Salsabil asked for a MiniMegabyte case. It's not going to be especially strong because... she hasn't posted all that much. But it goes something like this.
She started by voting Not_Mafia, and then didn't post until 48 hours later she posted this:
I hate day one that’s why I don’t post much I read though but don’t feel like I have anything worth posting or anything
I think the biggest thing here is that it feels like she's scum who decided to pick one or two things she could safely comment on and then just ignored everything else. Compare the first towngame I randomly clicked on
here (she replaced out on day one but was there for about as long as this d1 lasted) where she had a post (317 in that game) where she literally had a quote wall of 26 quotes to catch up to everything that had happened in that game. She then named 3 people as scum and then engaged consistently over the next 4ish pages and, critically, over a period of just over 2 real-life hours. This game she has shown none of this kind of engagement. Seriously, just look at her ISO's posting patterns. Look at the timestamps, look at the post numbers. The literal only response that she's given to someone in the moment was her most recent post where I directly asked her a question. She has a couple of strings of posts that are near each other in time, but they're all her posting several times
in a row
- never her engaging with someone, always her monologuing then leaving the thread to come back later.
She clearly sometimes has things worth posting as town on d1; after all she went through the effort in this other game to do a huge catchup and then engaged with the thread for hours. Mind you this is literally the first random game I clicked in her completed games. In this game her contributions are the six posts starting with
272, which together account for 40% of her posting on d1, and whose arguments amount to being that claiming an impossible role is weird and why would someone do it and not liking a couple of comments. As I described, this looks drastically more like scum who is looking for things to comment on than town who is trying to suss out peoples' alignments.
She's also made multiple statements that are directly contradictory with what I see of her town game in that other game; there's the comment about not having useful things on d1 but there's more poignantly this:
MiniMegabyte wrote:Im not really one for putting reads directly out there
which is just, untrue. In that other game
she listed 3 people as scum on day one, unprompted.
I could say more but I'd mostly just be rehashing these points. Just look at her ISO, it's short.