In post 571, mastina wrote:Oh nevermind about having difficulty reading Val.In post 276, Val89 wrote:Those takes were given after Alisea asked Norwee, and only Norwee, very leading questions that amounted to "What is your read on X player based on posts Y and Z", which as you can see from the conclusion given by themselves, focused on a very narrow subset of the player base; and I was very surprised to see Alisea give Norwee a townread on that basis, and I asked Norwee if he thought he was in agreement with Alisea. To be fair, the answer Norwee gave was 'yes', but I made no secret of the fact I had my suspicions there, and to see that quickly manifest in main thread as a case against me is to say the least.
VOTE: Alisea
Val's town here and Alisae and Norwee ARE scum together.
The interactions being talked about are 100% scum-scum, done to be performative to hood-mates.
I prefer Norwee first tho since my scumread there's stronger.
But at this stage, I'd vote any of:
Norwee > Alisae ~>Titus.
In post 572, mastina wrote:Alisae's reaction to Val's push btw is also a scum reaction.
It's an over-reaction to Val's 276. Val's 276 was a good point/post, but Alisae's push there is, essentially, scum having a snap-reaction that is too strong/too forced.
It's not quite a panic-OMGUS, but the best description I can give is that it is a panic-OMGUS, for lack of a better term.
Basically, it's too on the nose for Alisae's comfort--e knows what the scumteam is, and knowing what the scumteam is, there is a strong reaction to react strongly when someone gets too close to the truth on that scumteam, especially after e put so much work into laying good foundations in scum-scum interactions meant to look good. To have said scum-scum interactions called such from a newer player elicited a reaction that Alisae will regret like five ten minutes later, because it's a rusty-Alisae still getting into the swing of things not accounting for shifted site meta and new blood with the new blood calling em out. With the read from Val leaking the scumness more openly, Alisae's reaction is an instant one to a perceived immediate threat.
Now, I get that everything I am saying relies on the assumption of Alisae-Norwee being scum from the getgo, but let me explain why I don't think Alisae does that reactionunlessit's Alisae and Norwee as scum-scum.
If Alisae is town, then Val's post doesn't elicit a reaction at all. It can maybe have a reaction of "this is a misrep and I believe it to be a scum misrep"--MAYBE. But that's a level 0 take that I don't think a town-Alisae actually has. A town-Alisae would see the post and know it to be wrong, but knowing it to be wrong, would then analyze the why, and not instantly come to the conclusion of Val being scum. Could Alisae come to that conclusion as town? Yes, but not so instantly and with such strength.
The strength of Alisae's scumread on Val is overblown, in a way that I feel indicates that Val caught Alisae and Norwee's interaction being scum-scum for what it is.
In post 573, mastina wrote:Exactly, fire.In post 281, fireisredsir wrote:i don't really understand what about this makes val scum tbhIn post 279, Alisae wrote:Rookie scum mistake to overreact to me expression my feelings on a fos.
Like do you self-consciously believe that a case was like coming onto you??? That's what I think is going on in the head of scum!you.
I did not vote you, and I asked Ceph "is this actually scum, or am I just reading everything as scummy"
But I am advancing a case on you???
Like, this is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Newer player rands wolf.
Newer player starts to feel like they are being suspected
Newer player overeacts and attacks the person in response to suspecting them
The person in return attacks them harder because the newer player is acting unnatural and unreasonably to the attacker.
like this narrative is one that could have happened if he was scum, but what makes you think that's most likely? what about it is not believable as coming from town?
You'd know exactly the sort of reaction I think this is and why it's scum from you having made this sort of reaction when you were scum.
I think Alisae is scum here for similar reasons I thought your reaction to my claim made you scum. It's notidentical, but it'ssimilar--Alisae's reaction is overblown. Alisae's reaction is disproportionate. Alisae's reaction was a snap-reaction that was fairly OMGUSy. Sound familiar to you?
Because to me those are the hallmarks of scum that made a somewhat-panicked snap-decision to react to a town player hitting a nerve.
A town-Alisae WOULD put thought into how it could come from town. A town-Alisae would know the narrative was wrong, but not know that it came from scum. The instant judgement of Val being scum is incredibly damning for Alisae as being Alisae as scum having made a bit of an impulsive reaction that e wouldn't have made as town.
Yes, I know Alisae is impulsive regardless of alignment.
Yes, I know Alisae is reactive regardless of alignment.
Yes, I know Alisae can make OMGUSy moves as town.
Yes, I know Alisae can make snap-decisions and instantly come to a conclusion.
But there's a difference between 'can', and 'would'.
I believe a town-Alisae would not have the impulse to overreact to Val and instantly pivot to the OMGUSy push there. A town-Alisae might react to it, but not in the way e did.
Pagetopping these and gathering them all into one post.In post 574, mastina wrote:On the Norwee side of things I'm like 97.5% certain that this is Norwee's style of interacting with scumbuddies, especially when given a neighborhood with them. I swear that I've seen this verbatim from Norwee when Norwee was scum talking about a scumbuddy, but not seen once when Norwee was town.In post 284, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I don’t want to believe Alisae is scum becauve they’ve been so helpful to me and seemed genuinely trying to solve me.
I wish I could remember where so I could track it down, but like: I amverysure about this.