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Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:14 pm
by Scott Brosius
At the Morthas ISO

I did mention I had no flavor knowledge. I was asked to claim immediately so I name claimed. I obviously kept my knowledge secret to see if there were fakeclaims or not (I figured there were).

As for mentioning kiwi for the first time today, I did not want to draw attention to myself as town PR in case I did block a kill N1. I figured I would let him go, block you N2 and see if there was an extra kill (especially with the SK reeking bulletproof claim). We had an extra kill, and I revealed my information.

The motivations for my actions are town.

I won't hammer yet.

Scooby is cleared, ooba is essentially town to me. That leaves Iecerint and kiwi. I still would prefer kiwi to block but I'm open to suggestions for the other route.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:27 pm
by kiwieagle
Blocking me would be a waste of turn but if it makes you happy then go ahead.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:56 pm
by Iecerint
It's probably better if you don't clarify who you'll block to remove the benefits no-kill WIFOM.

Is ooba town to you for a reason other than the feelings in your heart?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:54 pm
by ooba
Iecerint wrote:It's probably better if you don't clarify who you'll block to remove the benefits no-kill WIFOM.

I'm always of a fan of putting scum in a position where they'd have to no kill. At worst, scum no killing gives me a good track result.

Scott block Iece please.

Vote: Morthas

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:02 pm
by DemonHybrid

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:06 pm
by DemonHybrid
DemonHybrid wrote:
Why the fuck aren't these people dead yet?:



Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:33 pm
by DeathNote
Vote Count:
Morthas (L-3)
Scooby, kiwi, iecerint, ooba (Lynched)

With 6 alive, its 4 to lynch.

Morthas (Nova) was lynched day 3.

TOWN WINS!!!!! I will have roles up tomorrow as its really late. Good game everyone.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:36 pm
by killerjester
Nice one guys! Sorry I couldn't help much past the Espeonage lynch. I got vigged :(

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:48 pm
by Shadow Dancer
Why the fuck did you need so bloodily long to finish this ?!?! @%&/?!
Yes, this goes to you, scooby, why didn't you just claim your failed neighbourizing attempt on morthas? You could have also verified me as the vig... Seriously ooba - an SK? In a mini where there is already a cult as 3rd party?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:56 pm
by Shadow Dancer
However, this game makes my W/L record balanced out for the first time ever (9:9).

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:52 pm
by ooba
Shadow Dancer wrote:Seriously ooba - an SK? In a mini where there is already a cult as 3rd party?

- Killjester was a terribly bad vig shot given D1 play
- DN has a history of making scum heavy setups (Could see someone going "Seriously - 4 Mafia in a 12 player mini game? in Greek Mythology)
- And making plans in case of extreme cases isn't a bad thing. If it's three scum, Morthas was the only Mafia possibility. Lynching him would end the game. If not, making a night plan is common sense.

DH wrote:Why the fuck aren't these people dead yet?:


Yet you vengeance killed SD?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:49 pm
by killerjester
No. Rewq's slot venge-kills whoever causes his death. Scum Supersaint+Bomb.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:04 am
by ooba
killerjester wrote:No. Rewq's slot venge-kills whoever causes his death. Scum Supersaint Bomb.

Hmm what other powers did scum have?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:15 am
by killerjester

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:22 am
by Shadow Dancer
ooba wrote:- Killjester was a terribly bad vig shot given D1 play

You're right... But I Only had tame for a really hasty catchup. I got scum N2 and was right on the other two, so I guess that makes up for it.

ooba wrote:- DN has a history of making scum heavy setups (Could see someone going "Seriously - 4 Mafia in a 12 player mini game? in Greek Mythology)

Yeah, but they had to face like four cops or something and all belonged to the same faction.
Greek Mythology also had a vig.

[quote="In [url= ... 2#p3480772]- And making plans in case of extreme cases isn't a bad thing. If it's three scum, Morthas was the only Mafia possibility. Lynching him would end the game. If not, making a night plan is common sense.[/quote]
What I don't understand is just why scooby did not fullclaim which would have prevented needless dicussions like this one.

ooba wrote:
DH wrote:Why the fuck aren't these people dead yet?:


Yet you vengeance killed SD?

No, that was rewq/furc slot and it wasn't an actual vengekill but a superbomb (i.e. bomb + supersaint role).

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:23 am
by DemonHybrid
I'm a unrecruitable alarmist.

Why the fuck would I vengekill Shadow Dancer?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:24 am
by DemonHybrid
DemonHybrid wrote:


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:31 am
by DemonHybrid
DemonHybrid wrote:BUT HERE



I don't CARE who it is
as long as Morthas DIES

And if Morthas does not die either today or tomorrow I am goinng to just jfiogwajfiwjaiofaiejgehevrguihdghihiulghdi

and you do NOT want me to oipafjpoasjfoisajfisaugdiuhiighiudgifghidfs.

I'm serious. Why did you guys even for once think I would vengekill Shadow Dancer and not Morthas?

That kind of made me upset.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:57 am
by Iecerint
Dr. Hanson would've been an obv-Kerrigan fakeclaim, too, kinda like how Tosh was an obv-Nova fakeclaim. I'm happy /outguess was kinda ftw.

DH, I thought you were recruited N1 by Vifam and hence lying about the unrecruitable aspect of your claim. The fact that I kept my town wincon made it so your flip didn't matter.

Was a non-scum ever under serious scrutiny this game?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:19 am
by killerjester
Maybe Vifam? But no town players was seriously close to being lynched.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:23 am
by Iecerint
What was Vifam's wincon?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:58 am
by DemonHybrid
I'm sure it was to survive. Her recruit was a delayed vig anyway.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:58 am
by DemonHybrid
Her meaning Kerrigan.


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:16 am
by killerjester
I'd think it was the standard cult win con. Controlling 50% of the town.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:19 am
by Shadow Dancer
Hard to acomplish with only a 1-shot recruit the kills the follower after one day-night-cycle :P