In post 956, ClarkBar wrote: In post 953, Roden wrote:
Because everyone seemed to agree yesterday that I was telling the truth, and I know for myself that I am town. I'm fairly certain I can prove it too.
You can
it? What better time than now to give that a shot?
You've already said part of it here:
ClarkBar wrote:
That's kinda a coin flip for me, but I have to give the edge to Roden for continually championing Psyche's original argument early and often. Additionally I think I'm leaning to believing Roden's claim. For Roden to be lying he would have had to begun his breadcrumbing in
850 and
858. Could scum just as easily do this as town? I suppose, but it's an early risk for Roden to take when there was no pressure on him. And as I said earlier we are in one of 2 setups. Scum!Roden would have had a 50/50 chance at not being CC'd by Nancy or myself when he claimed. This is a risk I am unsure they needed to take to end D3, Grandpa was scumming it up and I was just behind him on the chopping block.
As stated, I had no scum motivation to claim Tracker. In fact, in the scenario where I'm scum, I'd argue it just hurts me to fake claim here when I was already getting town read and had zero pressure. There was a precedent for Val to get voted out before I mechanically cleared him, so even if Grandpa still got voted out I could just NK Nancy and let you and Val battle it out since there was speculation that he was scum. It was even stated that I could've just went through Day 3 pocketing Val and easily won Day 4 by staying quiet. Instead, by claiming Tracker and clearing him, I ensured my "pocket" would have to get NK'd. If I'm scum, this only hurts my chances of winning.
Besides that, I actually bread crumbed much earlier in the game.
In post 930, Roden wrote:
My Night 1 track was T3 btw. I partially did it because he fake claimed Tracker, but I also bread crumbed that I was going to in my introductory posts.
In post 235, Roden wrote: In post 234, T3 wrote:I'm going to do a really good Roden read at some point.
Everyone should trust whatever read T3 has on me, the past four out of five games I've been in have now had T3 in it, and he's personally seen my scum playstyle in detail.
Unless he's scum of course. T3's way more of a wild card than me lol, so
idk if I'll have a strong read on him until probably Day 2.
His posts feel town so far though. I didn't like the Grandpa wagon but it didn't feel like he was grasping at straws to justify it.
This is why I had a weird reason for town reading him Day 2. I knew he was town and just had to latch onto something to make sure he wasn't getting elim'd. I was actually worried I was making my crumbs too obvious, but with Psyche CC'ing James and T3 taking the bullet for Tracker I thankfully didn't die.
This is insanely dangerous for any scum to attempt Day 1. Maybe it's just my own bias, but I was scared this early crumb felt too obvious and that I might've outed myself early, and Val even mentioned it caused him to do a double-take so I don't think I'm just paranoid here. In the scenario where I'm scum and fake crumbing, I think that if any PR saw this and knew their own role contradicted my crumb, they could easily pressure me and get a wagon formed without even having to directly CC me. And keep in mind that scum doesn't know which Row we're in Day 1, only the Column, so even if you want to argue we might actually be in Column C, I'd have to risk getting my fake crumb caught by a Cop or either of the Masons. Yet, I crumbed
Psyche essentially outed themself as the Jailkeeper. I would've had no assurance that I was dealing with a solo Jailkeeper in this scenario.
Is it possible I made a ballsy move Day 1? Sure. But is it likely I do this in my introductory posts, and then immediately bus my scum partner when there was barely even any pressure on them, and
unnecessarily force my "pocket" to get NK'd on Night 3? Absolutely not. This is about as close to proving myself as town as I can get though, and I really don't think scum ever does anything I did in this game.