Rumble is a game where players invent their own superpowers, then bid on those same superpowers and fight in an attempt to triumph over everyone else.
The Original Rules can be found here.
Some house rules:
1. I reserve the ability to veto any Power that I feel is too hard to process or unhealthy for the game (e.g “Spend 1 to deal 100 unavoidable damage to all players except yourself” will be vetoed). I also have final say over ambiguities in the wordings or interactions of Power.
2. Starting round 4, 50% of the energy allocated to unused defense will be burned.
3. Players have 48 hours to submit their actions each phase/round (except for the auction, which lasts for 72 hours). If this deadline is exceeded, I will prod any players who have not submitted their actions yet. I may also replace players at any time.
Current theme: Corporate
1. Ircher
2. NotAJumbleOfNumbers
3. Jake The Wolfie
4. NDMath
5. Irrelephant11
To sign up, please make a post in the game thread indicating your intent to do so and PM me two powers you’ve created. The game will start when 5 players have signed up or when no players have signed up for the past 72 hours.
Good luck!