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Post Post #6250 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:54 pm

Post by Nero Cain »

you've won an argument that I wasn't even making. great job guy
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Post Post #6251 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:55 pm

Post by Cape90 »

In post 6241, Nero Cain wrote:Nero: VP think I'm scum reading him for X
cape: He has other reasons

I don't know what this was then
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Post Post #6252 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:55 pm

Post by MathBlade »

Can someone Unvote until we get a VC?
ScumBlade's eloquent performance left me utterly disoriented, debased, depraved and sent me spiraling into a horrific murky abyss with emotional turmoil and immense despair as my only companions until slowly I suffocate in my own gloom, surrounded by failure. I will never recover. -- Zachstralkita about Mini 1841
GTKAS -- MathBlade
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Post Post #6253 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:56 pm

Post by Cape90 »

In post 6242, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 6239, Cape90 wrote:It's also hard taking you seriously Nero when you also have said this
it's hard to take me seriously when I point out an objective fact? Yes or no has VP been on both town MLs?
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Post Post #6254 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:56 pm

Post by Cape90 »

In post 6236, Cape90 wrote:
In post 6234, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 6230, Cape90 wrote:don't know if you know this, but I have seen mafia consistently love being completely off wagon a good chunk of the time
not my point. You were saying that we've all killed town and I was correcting you.

I mean, VP thinks my sole reason for scum reading him is that he was on both ML wagons. But most of what he says is laughable.
Pretty sure that's not his only reason
In post 6238, Nero Cain wrote:Are you even reading this thread?
I wouldn't know what this was either
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Post Post #6255 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:57 pm

Post by Galron »

In post 6249, Cape90 wrote:
In post 4245, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4241, Nero Cain wrote:I think his language in the hood is kinda funky. He started out saying that "anyone reasonable would think there's scum here." but more recently has used "potential scum" and at one point said something like "because Nero thinks there's scum here." and it just feels like he's trying to straddle the fence between looking like he's uninformed and being informed idk.
This is wildly inaccurate and cherry picked. My position in scum in the hood has always been that's more likely than not the case. I call you a village idiot because it is unlikely any scum would be so obviously wrong on things that are quite easy to fact check. As I just stated to you in the hood, I would like to stop having this same conversation with you repeatedly. I don't think it is productive and youve done more than your share to bloat this game.
In post 4862, VP Baltar wrote:Ok, so I spent a lot of time overnight reviewing the Galron wagon, the counter push onto me, and Malcom's elimination yesterday. I have shared this case with my hood already. Nero has called it garbage.

Given that both my wagon and Malcom's wagon were two town being pushed, I think the chaos of the Galron wagon and Yeet soft are highly likely to have thrown scum into a bit of confusion when they had a comfortable position of two town being run up.

I'm still thinking this through, so bear with me if this gets a little long winded. I'll put a tl;dr at the end.

The big takeaway here is that I think the scum team is probably Nero/Frogster/Dragons/????


Phase 1: Galron wagon into Yeet soft

Meanwhile, Nero is calling galron scum, but not willing to join the wagon for some reason. [pos]4456[/post]

Yeet starts his soft in by saying "absolutely not on Galron." Nero pushes back. I pick up on the soft at the top of page 180, when Yeet says again he is "*staunchly opposed*" to Galron. The weirdness of the language was a dead giveaway that Yeet had some kind of info pointing to Galron town. We can see now from the NK that I was right.

Phase 2: The scramble

Nero starts to fight with Yeet a little bit. I perceive this as Nero getting annoyed at the galron interference coming from yeet that Nero!scum doesn't quite understand yet.

Nero says he'd like to vote Galron over Malcom, even though Nero has supported Malom wagon a bit in the past. Weirdly in this post, he says he wants to see where Frogster, DV, Titus, and dragons put their votes. DV has already said he's not leaving me. Titus also voted me. That leaves Nero signaling Frogster and Dragons.

Nero votes galron in , even though he doesn't really give much reason and in his next post, , he says "there's still enough votes to vote Malcolm out."

Nero says in that even if Gal is town, it's no big deal if they are limmed.

Nero is the first person to publicly out Yeet's soft in . I pressed him on this overnight and he did not have any explanation on the protown motivation for doing this. He said basically it was obvious scum probably knew...which isn't an answer to make it a point of public discussion. This is most likely a rolefishing attempt.

Nero comes in again at to call Gal scummy even though he knows about the Yeet soft. Frogster also reinforces this with , but then frogster votes me in .


Phase 3: Damage control

It's my firm belief that these three realized they got in too deep here. I was actively bringing fire around to understanding Yeet is probably town here who has good reason to believe Galron is town. Fire has been a main person aligned with Nero/frog/tenebros against me. This is extremely bad for scum if I'm starting to have better dialogue with fire.

Nero comes in right after in to say "yeet doesn't have an inno on gal." Another stupid miscalculation, probably meant to sway cape or Titus, but it's a misread of the game state. Scum are flailing here and unsure what to do.

Then we get the usual crowd of Tene and Nero chiming in that I'm obviously the best lim for the day.


- Nero/dragons/Frogster all tried to use Math as cover to power through a Galron wagon yesterday, but misread the game state by missing Yeet's soft and by thinking they could still power the miselim through even after the soft was outted.
(I shortened it to the points talking about Nero for the most part)
In post 4898, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4895, fireisredsir wrote:not necessarily, i think one scum could have gone for the play of pretending they didn't notice it. my pick for that would probably be cape but frog is also possible
I feel like Nero's play is much shadier than Cape. He was kind of pushing all the wagons as possibilities D2.

Look at him today, he is trying to shade people on the Malcom wagon, even though he spent good chunks of yesterday promoting it. It's the same exact thing he did with Wu, except somehow even mote naked this time. He doesn't have a coherent suspect or team theory all game.

Pedit - I think cape should answer your Q for sure.
In post 4926, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4924, Nero Cain wrote:Also, your argument that I was pushing Malcolm is bullshit.
Your iso is full of you saying Malcom is a good possible lim, until it is happening, then you want nothing to do with it
In post 5186, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5182, Nero Cain wrote:then why have you killed more town then I have this game?
You aren't scumhunting. Stated already, you aren't putting your vote out there.

What we know is you have gone after town, then backed off and try to shade people on the wagon.

You camp a vote on me because it is a safe space for you. I gave you a chance to flip me yesterday and look like shit. You couldn't even get that to happen when I was showing you my belly.

Why are you so ineffective at getting a wagon over if you're so town?

I've pointed out plenty of scummy behavior by you around the galron-yeet stuff and you have literally no response to it.

You're not taking any risks, so of course you have little to no dirt on your hands. You aren't pushing any lims for real.
Oh wow look at all that.

Okay looking at it all closer, it was unfair for me to also say that you were only voting VP for very basic reasons or whatever, but like, wow I read now and it turns out, VP actually did give more arguments!
Okay so I hate to quote the whole thing, but that sounds overly defensive. And I had a town read on cape. So all I can say is that they were going in a direction I wasn't expecting.
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Post Post #6256 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:58 pm

Post by Galron »

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Post Post #6257 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:58 pm

Post by Cape90 »

In post 6234, Nero Cain wrote:VP thinks my sole reason for scum reading him is that he was on both ML wagons
You also said this when VP said like day 2 ago
In post 4246, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4242, Nero Cain wrote:he was yelling and screaming for a Wu lim and now he's just kinda reserved.
Who are you trying to fool with this? Titus and galron most likely since they were not here I guess. I'm being run up because 'boo hoo vp is so mean and calling people scum with his so many misreps, etc,' but I'm also reserved and timid I guess?

Like I said, you are running a marketing campaign rather than actually scum hunting. You've wasted so much of the town's time today with a nonsense wagon on me, and you should do some self reflection if youre town, but you won't.
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Post Post #6258 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:00 pm

Post by Nero Cain »

I was saying that VP (probably) thinks the reason that I'm scum reading him b/c I think he's scum that was on both ML's. It had nothing to do with HIS reasons for voting ME.

and your counter was he has other reasons.
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

edited c.s. lewis quote b/c limit
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Post Post #6259 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:00 pm

Post by Cape90 »

In post 6255, Galron wrote:
In post 6249, Cape90 wrote:
In post 4245, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4241, Nero Cain wrote:I think his language in the hood is kinda funky. He started out saying that "anyone reasonable would think there's scum here." but more recently has used "potential scum" and at one point said something like "because Nero thinks there's scum here." and it just feels like he's trying to straddle the fence between looking like he's uninformed and being informed idk.
This is wildly inaccurate and cherry picked. My position in scum in the hood has always been that's more likely than not the case. I call you a village idiot because it is unlikely any scum would be so obviously wrong on things that are quite easy to fact check. As I just stated to you in the hood, I would like to stop having this same conversation with you repeatedly. I don't think it is productive and youve done more than your share to bloat this game.
In post 4862, VP Baltar wrote:Ok, so I spent a lot of time overnight reviewing the Galron wagon, the counter push onto me, and Malcom's elimination yesterday. I have shared this case with my hood already. Nero has called it garbage.

Given that both my wagon and Malcom's wagon were two town being pushed, I think the chaos of the Galron wagon and Yeet soft are highly likely to have thrown scum into a bit of confusion when they had a comfortable position of two town being run up.

I'm still thinking this through, so bear with me if this gets a little long winded. I'll put a tl;dr at the end.

The big takeaway here is that I think the scum team is probably Nero/Frogster/Dragons/????


Phase 1: Galron wagon into Yeet soft

Meanwhile, Nero is calling galron scum, but not willing to join the wagon for some reason. [pos]4456[/post]

Yeet starts his soft in by saying "absolutely not on Galron." Nero pushes back. I pick up on the soft at the top of page 180, when Yeet says again he is "*staunchly opposed*" to Galron. The weirdness of the language was a dead giveaway that Yeet had some kind of info pointing to Galron town. We can see now from the NK that I was right.

Phase 2: The scramble

Nero starts to fight with Yeet a little bit. I perceive this as Nero getting annoyed at the galron interference coming from yeet that Nero!scum doesn't quite understand yet.

Nero says he'd like to vote Galron over Malcom, even though Nero has supported Malom wagon a bit in the past. Weirdly in this post, he says he wants to see where Frogster, DV, Titus, and dragons put their votes. DV has already said he's not leaving me. Titus also voted me. That leaves Nero signaling Frogster and Dragons.

Nero votes galron in , even though he doesn't really give much reason and in his next post, , he says "there's still enough votes to vote Malcolm out."

Nero says in that even if Gal is town, it's no big deal if they are limmed.

Nero is the first person to publicly out Yeet's soft in . I pressed him on this overnight and he did not have any explanation on the protown motivation for doing this. He said basically it was obvious scum probably knew...which isn't an answer to make it a point of public discussion. This is most likely a rolefishing attempt.

Nero comes in again at to call Gal scummy even though he knows about the Yeet soft. Frogster also reinforces this with , but then frogster votes me in .


Phase 3: Damage control

It's my firm belief that these three realized they got in too deep here. I was actively bringing fire around to understanding Yeet is probably town here who has good reason to believe Galron is town. Fire has been a main person aligned with Nero/frog/tenebros against me. This is extremely bad for scum if I'm starting to have better dialogue with fire.

Nero comes in right after in to say "yeet doesn't have an inno on gal." Another stupid miscalculation, probably meant to sway cape or Titus, but it's a misread of the game state. Scum are flailing here and unsure what to do.

Then we get the usual crowd of Tene and Nero chiming in that I'm obviously the best lim for the day.


- Nero/dragons/Frogster all tried to use Math as cover to power through a Galron wagon yesterday, but misread the game state by missing Yeet's soft and by thinking they could still power the miselim through even after the soft was outted.
(I shortened it to the points talking about Nero for the most part)
In post 4898, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4895, fireisredsir wrote:not necessarily, i think one scum could have gone for the play of pretending they didn't notice it. my pick for that would probably be cape but frog is also possible
I feel like Nero's play is much shadier than Cape. He was kind of pushing all the wagons as possibilities D2.

Look at him today, he is trying to shade people on the Malcom wagon, even though he spent good chunks of yesterday promoting it. It's the same exact thing he did with Wu, except somehow even mote naked this time. He doesn't have a coherent suspect or team theory all game.

Pedit - I think cape should answer your Q for sure.
In post 4926, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4924, Nero Cain wrote:Also, your argument that I was pushing Malcolm is bullshit.
Your iso is full of you saying Malcom is a good possible lim, until it is happening, then you want nothing to do with it
In post 5186, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 5182, Nero Cain wrote:then why have you killed more town then I have this game?
You aren't scumhunting. Stated already, you aren't putting your vote out there.

What we know is you have gone after town, then backed off and try to shade people on the wagon.

You camp a vote on me because it is a safe space for you. I gave you a chance to flip me yesterday and look like shit. You couldn't even get that to happen when I was showing you my belly.

Why are you so ineffective at getting a wagon over if you're so town?

I've pointed out plenty of scummy behavior by you around the galron-yeet stuff and you have literally no response to it.

You're not taking any risks, so of course you have little to no dirt on your hands. You aren't pushing any lims for real.
Oh wow look at all that.

Okay looking at it all closer, it was unfair for me to also say that you were only voting VP for very basic reasons or whatever, but like, wow I read now and it turns out, VP actually did give more arguments!

Okay so I hate to quote the whole thing, but that sounds overly defensive. And I had a town read on cape. So all I can say is that they were going in a direction I wasn't expecting.
what exactly would I be defending here, why?
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Post Post #6260 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:01 pm

Post by VP Baltar »

In post 6252, MathBlade wrote:Can someone Unvote until we get a VC?
I'm at E-2 I think.
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Post Post #6261 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:03 pm

Post by Cape90 »

In post 6258, Nero Cain wrote:I was saying that VP (probably) thinks the reason that I'm scum reading him b/c I think he's scum that was on both ML's. It had nothing to do with HIS reasons for voting ME.

and your counter was he has other reasons.
you know what, I... was misreading that. Carry on
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Post Post #6262 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:03 pm

Post by Nero Cain »

there's also other big one fmpov where in the hood he was telling you or Gal that the reason he was getting ran up is b/c "people didn't like his attitude." but like Fir and tene? were scumreading him for other things.
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

edited c.s. lewis quote b/c limit
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Post Post #6263 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:04 pm

Post by Cape90 »

In post 6255, Galron wrote:So all I can say is that they were going in a direction I wasn't expecting.
By the way, what direction from me were you expecting?
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Post Post #6264 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:04 pm

Post by Galron »

I think I was mesreading that too but I can't articulate it right now.
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Post Post #6265 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:05 pm

Post by Cape90 »

In post 6262, Nero Cain wrote:there's also other big one fmpov where in the hood he was telling you or Gal that the reason he was getting ran up is b/c "people didn't like his attitude." but like Fir and tene? were scumreading him for other things.
I know Titus was scumreading Baltar and said stuff along those lines
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Post Post #6266 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:05 pm

Post by Nero Cain »

its late lets just all go to bed. night
Of all tyrannies,a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

edited c.s. lewis quote b/c limit
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Post Post #6267 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:07 pm

Post by Galron »

In post 6263, Cape90 wrote:
In post 6255, Galron wrote:So all I can say is that they were going in a direction I wasn't expecting.
By the way, what direction from me were you expecting?
I really didn't get that you were feeling VPB over Nero. There was something in there that broke the connection.
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Post Post #6268 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:09 pm

Post by Cape90 »

In post 6267, Galron wrote:
In post 6263, Cape90 wrote:
In post 6255, Galron wrote:So all I can say is that they were going in a direction I wasn't expecting.
By the way, what direction from me were you expecting?
I really didn't get that you were feeling VPB over Nero. There was something in there that broke the connection.
I am not, I was literally defending VP there against Nero with an argument Nero wasn't making
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Post Post #6269 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:11 pm

Post by Galron »

In post 6268, Cape90 wrote:
In post 6267, Galron wrote:
In post 6263, Cape90 wrote:
In post 6255, Galron wrote:So all I can say is that they were going in a direction I wasn't expecting.
By the way, what direction from me were you expecting?
I really didn't get that you were feeling VPB over Nero. There was something in there that broke the connection.
I am not, I was literally defending VP there against Nero with an argument Nero wasn't making
Okay. do you want me to switch to the hood for a sec so we can straighten this out or do you want to do it here? Makes no difference to me.
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Post Post #6270 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:12 pm

Post by Frogsterking »

The narrative of phase 3 VP presented is pure creative fiction. I explained to VP what exactly was going through my mind with an ironclad timeline of things I actually posted. VP is probably leaning back in his chair drinking a cold beer and cracking himself up. There hasn't been an effort to actually sort my alignment from VP or ask me questions in good faith. VP reeks of a combination of "I can't believe I'm still getting away with this" scum and "I give up I'm dead" scum.

There are a lot of days ahead where we still need to vote correctly to win. I floated Eyes and Dease as potential scum buddies for VP and my best interpretation of Titus play today is that they are a killer who has been benefiting from VP's antics. I've never played with a killer before on Mafiascum but I've played setups with a killer a bunch on EpicMafia.
Bruce: Terry. I've been thinking about something you once told me... and you were wrong. It's not Batman that makes you worthwhile; it's the other way around. Never tell yourself anything different.
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Post Post #6271 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:14 pm

Post by Galron »

In post 6270, Frogsterking wrote:The narrative of phase 3 VP presented is pure creative fiction. I explained to VP what exactly was going through my mind with an ironclad timeline of things I actually posted. VP is probably leaning back in his chair drinking a cold beer and cracking himself up. There hasn't been an effort to actually sort my alignment from VP or ask me questions in good faith. VP reeks of a combination of "I can't believe I'm still getting away with this" scum and "I give up I'm dead" scum.

There are a lot of days ahead where we still need to vote correctly to win. I floated Eyes and Dease as potential scum buddies for VP and my best interpretation of Titus play today is that they are a killer who has been benefiting from VP's antics. I've never played with a killer before on Mafiascum but I've played setups with a killer a bunch on EpicMafia.

This is tstbs.
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Post Post #6272 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:16 pm

Post by Frogsterking »

In post 6271, Galron wrote:
In post 6270, Frogsterking wrote:The narrative of phase 3 VP presented is pure creative fiction. I explained to VP what exactly was going through my mind with an ironclad timeline of things I actually posted. VP is probably leaning back in his chair drinking a cold beer and cracking himself up. There hasn't been an effort to actually sort my alignment from VP or ask me questions in good faith. VP reeks of a combination of "I can't believe I'm still getting away with this" scum and "I give up I'm dead" scum.

There are a lot of days ahead where we still need to vote correctly to win. I floated Eyes and Dease as potential scum buddies for VP and my best interpretation of Titus play today is that they are a killer who has been benefiting from VP's antics. I've never played with a killer before on Mafiascum but I've played setups with a killer a bunch on EpicMafia.

This is tstbs.

Bruce: Terry. I've been thinking about something you once told me... and you were wrong. It's not Batman that makes you worthwhile; it's the other way around. Never tell yourself anything different.
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Post Post #6273 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:18 pm

Post by Mizzytastic »

Talking of time, how long does a game of go take? Casually I've found a full 19x19 board game times to take forty five minutes to an hour. However in the past big professional games would be played over multiple days. This is much rarer now.

Official Votecount 3.12VP Baltar (5): Nero Cain, Save The Dragons, Frogsterking, tenebrousluminary, fireisredsir

Cape90 (2): Mathblade, Titus
Frogsterking (1): Eyes without a face
Save the Dragons (1): Enchant
Nero Cain (1): VP Baltar

Not Voting (4): Scorpious, DeasVail, Galron, April Ludgate, Cape90

With 15 players alive, it takes 8 votes to achieve an elimination.

Day 3 will end in (expired on 2022-03-25 22:15:00).

click here for joined mod iso.
Last edited by Mizzytastic on Sat Mar 19, 2022 9:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post Post #6274 (ISO) » Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by Galron »

In post 6272, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 6271, Galron wrote:
In post 6270, Frogsterking wrote:The narrative of phase 3 VP presented is pure creative fiction. I explained to VP what exactly was going through my mind with an ironclad timeline of things I actually posted. VP is probably leaning back in his chair drinking a cold beer and cracking himself up. There hasn't been an effort to actually sort my alignment from VP or ask me questions in good faith. VP reeks of a combination of "I can't believe I'm still getting away with this" scum and "I give up I'm dead" scum.

There are a lot of days ahead where we still need to vote correctly to win. I floated Eyes and Dease as potential scum buddies for VP and my best interpretation of Titus play today is that they are a killer who has been benefiting from VP's antics. I've never played with a killer before on Mafiascum but I've played setups with a killer a bunch on EpicMafia.

This is tstbs.


It sounds like you're lining up mizzes.