Page 2. You haven't lynched Fidget. This is why you fuckers don't deserve democracy. Luckily glorious leader is here.
Vaxkiller and Grendel's avatar are both basically brown blobs. I've decided they're the same person. Also, they're the same person.
P. Sure Torin softclaimed third party. How fucked up is this upick nonsense? My tolerance for reading rules is v. low. I see we could have 9-4, 10-3, or 9-3-1. Mmm. Well, we can circle back.
Vaxkiller noting a need to rolefish is p. funny.
Page 4. Fidget not lynched yet. WTF
Mistyx is feeling newbscummish? Hmmm. Lemme get my noob detector wired up.
Mmm. No wait, noob town. Fidget still isn't lynched. WTF people.
Page 7. NO
Vote: Fidget
Can someone please explain how this thread isn't locked? I should be replacing into a game with a day 1 scumlynch already.
Absolutely no excuse people.