In post 683, Roden wrote:I'm rereading what happened at the end of Day 1 and this still sticks out as odd to me. Val, can you tell us your thought process here? You voted James shortly afterward when it looked like you picked up on Psyche's counter claim, but this vote and reasoning feels off.
I thought the logic was explained in the post itself, but to be clear: I had reason, for all of about 2 minutes, to take James' Doc claim at face value. Pysche knew it was false because there is no Doc/JK setup, but he said "I think I'm pretty sure JTN is scum. To keep setup ambiguous from scum for at least one night longer, someone should go ahead and hammer."
Being the silly newbie that I am, the "I think I'm pretty sure" and the reference to "keeping the setup ambiguous" threw me off. As I explained, I knew that scum already knew the setup from James' Doc claim, without having to know the second PR. I instinctively took it to mean that was Pysche lying to us, trying to induce a newbie into hammering a potential town PR by saying "eh, I think this could be scum, hammer for this bullshit reason that sounds plausible but can't be" and trading his life for the town Doc.
I made the vote, and then realised there was no world in which even scum!Pysche gets away with that. He wasn't merely thinking James 'might' be scum, he KNEW he was scum, and I had blown it and said stuff I shouldn't. If I had my time again, I would not have made that vote, I would have paused and thought for longer, but at the time, I panicked thinking scum was making a move on our Doc, and I want to get that thought onto the thread sharpish.
The moment I realised James was 100% scum, I checked to make sure my vote was indeed the hammer, given all the double voting stuff, then dropped it. The rest of the play afterwards was directed at trying to mitigate the damage I felt I had done with that stupid vote, and make sure no other town came in and put their foot in it; mixed with a bit of WIFOM - I assume that was the intent behind the two fake claims also - and I thought that it would be better clear up the confusion today rather than have any discussion pre-nightkill. I now feel that, given it didn't work and Pysche was the nightkill anyway, that we are better served moving that discussion to tomorrow. Roden's logic in
636 is sound in that regard.
I want to remind everyone that we all know we are in row 2 because of the JK flip, and regardless of which column we are in, there is nothing to stop the remaining mafia from killing whomever they like tonight. There is no point rolecoping or roleblocking anyone, because they might as well just kill them and the results they have or the benefit of being conftown dies with them, so for all intents and purposes, the remaining mafia might as well be another goon. Town gets diddly-squat from resolving which column we are in, and only run the risk of outting the remain PR if there is one, and make no mistake - outting them here is a 100% death sentence if we don't flip the right one today.
In post 696, Roden wrote:Yeah, we could have a Tracker (or a Friendly Neighbor), but I wouldn't pry anymore into that. Even if no one slips they're the 2nd PR, if enough people slip that they aren't, scum can use PoE to find the last one. It's best not to bring it up unless necessary.
This. 100% this.
If the lim pool for today is Clark, Chuck, and for whatever reason me, fine; so be it. Pick which ever you think out of that list is most scummy and drop your vote and hope we flip the right one today, but please stop incidentially PR hunting and doing scum's work for them.
VOTE: Chuck Shurley