*You may vote: no lynch – majority votes of this kind are necessary to end the day without a death.
* Excessive lurking will have a consequence.
This is the way I envision it occuring, each night after the first you will have at most a 2-3 day to receive and respond to whether you wish to change your role (everyone will receive a pm if they are able to change, if everyone responds quickly then the nights might be shorter ^_^). After that, you have another 2-3 days to submit choices. If I do not receive a choice, then your role will do nothing. If anyone feels this is too stringent (the 2-3 nights part, the no choice=no act is not up for discussion), please feel free to say so.
So, this old town has seen some troubles in the past while, rivers drying up, work moving elsewhere, people getting sick. It's somewhat saddening to think that there are only fourteen people left in this town.
Unfortunately, that number is subject to dwindling. You see someone just killed one of the families in this town. As the fourteen of you come to discuss the state of affairs, one of you stands up and states, 'I saw him shoot those people!'
A quick gun-shot later and Poor Townie falls to the ground dead. As Mathematically-challenged Evil waves the gun around, he pulls the trigger, only to find there are no more bullets and is quickly lynched.
'Why not just search everyone's houses?' someone queries.
'Well, they have guns and could kill us all if we don't play their game,' responds another.
Later that night, one of the mafia inquires to the other, 'Why don't we just shoot them all?'
'Because Evil used all our bullets,' comes the response with a short wry laugh.
Hope everyone has fun ^_^