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Post Post #39 (isolation #0) » Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:04 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 32, Isis wrote:
clown Fredrick A Campbell
In post 34, Isis wrote:
evil Galron
In post 36, Galron wrote:
bunny Isis
I THINK this might be reason enough for everyone to just Vote instead of coming up with words.. :roll:

VOTE: Galron - I've got a feeling.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #40 (isolation #1) » Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:06 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 19, Hoopla wrote:i made a couple of unwise rulings in my attempt to lead the noble and venerable town bloc last game; gypyx and renaissance/klick slipped through the cracks early. we weren't punished for it due to excellent night play, but i intend to conduct a more rigorous screening this time around.

i think i'll be able to read you well enough, though.
..and not just excellent nightplay, but one UnaB calling you town when no one else saw it, AND calling out 2/3 scum as well..? :]
In post 24, Isis wrote:
In post 18, Hoopla wrote:hello people of the town.

i am well rested; full of coffee, left-over dal, and wild ideas.

the scum don't stand a chance.

VOTE: bob - easy target.
VOTE: bob
I will sheep our tireless leader.
No, not another game with a Hoopla-led townbloc.. :facepalm:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #43 (isolation #2) » Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:16 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Just finished a game with a chunk of this playerlist, but still met some of them only for the first time there.

Bellaphant is sort of a legend, right? Or am I mixing them up with someone?
@Bella - you used to have a drawing of a Mafioso-type person as your avatar, right?

Isis - has to be an alt, right? Is it common knowledge whose this is?

Sujimichi is not very well known to me, but I've definitely seen their avatar elsewhere before.
It caught my attention in the Queue-thread already.

Galron is a complete mystery to me so far.
Don't know if it's an alt, or a newer player.

Everyone else I've played with at least once before, and believe to be able to scavenge "extra" something from reading them.. :]
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #44 (isolation #3) » Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:19 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Oh wow, found you already? :lol:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #55 (isolation #4) » Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:48 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

There's no way our mod is able to keep this up throughout the game.
It's not humanly possible. :]
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #93 (isolation #5) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:47 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 91, Isis wrote:I think Klick is scummy but I wish he wasn't because I like him.

I don't feel like I can explain it well and that bothers me.

I'm not as good at mafia as I used to be.
This could've been posted by me and would be quite accurate. :lol:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #114 (isolation #6) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:29 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

Did everyone confirm at all?
Don't we still have people who haven't posted at all? :igmeou:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #115 (isolation #7) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:32 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

Nevermind, ALMOST everyone HAS posted.
I just hope this game doesn't have to deal with multiple chain-replacements or lurkers.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #117 (isolation #8) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:42 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

I do not currently have the creative spark to just whip something up - to create content for contents sake.
Therefore I read these first pages with a comically large magnifying glass, and I feel like there are two reasonable targets for my vote so far.
geraintm and Klick.
And since Klick is the one of them who at least has votes on them, and I'd like to participate in actually getting something rolling, I'd normally vote there.
gera is 1/2 of the players voting Klick.
Therefore I'm going to vote gera instead.

VOTE: geraintm
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #118 (isolation #9) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:46 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 116, notscience wrote:Just ask yourself how queen hoops would handle lurkers
I now we are still in the early phases of the game, but I would actually like to try and challenge you a little for some interactions.

We just shared a game together, and I think it never actually got to this, BUT...what would it take for your read on Hoopla to shake? :?
You were absolutely fine with their townbloc starting at the early pages of D1, and never had to second guess your read.
Now you've entered another game, and you seem to be fully trusting them already.
What's with that?

Do you have a lot of experience playing together, is it a "soulread", or is it all really very surface-level? :neutral:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #125 (isolation #10) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:01 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 119, popopopopopopo wrote:happy with my vote
On Klick, right? :shifty:
In post 121, notscience wrote:I also disagree with a gera vote.
Then what about Klick? I do not honestly get any vibes from anyone else as of now.
In post 122, notscience wrote:As for what it takes for me to lose it? If the tone falls off I think will be a big tell.
And you feel confident enough that you'll be able to call it if/when it happens?
I got a solid town-vibe from them last game, and I still called their bloc flawed for including slots like renaissance.
I was able to separate our differing reads from my read on her, and like I said at the end of last game - I'm curious whether I'm able to do it this game too..
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #127 (isolation #11) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:03 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 123, Klick wrote:I don't think I'm going to be able to accurately read Hoopla until like Day 3 at best. Until then, Hoopla is a consistently good influence on the gamestate and probably won't be getting executed today.
I mean, even I wouldn't want them executed early on - I'm just being very wary of them, and notsciences self-confidence.. :]
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #129 (isolation #12) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:04 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 126, bob3141 wrote:Una is gamblers fallacy right on you this time :-P
Was it you who called that last game too? :lol:
What did you even mean by that given the context?
I know what it means, but if we are talking about the last game and that one post that stuck out to me, it felt out of place then and there. :]
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #132 (isolation #13) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:07 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 128, Klick wrote:What's bothering you about me, Una?
I'm not sure if it's tonal, or what.
I had the same feels last game as well, although you were closer to redeeming that slot last game than your predecessors.. :igmeou:

It feels like you are less on offence here(?) - which seems like a clear difference to me.
But then again, if you were to roll scum twice in a row, I guess you'd try and mix it up as well.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #134 (isolation #14) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:12 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

BTW, I do not think bob is scum.
But I also want to see what the three voters on bob do with their time in this game.
I especially have an underlying appreciation for town!Dunn. I think.
People change their avatars so often, and I remember them better than names, but I have come across Dunn multiple times during my stay here.
And I think they are able to show their skills as town, meaning that reading them correctly shouldn't be too difficult D3->.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #135 (isolation #15) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:12 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 133, notscience wrote:I take it given your interactions with me you think I’m town, una?
I'm hesitantly giving you a reluctant nod towards that general direction, yes.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #136 (isolation #16) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:13 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

Have you ever seen Paramore live, btw?
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #140 (isolation #17) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:22 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 138, bob3141 wrote:Your last 7 games had been town. And now 8.

Its a not to serous vote. Joke about it being based on the logical fallacy.
didn't even realize I had such a streak going!
Well, your fallacy will have to keep growing for at least one more game then. :lol:

The fact is, when I had multiple scum-games within a short time-span, I won a lot.
But I also wore myself out completely. :giggle:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #141 (isolation #18) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:26 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 139, notscience wrote:
In post 136, UnaBombaH wrote:Have you ever seen Paramore live, btw?
Once or twice.

They were pretty good, middle of the pack for bands I’ve seen live. I hated ain’t it fun until I saw it live
They've had crazy good energy every time I've seen them.
My ex was a huge fan, and I was sort of "dragged along" to the first gig.
The last two I only pretended to not enjoy it as much. ;)

It's just that I've always been a metalhead first, and everything else second, so I can't share these guilty pleasures with my friends..! :shifty:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #143 (isolation #19) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:28 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 137, Klick wrote:I think Una is likely town. It was hard to pretend he wasn't obvtown last game and I'm getting the same vibes here.
Remember this a few days down the road when I'm being wagoned by scum.
Even if you end up being one of them. :lol:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #146 (isolation #20) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:33 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

I'm a 90s kid so Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco were playing a LOT when I was in school.
They fall into the same "guilty pleasures"-cabinet. :]

I've seen so many bands live that my top10 would almost be filled with bands I'd guess none of you have ever even heard of, BUT...
Another surprise hit for me was 21 Pilots.
They had an insane show in Finland a few years back, and I'd actually put it in my top5 of all time.
Same with Arch Enemy last summer.
Never been a fan of either of them before, but after just one live performance...damn.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #151 (isolation #21) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:55 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

I had to go and check why I think Dunn is a very good townplayer.

I had three scumgames withing close range of each other, and I had already decided to take my break from the site after that specific game, and it started with my teammates being lynched D1 and D2. :lol:
I got to D7 LyLo but Dunn hammered me.

No doubt they are very good, but my vanity might be getting the better of me here.. :roll:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #153 (isolation #22) » Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:59 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

OK, I need to get some sleep now.
Very soft and careful townleans on notscience and bob for now.
Not going to vote for Hoopla today, but I do not think they should get a free pass after D2 at most.
I'm sort of conflicted on Klick. Them admitting a townread on me might be a different approach from the last game, or they simply might be more honest with their reads.

geraintm, Dunn, Bella and Isis need to be sorted to feel more comfortable about my shaky reads above.
And I need to check my history with Isis (pops) the same way I just did with Dunn, but that has to wait until tomorrow.

Good night to everyone.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #231 (isolation #23) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:45 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 196, Galron wrote:I didn't switch from RVS? Been on una the entire game?
You still think I'm the best target for your vote? :?
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #232 (isolation #24) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:46 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 203, geraintm wrote:
In post 202, Dunnstral wrote:What do you expect from bob?
I've been in a game where he was active enough day 1 as town to step in and try and stop a wagon that was about to lynch smeone they thought shouldn't be, and was high profile enough that they then got themselves lynched.

this game....not like that at all. very passive
I believe I've seen bob do the other route as town too.
And I'm going to withhold judgement at least for now.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #233 (isolation #25) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:48 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 206, Klick wrote:That actually seems pretty sound lol.
He feels a lot more quiet/jokey than he did last game too, and in the game he was in that I modded.

VOTE: bob3141
I do not like this turnaround.
In post 207, Klick wrote:Bella come back to this wagon. Turns out all you needed to catch scum was one word
And this worries me even more.
If bob is the designated mislynch for today, then scum have actually been active already, and aren't lurking like one would like to assume.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #234 (isolation #26) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:49 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

Also - if we flip bob and they are indeed scum, you are not allowed to use any of this against me. :roll:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #236 (isolation #27) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:52 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 209, Bellaphant wrote:Why are we wagoning someone with four bad posts as a counter to someone with 11 bad posts?
+++townpoints for Bella.
I really feel like bob is the wrong choice of the two anyway.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #240 (isolation #28) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:05 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 235, Klick wrote:You think scum already have a designated mis-X in this gamestate?
Not necessarily, no.
But what I was seeing there, was a wagon that got a few spread arguments "for", and a couple "against", but it seemed to be gaining traction anyway.
Sometimes it's hard to say whether it's the ones providing the arguments, or the ones who give in to them and sheep the votes, but I often smell scum in wagons like that.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #241 (isolation #29) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:06 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 239, Galron wrote:
In post 237, Galron wrote:
In post 231, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 196, Galron wrote:I didn't switch from RVS? Been on una the entire game?
You still think I'm the best target for your vote? :?
Color me confused.
Benefit of the doubt, you missed post waving at you from above. :lol:
Yea, whenever I'm "behind" on the game for more than a few posts, I refuse to read what's at the end and instead start "catching up" from my own latest post and comment on whatever catches my attention.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #244 (isolation #30) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:14 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

Well, I couldn't argue against it that much because it was just my personal gutread up until recently.
But Galron went for gera instead as well, and I think there's something to that.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #246 (isolation #31) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:24 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

I can.
And I'm not trying to get into a posting contest right now, but you are starting to give me scum-pings with almost every post again.. :lol:

Why did you think it was necessary to immediately devalue my townread on that post by Bella?
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #247 (isolation #32) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:25 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

What I'm currently thinking though, is that there's max 1 scum in Galron-gera-bob.
Might even be none.
And I'm trying to figure out who's pushing for what and why.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #286 (isolation #33) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:37 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 263, notscience wrote:@hoops trade gera for Bella and I agree

Sell me on Bella?
Oop, oop oop... Big red flag for me, this one here. :igmeou:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #287 (isolation #34) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:43 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 276, notscience wrote:Geras pretty town I wouldn’t be voting him tbh

I’m just positing that’s part of why Bella’s in the pool because I don’t feel anywhere near as confident about them as hoops.
gera is the likeliest scum in bob/gera/galron IMO.
And Bella seemed rather for me so far?
So, ummm.. :giggle:
In post 277, notscience wrote:I’m still okay with my bob vote
No. :neutral:
In post 279, popopopopopopo wrote:ok, should i get on this bob wagon?
No. :neutral:
In post 280, popopopopopopo wrote:idk i think bob is mislynch bait, im not feeling it
Yes. :]
I'd argue this looks good from popopopo.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #289 (isolation #35) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:02 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

And mind you, everyone, I'm not a HUGE fan of "townblocs" in general, and I would be scolding Hoopla for this one as well (like I did last game :igmeou: ), but I think this is just how they play as town and they need it either for solving or entertainment purposes. :lol:
Me being a part of this bloc of Hoopla this time around is neither here nor there.

I WILL be calling out Hoopla if I smell scum on that bloc, but so far they have at least been more reserved with how they include people in.
And one good example of them doing better than what I was afraid of - notscience not being included in their latest townreads just because they have a "solid townread" on Hoopla.
I'm not saying they've outright become a scumread for me, but they are definitely teetering on the edge.. :igmeou:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #290 (isolation #36) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:03 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 288, Hoopla wrote:@una

is notscience scum? i don't want to believe it. i think it would break my heart.
I'm more concerned about flippy this game tbh.
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Post Post #312 (isolation #37) » Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:56 pm

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In post 311, Dunnstral wrote:Or he's scum and doesn't want to seem overeager, which yields a similar reaction. You pointing this out made me a bit suspicious of him.
I think I made my point clear last game, and I believe I've said this multiple times around Boonsky as well. (I believe he sometimes went for these early townblocs as well)
I do not believe in townblocs simply because it's not the same thing as having mutual and all-inclusive townreads all around inside the bloc.
It's more about one person inserting themselves at the top of the hierarchy, and everyone else relying on their judgement before sheeping.
And since this is literally the second game in a row where Hoopla does this, I felt the need to point out the difference in where I stand regarding their bloc.

Last game I was out of the bloc, and called out my scumreads within it.
That lead to me being somewhat scumread D1, but I didn't mind, because it opened up discussion and we found some mutual ground with Hoopla still.

This time I'm included in the bloc, AND SO FAR I think the bloc is all town.
My original stance on blocs hasn't changed though, and I'll be keeping a close eye on who Hoopla includes in the group.

While I dislike the fact that you went all the way to the end of the reach and pinned me as scummy for saying this, I still like the fact that you are saying something.
I just hope this doesn't end up being your only contribution to the gameday. :]
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Post Post #314 (isolation #38) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:00 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

BTW, did Hoopla do that on purpose? :? :?
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Post Post #338 (isolation #39) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:04 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 323, Klick wrote:geraintm (5): UnaBombaH, Galron, popopopopopopo, Hoopla, bob3141
I'd argue this is a good checkpoint for a wagon indeed.
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Post Post #342 (isolation #40) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:14 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 333, notscience wrote:
In post 286, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 263, notscience wrote:@hoops trade gera for Bella and I agree

Sell me on Bella?
Oop, oop oop... Big red flag for me, this one here. :igmeou:
I for one am shocked you are scumreading me again it’s almost like we have a playstyle clash we learned about last game
Could be, but I can't help but get pinged by that post.
You are bargaining for gera to be in the top townreads, AND you ask for arguments why Bella should be town.
It's these two things together, especially when Bella had just been talked about.

Felt like you weren't paying attention, or just trying to force-feed something to Hoopla.
Their own reaction to this, and your followup?
In post 335, notscience wrote:
In post 288, Hoopla wrote:@una

is notscience scum? i don't want to believe it. i think it would break my heart.
He actively scumread me all last game hoops why, of everyone in this game, trust his read lol
First of all, apparently Hoopla saw something similar there. Or they are the one actually gaming me here, but I'm trying to avoid paranoia for now. :facepalm:
Second of all, this reaction from you again feels like bargaining.
Is it once again the feel of a soulread that makes you so certain Hoopla is town, AND that they should and would agree with you? :?

I really am trying to understand you here.
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Post Post #343 (isolation #41) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:18 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 341, notscience wrote:Hoops your wagon has only one of your townbloc how could you be comfortable with it
Regarding this btw, I really want to see where Bella goes next.
I really do not see Galron being todays lynch, but Bella seemed to think gera isn't a good lynch either (??).
I wonder if we are able to compromise on someone reasonable here.
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Post Post #345 (isolation #42) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:22 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

@notscience - what do you think of these two posts in conjunction with each other?
In post 295, Hoopla wrote:^una steadfastly resisting the town bloc invitation.

okay okay, we get it. you're town. there's no need to convince us further with this coy display.

just relax and accept the rightful privilege afforded to the town bloc elite.
In post 311, Dunnstral wrote:Or he's scum and doesn't want to seem overeager, which yields a similar reaction. You pointing this out made me a bit suspicious of him.

Looking over t heir iso more closely, doesn't it seem like he''s maneuvering in a way where he sets himself up to suspect a few people, or pivot to certain players, while calling others town, it feels manipulative to me.

Like in , and for his suspects

VOTE: UnaBombaH
Do you think there's anything AI happening here from either?
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Post Post #347 (isolation #43) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:28 am

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In post 344, notscience wrote:It’s because we were in lock step last game that this new game not being there feels weird.
I can definitely see this being an irritation.
Especially since the last game literally just ended.
In post 344, notscience wrote:And yes, clearly klick and hoopla saw *something* but rather than ask me they just agreed with you, and that irks me but I’m not sure it’s AI
So you think it might be AI for them to see something scummy in that post, like I did? :?
I'm not sure why it should annoy you if multiple people find something you say scummy.
If anything, I'd just mark it down as an "interaction" between four slots, and then maybe return to it with some flips for info. :]
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Post Post #350 (isolation #44) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:32 am

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In post 346, notscience wrote:Maybe dunn in the red but nothing re hoops.
It's just that how Dunn jumped at it..
I get a feeling they were waiting for an opening, and I was just wondering whether Hoopla was literally trying to give it to them.
Guess my reaction to a silly reach was a tinfoil-hat. :lol:

That interaction aside - Dunn hasn't been able to do many towny things yet.
I'm also worried about Flippy being able to push themselves up to speed.
They had a good role that they played well last game which actually helped a lot, but I wonder what they'll be able to do if they don't have any results to share this time around.
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Post Post #355 (isolation #45) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:37 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 349, notscience wrote:Regardless I’m not backing down re gera this wagon is ass
Well, I do not want to lynch bob.
Bella is definitely able to do valuable things later, AND they happen to agree with me on things, so I do not want to go there today either. :]
Dunn? I'm certain he can be valuable to us later, and should be obv.scum if he isn't. (D2/D3)
Flippy hasn't done much either, but...and I know this is silly but...I really like having them around with all the gifs and the pics and the such. :lol:
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Post Post #358 (isolation #46) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:40 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 353, notscience wrote:Oh I assure you it is in all seriousness
..for notscience and Hoopla that is. :giggle:
I just use it as a reference point on who Hoopla is townbinning.. :roll:

I'm not sure if I'm as certain of Hoopla either, as I was last game.
But I guess my read on them felt better D2 there as well so.. :shifty:
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Post Post #360 (isolation #47) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:41 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 357, Bellaphant wrote:@una, valuable things? Where's your evidence? I think you have me confused with someone, genuinely ;) maybe Bella?
Wait, seriously? :o
I really do have you confused with someone with a similar name? (not Bella - something much closer to Bellaphant I'm sure)
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Post Post #361 (isolation #48) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:45 am

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: OK, I'm not even going to say out loud who I confused you with. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But I'm sure you are a good enough player anyway. :facepalm:
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Post Post #365 (isolation #49) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:33 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 362, Isis wrote:
In post 355, UnaBombaH wrote:Bella is definitely able to do valuable things later, AND they happen to agree with me on things, so I do not want to go there today either. :]
Do you think she's probtown or you just don't want to vote her for these strategic reasons?
It's gonna sound selfish, but honestly, her townreading me and agreeing on Klick is valuable enough to me right now as to not want her lynched. :shifty:

I do think she is town as well, but wouldn't put my head on the line for that yet.
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Post Post #447 (isolation #50) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:09 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 377, Klick wrote:Im starting to develop a mild scumread on Hoopla
So I'm not the only one feeling suspicious.. :?
I'm not sure if it's a tone thing, but their latest few posts feel off.
I'd need to do some comparisons to last game, again, but I do not have the energy for it.
But last game I had a solid-ish townread on them even if not everyone saw why.
I do not feel it the same way this time around.
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Post Post #449 (isolation #51) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:28 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 405, Klick wrote:
What would an Una scumgame look like here? Can you give me some perspective on how you play differently as town vs scum?
Well..I'd like to argue I can imitate my townplay as scum well enough..?
It's more about getting people to believe me and trust in me.
Being a PR always mixes things up, and I pretty much always drop crumbs everywhere to show them late.
And they are rarely very simple. But they are there. :lol:
This is as either alignment, mind you. ^^

I often get underestimated by scum, so I'm very rarely nightkilled, and often pushed for as a lynch either early early, or in LyLo.
So again, me being scum wouldn't change that much either. :lol:

This specific game is going to be difficult for me anyway, I can already see that, but I have a plan.
Hope that scum will try and play ball with me this game.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #451 (isolation #52) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:33 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 414, Dunnstral wrote:As soon as I started calling certain people scum there was a perceptible shift in the way people started treating me
Want to point out your results? :]
And do you think those reactions were from scum? (because your call-outs were glorious)
Or is there perhaps a slight chance for reactions to be based on your posts being shaky?
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Post Post #452 (isolation #53) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:35 pm

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In post 417, Dunnstral wrote:You and UnaB and it looks bad for you and neutral for UnaB

There's a notable lack of responding to things from Isis where I expect one

Hoopla's push on me is bad
So you had been questioned about this already. A decent assessment I'd say.
Why do you think notsciences reactions looked bad while mine only neutral? :?
Was it the actual content-matter provided, or just how you expect town!Una to react vs town!notscience to react?
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Post Post #453 (isolation #54) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:39 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

That following notscience-Dunn -interaction is def. not S/S if you ask me.
From post to .
Def. worth a look later as well.
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Post Post #454 (isolation #55) » Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:50 pm

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Quick throwaway stream of consciousness before I have to focus on work.

Galron hopping off the gera-wagon at this time.
Perhaps because they really don't "feel it" anymore. Might be because of the notscience-Dunn -interaction?
Maybe because Hoopla DIDN'T want to leave the wagon? :?
Also noteworthy - didn't replace the vote yet with anything. Might need an existing wagon to join.

In contrast: Hoopla is unwilling to leave the wagon, and claims it's a hot one..!
I'd argue that it was stalled down right before reaching the L-1 and claim levels of temperature.
Again, could mean nothing. But could also be just scum!Hoopla wanting the claim..? :igmeou:

I'm thinking there's something here with the existing wagon.
Because if you look at the latest votecount, ALL OTHER VOTES are spread out.
Could this be an all-town wagon on a mislynch, and scum are trying to scatter and stay off?
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #504 (isolation #56) » Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:14 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

UNVOTE: - I locked myself out of my apartment. :facepalm:
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Post Post #522 (isolation #57) » Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:26 pm

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So I finally got inside last night, and I was so pissed off and exhausted, that I almost immediately fell asleep on the couch. Whoops. :lol:
In post 515, Hoopla wrote:i have been questioning my intuition more than usual this game. as a consequence, i've let extra levels of paranoia into my game; my read on you perhaps affected by that.

i like that we have found common ground, though. i suspect a scumlynch of a mutual read will help reestablish friendly relations.
This here is the reason why I feel a little bit paranoid about the both of you.
I can't decide, yet again, if you are both town with some good mutual reading-abilities, OR if one of you is able to pull some heavy wool over the others' eyes.
I do not think you are both scum, because that would be some disgusting acting considering your interactions.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #523 (isolation #58) » Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:27 pm

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In post 518, notscience wrote:Gera, una (but I’m a little annoyed I’m going to have to argue against his scumread me all game again), klick, you (?), flippy

I don’t have a hankering to lynch isis or Galron but I wouldn’t argue against it either
This list isn't the worst. :shifty:
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Post Post #524 (isolation #59) » Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:35 pm

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I really want to know who Galron is an alt for.
Their posts ping me from time to time, and I'm not sure if it's because I think there's an agenda or forced tone there, or if it's just because there's something familiar. :?

I think I'm considering townleaning notscience again, and after some consideration, maybe even above and in place of Hoopla.
Gonna have to reread Hoopla later too.

I have a bad feeling about Dunn to be honest.
Not because I outright think they are scummy, but because I thought I understood what they were going for with their "scummier" posts earlier.
I thought they were trying to stir the pot and scavenge some reads from that, but I feel like they already gave up on that? Right?
I expected him to keep up the pressure at least for a little longer.

@Dunn - are you still very much satisfied with your vote on Bella?
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Post Post #527 (isolation #60) » Thu Jul 09, 2020 8:35 pm

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Yeah, I'm not sure I want Dunn lynched today either. -_-

Someone wanna volunteer?
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Post Post #551 (isolation #61) » Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:41 pm

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I think Hoopla is a better lynch than Dunn for now.
I'm just not sure if they are the best possible lynch for D1 either.

I really, REALLY want you to post.
I know you aren't much into D1's anyway, but you haven't even started to try.
In our latest game you did a lot of things right, and when I just checked, it took less than putting you at L-1 to get you to commit.

VOTE: EmperorFlippyNips - get in here and do some work.
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Post Post #554 (isolation #62) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:00 am

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OK, fuck it.
I'm gonna join this, but I won't be the one who gets crucified tomorrow when she flips green. :igmeou:
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Post Post #555 (isolation #63) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:01 am

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VOTE: Hoopla
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Post Post #556 (isolation #64) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:02 am

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I believe we're at the modern version of L-2.

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Post Post #558 (isolation #65) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:19 am

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And I STILL absolutely need Flippy to get in here.
I'm afraid they are scum here, and they want to remove someone who knows them well enough N1 before actually starting to participate.
And the replacement for Sujimichuka has done nothing of value either.

That's two potential lurkers starting to slide from the get go, and I've lost enough games to lurkers already.
I think D1 should be reserved for them unless we find someone who is blatantly scummy.

I'm still not sure Hoopla is that.
The same way I don't think Dunn or Bella are.
But I do think the wagon on Hoopla is the towniest one so far, so I guess I'll play sheep for today and see where that lands me.
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Post Post #592 (isolation #66) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:05 am

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In post 562, Bellaphant wrote:Although Una's position around the eviction is odd. 'not my fault' 'why not a lurker' etc....
Yea, I know it in my guts they will flip town. :lol:
But my gut have been wrong before, and I do not see another reasonable lynch rising to the table now that this wagon feels like it's mostly town.

Those exact quotes from me are more about venting a building frustration.
Either my lingering gutread on Hoopla is wrong, or my townreads might have been false.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #593 (isolation #67) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:06 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 567, notscience wrote:I still agree spiritually just the speed of the wagon is giving me the heebie jeebies
Well, me too!
But like said, I believe the 1st part of it was mostly all town.
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Post Post #597 (isolation #68) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:33 am

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Yea, even if I said those things and AM still doubtful, I don't think unvoting there was the right thing..? :?
Hoopla needs to get here, give her reads on people and discuss the wagon anyway.
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Post Post #598 (isolation #69) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:35 am

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Why can't I remember anything popopopopo has said so far? :lol:
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Post Post #608 (isolation #70) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 7:02 am

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In post 606, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:I am not enthused by Galron so far. His only take has been liking Hoopla's content and the
rest has been fluff
I mean..coming from you? The bolded part? :lol:
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Post Post #641 (isolation #71) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:47 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 609, Isis wrote:High Fluff High Content > Medium Fluff Low Content

I don't know why people pretend fluff subtracts from how much content someone has posted, game after game.

Don't be a flareon
Wait, wtf?
I didn't call fluff bad.
Just them calling fluff from others bad.
At least by implication. :]
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Post Post #642 (isolation #72) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:55 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Yea, lot of quality shit from Hoopla.
Not in the AI-sense necessarily, but exactly the kind of thing people can expect from her.
That being said, I really dislike the earlier unvote from someone.
And the fact that bob seemed now to be implying scum!Una because I townread them? Or did I misunderstand something? :?

Anyway, I've been drinking a little, and need to get some sleep now.
I'll try and wrap my head around my reads sometime tomorrow.
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Post Post #644 (isolation #73) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:57 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Like, fuck me for being negative, but I feel like I've already compromised by joining the Hoopla-wagon and now it seems to be overwhelming to push it over the finish line.
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Post Post #645 (isolation #74) » Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:58 pm

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In post 643, notscience wrote:I for one am shocked you disliked something I did
Hey hey, don't be like that. :lol:
It's just that I don't think it was a good time to unvote for anyone.
Don't necessariöy thik it was AI.
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Post Post #703 (isolation #75) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 5:41 am

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I think Dunn has made "brave" pushes.
Against the current in a way?

I think my earlier assessment that he is stirring the pot is fair.
I'd like to think it's a towny thing to do because it gives people something to talk about and forces others to reconsider their stances.
My only problem currently is that we have pretty much started to run up almost every slot in the game so far with only a few exceptions.
And I do not see a clear choice for a D1-lynch anymore. :?
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Post Post #704 (isolation #76) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 5:46 am

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@notscience - you seem to have a rather pessimistic view towards my posts regarding you.
I guess I have sort of deserved that since I at least lowkey scumread you throughout the last game.
But can you see why that makes me wonder whether it's just you being defensive? :?
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Post Post #705 (isolation #77) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 5:49 am

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In post 526, Dunnstral wrote:Yes I am, and I pointed to why
In post 524, UnaBombaH wrote:I thought they were trying to stir the pot and scavenge some reads from that,
I kind of was with Isis/Hoopla. I think some of the things Hoopla has been pushing is questionable
Is it fair to say that you'd be most pleased with a lynch within Isis/Hoopla/notscience?
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Post Post #707 (isolation #78) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:06 am

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In post 706, notscience wrote:Probably.

I’ll try to phase out of it I just think we have playstyle clashes
Now let's both try and look beyond that and maybe look for a reasonable lynch.

What do you think of Dunn scumreading you?
Does it feel like a natural process to you?
I have a clear opinion on their slot as of now, but I'd like to hear your opinions first.
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Post Post #709 (isolation #79) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 6:21 am

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My feeling is that they are intentionally holding back a little, and succumb to surface-level reads because of that.
The way they have stirred conversation always feels towny to me, but might actually turn out to be something upon a red flip on them later.
Because what it has managed to do everytime, is that our (meaning the vocal minority/majority creating wagons atm) focus has either shifted or halted.

I literally feel like I've been manipulated to scumlean almost every slot in the game so far, and I'm not sure if it's just my old habits of having a tinfoil-paranoia, or if someone has been pulling the strings.
I believe Hoopla might have been the one, as much as I believe it could've been Dunn.
Yet neither of them seem outright scummy to me, which makes me think we might've been on the right track already with the earlier wagons we had.
And then just succumbed to overthinking.
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Post Post #726 (isolation #80) » Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:19 am

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^^they keep commenting on my use of emojis, and nothing much else has caught my eye.
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Post Post #754 (isolation #81) » Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:35 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

For what it's worth I think you are both town.
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Post Post #755 (isolation #82) » Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:37 am

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I'm still on Hoopla, and I'm trying to see a reasonable alternative that would actually lead into a lynch.
If Dunn and Bella can come to an agreement, then I'll put in extra effort to make notscience agree. :]
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Post Post #757 (isolation #83) » Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:39 am

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I'm honestly too lazy right now to fact check or quote them, but I can try and explain the feeling I got.

It felt to me, like Dunn was at the root of some new angles and pushes that drove the dialogue forward.
And when I say push, I don't mean just a vote or an actual big wagon forming.
I mean them putting their effort and words to use to out reads others hadn't made yet.
Maybe giving an alternative to an automated sheeping that would've otherwise occurred.

That kind of thing.
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Post Post #790 (isolation #84) » Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:23 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 760, Galron wrote:
In post 740, Bellaphant wrote:@galron, your poat about the wagon feels like info, not analysis - who's jump on that wagon feels scummy/badly positioned?
Wait a minute - based on what? You preflip associating? :igmeou:
I now have nasty feeling about this wagon with Galron dropping posts like this, and then joining the wagon anyway.. :facepalm:
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Post Post #838 (isolation #85) » Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:14 pm

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So Hoopla has been having...substancive..changes to their play recently, eh? Eh? :giggle:
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Post Post #840 (isolation #86) » Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:19 pm

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I do not understand that Isis unvote -> revote.
I thought I got the unvote until they revoted with...words.

I still think Galrons stance on this wagon / my vote on Hoopla makes little sense to me.
They are either thinking Hoopla is going to flip scum -> me joining the wagon means something OR they are thinking Hoopla is going to flip town -> me joining the wagon means something ELSE.
You can't just say my way of joining the wagon was the scummiest (or however it was phrased) without considering the implications Hooplas flip is going to give.
Or I mean, you CAN, but then you'd be arguing that no matter what Hoopla flips, I'm the bad guy here. :lol:

I don't think that's a rational way to read things.
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Post Post #841 (isolation #87) » Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:20 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 839, Dunnstral wrote:I don't get it
You don't? :(
I thought I was making a pun of sorts. :(
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Post Post #843 (isolation #88) » Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:55 pm

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Is that sort of the same thing where you are just strolling along, minding your own business..BAM
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Post Post #926 (isolation #89) » Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:13 pm

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Ok. :igmeou:
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Post Post #927 (isolation #90) » Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:14 pm

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I'm annoyed and tired.
Will come back with ~something~ at some point.
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Post Post #953 (isolation #91) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:53 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 947, Dunnstral wrote:I too want to flip popo, especially since it feels like everyone except for Una who has posted recently, who hasn't been on the wagon, has been strangely opposed to it
Yea, I do not necessarily object to it, but I'm not too excited about it either.
I'm feeling sort of uninterested with the game now. That Hoopla-claim makes it literally antitown to keep my vote on her, since her claimed role should be confirmed.
But I just have this solid feeling it's a scum fakeclaiming, and they are now living on borrowed time.
Dunno. I wasn't particularly scumreading them before, but I joined the wagon anyway.
And anything and everything they said afterwards only sold scum!Hoopla to me more.

So all of this other stuff sort of feels like filler to me right now.
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Post Post #954 (isolation #92) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:58 am

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Would scum!Hoopla try and create a counterwagon for their teammate, or actually name their teammate for distance? :?
Just pondering, not going to actually affect anything until we get some flips, but...

You know, this is giving a vibe of a divide between popopopo+Hoopla / geraintm.
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Post Post #956 (isolation #93) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:59 am

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The only reason why I'm wondering, is because scum!Hoopla would already know here that they aren't going to be cleared by their claim. :lol:
You do understand that, right?

So assuming scum!Hoopla, anything and everything they say from that claim onwards is already WIFOM. :]
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Post Post #958 (isolation #94) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:00 am

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In post 955, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:Yo ho ho. I notice you've cut down on the emojis, Una. Might that be a subconscious aversion because of what I was saying? €;
:lol: :lol: :lol: Literally just missed this. :wink:
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Post Post #959 (isolation #95) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:00 am

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VOTE: popopopo
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Post Post #962 (isolation #96) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:01 am

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I must go...with the flow..
If this flips red, I do not see Dunn/Isis ever being scum here.
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Post Post #963 (isolation #97) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:02 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 961, Isis wrote:Is it that hard to use pronouns
What do you mean by this?
And why do you keep repeating it? :? (honestly don't understand)
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Post Post #973 (isolation #98) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:42 am

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In post 967, Isis wrote:
In post 963, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 961, Isis wrote:Is it that hard to use pronouns
What do you mean by this?
And why do you keep repeating it? :? (honestly don't understand)
Numerous people in the game use the opposite he/she pronoun for someone, or use "they" for someone with a marked preference. The former is more jarring.
I'm constantly using "they", because I believe it's a rather "PC" way to address anyone and everyone. :?
I'll use preferred pronouns when I'm
absolutely certain
I know what it is, and don't have to check it every time I'm writing a post.

The problem with remembering them, is the same reason why I'm very bad with names. On this site, and IRL.
Instead, I remember avatars similarly to how I remember faces. I think I'd recognize almost every single person I've ever met just by their face, and that gives me at least a vague context on who they are/were and what they did. And this comes from me after living for near 30 years, and working in customer service / sales for over 10 years. :lol:
With avatars it's a little more difficult than with faces though, because often I'd connect the avatar to a different pronoun in my head, than what their preferred one actually is.
And since I'd rather be "safe" about it than hurt anyones feelings, well..that's why I use "they" a lot.

Also the added excuse of not being accustomed to having to navigate the newer and more rare pronouns people sometimes prefer.
I Finnish language we don't have any.
When we speak of "someone" in the same way of he/she - we use the same word for all genders and ages. :]
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Post Post #1027 (isolation #99) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:35 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

There are some anti-town
roles circulating the games now as well.
Roles I'd never claim as town because I know how they'd be perceived by other townies.
I'm not entirely sure how such roles add into the whole balancing thing, but more than rarely those have been the kind of setups that have been the most swingy too. :igmeou:
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Post Post #1030 (isolation #100) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:39 am

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In post 1028, bob3141 wrote:scum - replacement,
Wait what? :lol:
I'm scum to you bob? :?
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Post Post #1035 (isolation #101) » Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:19 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

What the damn hell?? :eek:

What does that even mean?
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Post Post #1132 (isolation #102) » Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:51 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1115, Isis wrote:
In post 1108, Porkens wrote:Unabomber is scum with hooplah and he will receive the friendly neighbor visit tomorrow.
This is someone who has read this mafia game
You two have got to be kidding me. :facepalm:
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Post Post #1133 (isolation #103) » Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:52 pm

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And just to be frank - I am not going to get any friendly visits from anyone this game.
Even trying would be a waste.
I keep my door closed tight. :lol:
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Post Post #1134 (isolation #104) » Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:08 pm

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In post 1066, notscience wrote:His main scumread was me, and I’m very well aware I’m town.

Maybe low info wifom kill?
"Mommyy, notscience is making scummy posts again!" :o

In all seriousness though.
You feel comfortable just drawing this conclusion out of nothing?
Or is this an actual "established" path to take in games? :?
In post 1068, notscience wrote:Typically kills like that means scum is comfortable with the game state which means we are way off.
I feel very much comfortable with Hoopla being scum, and we have all the necessary power to push it through once they fumble tomorrow.
But your way of thinking here implies town!Hoopla?
I do not like the idea being thrown around based on the kill being "low info".

Just my two cents.
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Post Post #1136 (isolation #105) » Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:21 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Porkens made a good catchup, even if their reads are necessarily off.
Now this in combination with what Isis and notscience are currently selling makes me feel a bit uneasy. :igmeou:
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Post Post #1138 (isolation #106) » Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:25 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Why do you think my posts are scummy?
Why do you even consider me scummy here?

I thought my reads have been rather open, not taking into account how the day ended.
Until that Hoopla-wagon I was feeling good about my reads, and when I was fully sold on that one, we all have to back down.
If you can't understand my mentality there, I can't help you much with your read on me.

I currently have a rising feeling that a combination of you/Porkens/notscience are trying to hard-sell an Una-lynch for today, and I'm most definitely gonna fight that.
"Scummy" or not.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1139 (isolation #107) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:04 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

No, notscience is actually still town here.
I think I understand where they were coming from.

Upon checking RFS's ISO from D1, I still do not think they have made any substancial effort yet.
And I have a feeling they might actually be a rather experienced player hiding behind that gimmick-alt.
Would explain why they've been so "chill" with their posting so far.
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Post Post #1141 (isolation #108) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:15 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1140, Isis wrote:I think you're a better lynch after we get confirmation that Hoopla is mafia.
Wait why? I want them lynched as well! :facepalm:
And I'd like to hear this from Porkens as well.
Why would scum!Hoopla suggest scum!Una?

And while you're at it,
apparently town!Hoopla would suggest town!Una somehow then?
How/why/what? :facepalm:
In post 1140, Isis wrote:A lot of your posts seem too narrative to me but it might be a toneread. I'm not sure.
If this is your main grief with me here, I'd suggest you go and check pretty much any of my older games for reference.
This is my town game, and it's almost certainly a tone-thing then. (tounthingthen)
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Post Post #1159 (isolation #109) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 9:47 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1153, Porkens wrote:This post is what triggered me re: you and hooplah
OK, I can see that. The background here is that we JUST finished another game where Hoopla did this exact same thing, and they were town.
And that game they scumread me until I was confirmed as town, while I was one of the few who were able to see the towniness in their actions.

This time, I didn't read them as scum either, per se, until that wagon formed and I joined out of "don't know what else to do anymore".
Everything they posted after that just made me feel more like I was in the right spot.
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Post Post #1160 (isolation #110) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 9:57 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1158, bob3141 wrote:So every one who voted pops in that awful wagon can you go over why you voted him. And what benifit you thought lynching a lurker would do for town?
I'm fine with admitting that it felt like the "next best wagon" after Hoopla claimed. And mainly because people had already started to group up there.
Hoopla felt like the only reasonable lynch yesterday after everything that had transpired, and once that was denied, I honestly didn't care too much.

You going on a "holier than thou" -path here doesn't do anything for town though. :]
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Post Post #1199 (isolation #111) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 7:16 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Now that's an unquotable readlist one can't find with ctrl+f when looking for a specific players name.. :roll:
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Post Post #1200 (isolation #112) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 7:23 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

I'm currently liking Galron for town, way ahead of gera at least.
And I'm yet again baffled by Isis.
They dodged my questions by saying they were intoxicated at the time(?).
They put me and Hoopla still as scum together(??) at the bottom of their list.
They said popopo seemed like a good lynch yesterday because Hoopla seemed to not want that, and now they follow Hoopla onto a Bella vote.

This can't be OK with everyone else, right? :facepalm:
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Post Post #1201 (isolation #113) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 7:35 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

I have on of my (really not-so-)famous gutreads on Bob, that makes me want townbin them hard for the rest of the game.
It's just that their reads need some fine-tuning. :]

@bob - do you think you'd be able to accept me as town for now, and work with me here?
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Post Post #1203 (isolation #114) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 7:53 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1202, Isis wrote:But the way she aimed to townbloc you day 1 ties you together, there's too many patterns in the style of the way it was done for me to think it was a fakeout the way popopo was, so I think you are scummier when/if she flips scum.
By the way you have just described Hooplas play, this exactly what scum!Hoopla would want to do.
And yet you feel certain this time it's not just them laying the groundworks for a lategame goose chase?

VOTE: Isis - so much cherrypicking within in their Hoopla-read.
I can definitely see Isis+Hoopla being a thing.
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Post Post #1205 (isolation #115) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 8:00 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

And ffs.
Now it makes sense - the stubborness for a Bella-lynch.
It starts with "Hoopla townbloc'd them", and ends with "they are scummy in other ways too".
And after Bella flips town, then Isis and Co. have to flip their buddy in Hoopla, but they get right back on track with "Una is scum because Hoopla townbloc'd them too".
They know Hoopla goes down tomorrow, and they are just lining up lynches in the meantime.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1207 (isolation #116) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 8:04 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1204, Porkens wrote:VOTE: unabomber that rings contrived to me
No, this is me getting riled up because it makes no sense to pair me with Hoopla like that.
YOUR answer to my question Porkens, and the quote you used made way more sense to me.
Because it was my post.
You quoted a post I had made, and I can see how it could be interpreted the way you did.
But what Isis is doing here, is they are moving me into a scum pile because of what Hoopla has said and done. On a VERY visible surface-level. Before they have even flipped.

You must understand the difference.
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Post Post #1211 (isolation #117) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 8:17 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

It's more about me having a very strong feeling that Isis is acting scummy here.
That has to be combined with my other very strong feeling - that Hoopla is scum here as well.
Since both feelings are strong, and don't feel like they'd obviously and outright contradict each other -> they are scum together.
Unlike Isis, I'm not making a pre-association read here. I'm just saying Hoopla is scum, Isis is acting like scum, and them both being scum doesn't seem far-fetched to me.
Especially considering how Isis is aiming to lynch Bella->Hoopla->Una currently.
Unless I'm mistaken and Bella is scum here, that would give us a town, scum, town -sequence of flips, and the scumteam would've gotten the most out of Hooplas claim already.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1212 (isolation #118) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 8:18 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Oh, and I'll be the first to admit my mistake here if Bella flips scum/Hoopla flips town, but I'm honestly not seeing either.
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Post Post #1214 (isolation #119) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 8:26 pm

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Because we can't lynch Hoopla yet!! :facepalm:
They have put themselves on a timer, but it's the kind of timer where we can't kill them before it's run out either.

They have claimed a role that is very straight-forward in the way how it's confirmed.
Lynching them before D3 would be stupid, we all know that.
So me calling them 100% scum here is sort of stupid as well, I know, but I believe I'm not alone with my assessment of their claim.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1217 (isolation #120) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:43 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

You are either scum or so wrong.
Either way you are trying to ruin my game and I dislike it.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1218 (isolation #121) » Fri Jul 17, 2020 11:54 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1215, Porkens wrote:Yeah but what if u get a friendly neighbor claim ? Then what
What do you mean?
If Hoopla were to visit me and I actually got greetings from a friendly neighbour?
Well, like said.
I'd first admit to having been wrong, and then focus on solving the game with the new information I've been given.
But I'm not stupid or delusional - one of Una/Hoopla would still need to be flipped for most of the playerlist to be able to move on and accept that claim. And that's not gonna be me, so.. What do you want me to say? :lol:
Unless there's like a Cop-clear on Hoopla + successful neigbhor-visit to someone else, I'll probably want Hoopla dead anyway.
I would likely demand a Hoopla-lynch tomorrow, no matter who claims to have gotten the correct visit from them.
And if they flip friendly neighbour, we get a out of the other one, right?

But this is all theoretical because I will not receive such a visit.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1245 (isolation #122) » Sat Jul 18, 2020 7:15 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

..and Una was out with friends two nights in a row for the first time since september last year.
So not gonna be posting much until ~24h from now. :dead:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1302 (isolation #123) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 5:23 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

I'm reading this back-and-forth between Bob and notscience, and trying to decide whether this could ever be T/T or S/S. And if this is T/S, who is in the right after everything's said.
In post 1283, bob3141 wrote:See town doesnt say this.

This alsmost always comes from scum. Who are being bashful about the fact they think town simply will not lynch them.
This post caught my eye as the first one that felt very "flimsy". Town most definitely says things like this. Especially when it's directed at a scumread of them. It's to provoke a reaction, mainly a vote, from the other person. The harmful thing this can achieve however, is an 1v1 "to the death" between two townies. When it becomes two pigheaded townies throwing shit at each other, or playing chicken, both often end up saying "scummy" shit.
Hence why I think you should both take a step back and re-assess your reads on each other before continuing. Meanwhile the rest of us need to think if this can be two people sincerely misreading each other, or if there's really scum on either side of the fence.
I've been thinking both of them are just town, but a lot has been thrown for these past pages.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1304 (isolation #124) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 5:43 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1296, Porkens wrote:I get the feeling you are both town (just gut)

Could you guys just entertain that idea for a few posts and see if you have any mutual scumreads?
OK, apparently porkens reads this similarly. :lol:
Well good, maybe I'll just get called a newsreader again, and not outright scum.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1308 (isolation #125) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 6:14 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1298, Fredrick A Campbell wrote:bob3141 (3): Replacement for Sujimichi, Isis, notscience
Just picking this up for myself for later - unless bob is scum here, no way is this all town.
So far my suspicions have been on RfS's lurky playstyle, but the way Isis started the day got me on my toes.
So if bob is town, one of these two is most likely scum.
If bob is red, I don't think it's too likely that either of them is bussing though.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1309 (isolation #126) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 6:15 pm

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In post 1299, Hoopla wrote:i still like bob for town. his latest burst has been refreshing. due to tone? perhaps. or perhaps i just like that someone is going toe-to-toe with the cheeky notscience. please keep it up.

i am too scared to lead the charge on notscience (don't want to get called "bucko"), so will be requiring a strong town hero to make the first move. will it be you, bob?
OK, I know I'm being biased here, but this actually sells me further on town!notscience. :lol:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1310 (isolation #127) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 6:17 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1300, Hoopla wrote:actually, this will do for now;

VOTE: unabombah

my bella vote looked very pointless.
I think you shouldn't be allowed to vote today. :facepalm: Wtf it this even.
If you manage to flip green this game, I'm not so sure I want to play any more games with you.
But if you flip red, town!Hoopla is still fine in my books. :lol:
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Post Post #1311 (isolation #128) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 6:21 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1306, notscience wrote:Sell me on isis una? I’ve liked most of their posting
The way they picked up your first posts of the day.
Felt like they were spinning it to fit their own agenda of scum!Una.
And setting up lynches beyond Hoopla tomorrow.
And when I asked for more, they were only able to come up with "maybe it's a tone-thing".
OK, I know they aren't voting for me as of now, but that almost makes me scumread that earlier push more.

They got nothing more out of it, but manufactured shade on me.
And if they get their way, bob flips today, Hoopla tomorrow, and Una after that.
That automatically screams "scum agenda" to me, and makes me feel even more certain about town!bob.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1314 (isolation #129) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 6:57 pm

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In post 1313, Galron wrote:Starting to think flippy just doesn't want to put the work in as scum.
Yeah, I'm a little worried for Flippy as well. I believe in their ability to do things as town, but it seems this isn't one of those games.. :(
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1321 (isolation #130) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:10 pm

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In post 1318, Isis wrote:Is this a scumslip? It reads like a weird perspective scumslip. Una needs to die either way though
How on earth do you twist that to a scumslip? :facepalm:
I'm starting to feel exhausted with you.

I've said it multiple times that Hoopla is scum in my eyes.
If they SOMEHOW manage to flip town, I'm not going to be very happy with their play here, hence "I'm not sure I want to play with them anymore".
If on the other hand they do flip scum (like I still assume they will), I'm fine with the games I've had with town!Hoopla.

No slips, nothing deeper there.
Their vote on me is ridiculous (as is yours), but unlike you I'm not "allowed" to vote Hoopla until tomorrow.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1323 (isolation #131) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:20 pm

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Isis is scum or way out there with their read on me.
Somehow they manage to cherry-pick scummy vibes out of everything I say.
In post 1319, Isis wrote:I think the bob/notscience 1v1 is pretty plainly TvT and should be used to solve the game.
It certainly shouldn't be used for "guys I'm not sure which mislynch off of this is most likely to go through, could you guys signal which one you're sympathetic to before I commit?"
I don't think this game is really hard anymore and people are treating it like it is and it's weird.
Gee, I wonder how long it will take to understand how Una
reads that situation.
In post 1302, UnaBombaH wrote:When it becomes two pigheaded townies throwing shit at each other, or playing chicken, both often end up saying "scummy" shit.
Hence why I think you should both take a step back and re-assess your reads on each other before continuing.
^^trying to get them to re-assess instead of forcing us into a 1v1.
In post 1302, UnaBombaH wrote:I've been thinking both of them are just town, but a lot has been thrown for these past pages.
Literally saying I've been thinking they are both town, but the amount of shit they threw at each other needs further reading and interpreting. NOT SAYING we should lynch either.
In post 1308, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 1298, Fredrick A Campbell wrote:bob3141 (3): Replacement for Sujimichi, Isis, notscience
Just picking this up for myself for later -
unless bob is scum here
, no way is this all town.
Maybe my english is worse than I thought, but I'm
here, that I still think bob is town.
In post 1308, UnaBombaH wrote:So far my suspicions have been on RfS's lurky playstyle, but the way Isis started the day got me on my toes.
So if bob is town, one of these two is most likely scum.
And finally here. Notice how out of the three of you,
I'm NOT singling notscience out as a potential scum
Because I believe they are both town.

So get the hell out of here with your "scumslips" and "no one noticed I voted one of my townreads".
Yea, I didn't notice or
what you did with your vote, because from my PoV bob is still town, and you are scum.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1327 (isolation #132) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:38 pm

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In post 1324, Isis wrote:For the record I think threatening to blacklist people contingent on their alignment tends to use factors outside of a game to win the game and shouldn't be allowed.
Again, you are twisting my words a little.
I'm not blacklisting anyone, and haven't blacklisted anyone on site ever.
What I'm saying, is I'm not sure I
to play with town!Hoopla more if this is how poorly they can perform.
Specifically in contrast to the end of last game where I said something along the lines of "I'm looking forward to playing with them more". :]
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1329 (isolation #133) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:56 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1326, Isis wrote:Una if I'm town who do you want to exile
My current solve feels like Hoopla+Isis+*lurker*.
Simply because it feels like we are running at walls and bouncing off to uncharted directions.

IF you are town, I have a tinfoil-theory that no one likes. :lol:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1331 (isolation #134) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:01 pm

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..and in my defense, I rarely succumb to that.
I'm just feeling exhausted with Isis here, and I fully admit it's partially my own fault.
I can usually keep my composure much better, and can admit to flaws in my own townplay.
However here it feels like they are reaching so much just to be able to call me scum, and somehow she has managed to get under my skin. :lol:
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
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Post Post #1334 (isolation #135) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:23 pm

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In post 1333, Porkens wrote:What a bad wagon every vote is basically naked.
Yeah, well.. Like said.
It felt like a "necessary substitute" for a wagon we should've gotten.
And while it may have been a stretch to go for popopo just because Hoopla didn't seem to want it, popopo wasn't being very active or efficient either.

I do not think it was a bad D1-lynch compared to some lightning-wagons I've seen (that have been all town mind you), but definitely inferior to a Hoopla-lynch.
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una
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Post Post #1339 (isolation #136) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:43 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Thinking about this actually pinged something in the back of my head.
In post 930, Dunnstral wrote:I like this wagon, just the right amount of resistance from notscience who is trying to appear ambivalent to it. If you're into Hoopla scum theories, he's trying to start competing wagons as well
Coming from Dunn btw.
And this was on popopopo-wagon.
(no, I'm not trying to paint notscience as scum here again, just hold your horses for a moment :lol: )
In post 932, Galron wrote:I don't mind the geraintm wagon so much, but I don't like hoopla pushing it. And it has dead weight on it.
is sitting on a fence while we are really closing in on the lynch of the day.
In post 947, Dunnstral wrote:I too want to flip popo, especially since it feels like everyone except for Una who has posted recently, who hasn't been on the wagon, has been strangely opposed to it
In post 948, Isis wrote:Particularly Hoopla
And who was Hoopla on?
Well, like Galron just pointed out - geraintm.
In post 953, UnaBombaH wrote:Yea, I do not necessarily object to it, but I'm not too excited about it either.
I'm feeling sort of uninterested with the game now. That Hoopla-claim makes it literally antitown to keep my vote on her, since her claimed role should be confirmed.
But I just have this solid feeling it's a scum fakeclaiming, and they are now living on borrowed time.
Dunno. I wasn't particularly scumreading them before, but I joined the wagon anyway.
And anything and everything they said afterwards only sold scum!Hoopla to me more.

So all of this other stuff sort of feels like filler to me right now.
My turn to sit on the fence.
All I can say is that NEITHER wagon felt like a good one at that point. I think I wrote pretty much exactly how I felt there ^^

But my main-point here is this:
In post 956, UnaBombaH wrote:The only reason why I'm wondering, is because scum!Hoopla would already know here that they aren't going to be cleared by their claim. :lol:
You do understand that, right?

So assuming scum!Hoopla, anything and everything they say from that claim onwards is already WIFOM. :]
Meaning that it is actually possible for scum!Hoopla to vote geraintm there just to make sure people will not follow. And I feel like it makes all the more sense considering that stinky hammer they then threw at popopo.
The alternative here being Galron - not wanting to commit to either wagon and trying to take maximum distance from Hoopla now.
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Post Post #1340 (isolation #137) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:46 pm

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And in case people still don't follow my logic -
in the event that Hoopla flips scum, you have to consider their claim a milestone in their posting.

Everything before that is something we can analyze with the idea that they were scum, trying to manipulate the game and survive with their teammates.
Anything AFTER that point, comes from scum who basically knows they are going to be offed D3, because scum!Hoopla simply can't be inno'ed.
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Post Post #1341 (isolation #138) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:00 pm

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If Isis is town, I can see one of gera/galron totally being a teammate of scum!Hoopla.
Maybe even with scum!Isis, because neither of them was on popopopo-wagon.
In post 1061, Fredrick A Campbell wrote:geraintm (1): popopopopopopo
Hoopla (1): Galron
Klick (1): geraintm
Just as a curiosity - at the end of the day this is where popopo-gera-galron were.

If Hoopla ever flips town, the bottom of my reads completely falls off, so that is the one flip I'm still waiting for. Obviously.
But I can actually see Isis being scum here regardless of what Hoopla flips.
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Post Post #1344 (isolation #139) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:20 pm

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In post 1342, Isis wrote:A read of day 1 where I can be scum with Hoopla is pretty disappointing. I don't think it's within my scumrange to "bus" in the manner I did, as valuable as a scum!Hoopla is to a scumteam
Yeah, well..
Since we both seem to think Hoopla is scum here, do you think they
been an asset to their team this game? :?
I believe they have under-performed, and therefore wouldn't consider it outside the realm of possibilities.
I do have to admit that there are some other possibilities that have jumped to the front of my mind just now, upon re-checking the end of D1.

Hoopla + one of gera/galron + one of flippy/RfS?
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Post Post #1345 (isolation #140) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:27 pm

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The reasoning being that I feel like Hooplas assumed "gambit"-claim was simply to give them more time.
One low-activity slot that might get replaced sooner or later? :?
And while I do not know how good gera/galron can be as scum, I could see Hoopla wanting to "coach" them further rather than die D1.

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Post Post #1347 (isolation #141) » Sun Jul 19, 2020 10:58 pm

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OK, agreed on that then.

I'm going to step back from the thread for the rest of today, and see what others bring to the table.
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Post Post #1372 (isolation #142) » Mon Jul 20, 2020 5:20 pm

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Sure is.
I really hoped someone would've stepped up and provided something to read during the last ~20h.
Because as it feels right now, I really need something new to widen my perspective and solidify my reads.

@notscience - do you still subscribe to your nightkill-theory?
If you do - how does it translate to the current gamestate or activity-level of players?
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Post Post #1375 (isolation #143) » Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:31 pm

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In post 1374, Isis wrote:Do you disagree with Hoopscum,bobtown, geraintown, or nstown?
I'm not 100% sold on town!gera. (check my latest on gera/Galron)
I'm wary of notscience, because I'm sure they'd have the ability to deceive, but I do townread them.
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Post Post #1413 (isolation #144) » Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:05 am

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In post 1411, Bellaphant wrote:Una seems in step with me like 90% of the time and the other ten percent says alarming things.
Same as before then - what about my posting alarms you? :] And to be fair, I've been townreading you most of the time here, but I still want you to go a little deeper than "90% good vs 10% bad".
Apparently there was something you didn't like about me throwing those posts back and forth with Isis earlier? Mind picking an example?
In post 1407, Bellaphant wrote:Is noone else getting increasingly strange vibes from the Una/Isis back and forth of 'but how can I be scum when hoops is scum?!?!'
Or if you mean that I'm implying that I'm 100% not scum
Hoopla is scum, then you have misunderstood the whole point of my argument.
In post 1140, Isis wrote:I think you're a better lynch after we get confirmation that Hoopla is mafia.
Isis was saying that I'd be
more likely
to flip scum if Hoopla does. That was the main point I disagreed with.
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Post Post #1414 (isolation #145) » Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:11 am

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In post 1344, UnaBombaH wrote:Hoopla + one of gera/galron + one of flippy/RfS?
Updated version: Hoopla + one of gera/galron + one of Not_Mafia/RfS. I'm trying to make sense of my earlier hunch of deepwolf!Isis aiming for lategame.

UNVOTE: - might return to Isis tomorrow if I don't think anyone else is more reasonable after a good nights sleep.
I'm gonna do separate ISOs for both of the G's tomorrow as well.
I guess it's time for me to put in the effort. Can't complain about Not_Mafia/RfS otherwise.. :lol:
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Post Post #1476 (isolation #146) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:20 pm

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So, I did my pondering and have some perspective on things now.
The next thing we need to decide is whether we want n_m executed today, or we wait a couple days.

I for one won't hold my breath - this is who he is every time.
I agree that slot wasn't/isn't outright scummy, but it hasn't done much of anything either.
And I'm done with having slots like these around on MyLo/LyLo.
Because selfvotes and hasty lolhammers lose more games for town than scum there.
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Post Post #1477 (isolation #147) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:23 pm

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I do not want Bella executed, but I'd like to see them flipped, if that makes any sense.
I do not think Isis and Bella are scum together, and I want Isis sorted asap.
If I feel good enough about Isis and notscience at the same time, I feel like the game is solvable.
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Post Post #1481 (isolation #148) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:13 pm

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In post 1480, Isis wrote:risk of us losing the game due to selfvoting behavior (like is that a perspective slip?)
So you are back with the "slips"? No slips.
Lolhammer =/= selfvoting. Not necessarily in the same scenario or situation.
But both display the type of actions that lose town games when it's either already MyLo/LyLo, or getting closer to it.
Always less room for error, as we have less players in the game.

And you said it yourself - the slot is almost likely to be town. Almost.
But currently I'm not trusting them to make the right decision when it matters.
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Post Post #1483 (isolation #149) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:18 pm

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In post 1478, Porkens wrote:I have no such confidence in my reads, like I’m far from solving.
Well, like said.
I feel like Isis/notscience are the slots that will give me the most trouble.
If I can sort them and feel comfortable, the actual solve isn't far behind.
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Post Post #1484 (isolation #150) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:20 pm

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In post 1482, Porkens wrote:Is tour desire to policy joint NM stronger than your desire to joint your strongest scumread?
Of course not, but we can't lynch Hoopla yet.
I think we've come across that a couple of times. :lol:
And currently I'm going back and forth in my head about Isis, but I'm not sure if people are willing to follow me there.

So policy-gank on N_M / RfS comes like third, and that's where I'm currently at.
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Post Post #1487 (isolation #151) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:26 pm

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In post 1480, Isis wrote:I don't think it's correct play to policy him, I would be gungho if the slot didn't exit at >rand town.
Like, this for example bothers me a little.
Why was Flippy >rand town?
I had my own gutread on the slot (played with them a lot I'd say), which doesn't matter much now since Flippy isn't here himself anymore.
And I might've just been wrong, because I don't think town!Flippy just bails on us like that. Dunno.

But I really, really, REALLY think town often ends up "protecting" their lurkers and "trolls" from lynches for way too long.
They think scum want them dead because they are "easy mislynches".
Sure, maybe some unconfident noob!scum who just want to make it to as late as possible, but if someone like Hoopla is really scum here, they are deliberately aiming to get both RfS and N_M to lategame.
Because they trust in them to either be primed suspects by then, or at least have no cohesion or ability to lead/solve the game for town.

It's not like scum is gonna NK them ever? Why would they? :lol:
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Post Post #1495 (isolation #152) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 6:44 pm

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In post 1488, Galron wrote:Really, given what everyone has said about nm, I have a null scum read there only bc of flippy flaking. I've only seen him do that as scum. So nm would be policy for me but disagree on >rand.
So you agree with me, and disagree with Isis based on this? Right?
In post 1490, Galron wrote:I didn't preview, but I think I agree with that Isis just wrote.
??? :?
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Post Post #1499 (isolation #153) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:17 pm

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Naming myself would be cheesy, so I'm gonna say that
is my top townread.
I feel like they redeemed and solidified their slot somehow. (can't even remember who they replaced, but it got so much better IMO)
I feel like I can trust them to be town. Not sure I can trust their reads though. :giggle:

is likely the second slot I'm least likely to scumread. I know, doesn't sound even close to what I say about Porkens.
But everything negative I say about them or slightly scumread, almost exclusively comes from the deep dark depths of paranoia.
And one of the things that feeds said Paranoia, is the way they interact with you.
notscience+Isis as a thought doesn't feel very realistics I guess, but the thought of it scares me a little.

And finally
. Although, I'm sure you could put bob/notscience either way around depending on my mood and the time of the day.
I do not see Bob flipping scum this game, and it's a combination of tone and positioning on the game.
As their latest - the way they stood up to/with notscience felt towny.
As a matter of fact, their little tussle upon reread seemed even more towny than it did then. :]
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Post Post #1500 (isolation #154) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:18 pm

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In post 1498, Isis wrote:Una who is your top three towns
Quid pro quo Clarice... :twisted:
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Post Post #1502 (isolation #155) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:33 pm

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In post 1501, Isis wrote:Previously I thought it was because they were at a similar standing but I guess it's some other quality.
There's that, and an uncanny feeling that your slots are somehow connected.
I'm usually good at picking stuff like that up, and I really thought you might either be scum together or even share a town-PT.
But I guess you just vibe on some similar frequencies.
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Post Post #1504 (isolation #156) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:38 pm

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In post 1501, Isis wrote:I doubt you're feigning ignorance of my reads after matching them so closely.

Probably not the kind of turning point that you're gonna be happy with.
Not sure I understand this part.

And what you're saying is these..
In post 1374, Isis wrote:bobtown, geraintown, or nstown?
..are your top townreads?
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Post Post #1507 (isolation #157) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:46 pm

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Ah yes, the readslist that I couldn't search for because it's not in words! :lol:
So Bella is the penguin, and the flippy-slot was the Koffing?
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Post Post #1512 (isolation #158) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:20 pm

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In post 1510, Bellaphant wrote:Who do you actually scum read , una?
Isis is melting me a little, but I'd still say they are next in line when it comes to actual scumreads.
I'm still trying to find the energy and motivation to do a proper ISO-read on gera and Gal, because I feel like one of them almost has to be scum if Isis is not.
If I find something there, that might ease my anxiety a little more.
In post 1510, Bellaphant wrote:It's posts like on this page, where Una has said that she wants to execute two people she thinks are prob town (me and nm) because she can't get hoops that are weird to me.
Take the context into consideration.
In post 1477, UnaBombaH wrote:
I do not want Bella executed
but I'd like to see them flipped
if that makes any sense.
So like said, I do not want to vote for you, but if you were to be executed anyway, I'd use that info to take another step with my read in Isis.
If you flip scum, then my reads have been wrong anyway, and I do not think scum!Isis would bus you this hard here.
In post 1484, UnaBombaH wrote:So policy-gank on N_M / RfS comes like third, and that's where I'm currently at.
And this was after Hoopla and Isis. You are NOT on my lynchpool Bella.

Make any more sense now? :] (also a dude, but that kind of stuff doesn't really bother me that much. :] )
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Post Post #1518 (isolation #159) » Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:45 pm

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Is this scum!RfS actually trying, or has town!RfS at least somewhat arrived? :lol:

Might not agree with the read, but I could see these ^^ posts coming from town.
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Post Post #1583 (isolation #160) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:21 am

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In post 1564, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:Miltank is a budget Snorlax.
The speed tier difference and access to Milk Drink + Heal Bell makes for a more team-oriented play though.. :]
Snorlax is just all about that stall and hitting physical while tanking special.. :igmeou:
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Post Post #1584 (isolation #161) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:21 am

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In post 1570, Not_Mafia wrote:Miltank and Snorlax are completely different, Miltank is support, Snorlax is a tank
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Post Post #1585 (isolation #162) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:38 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

Oh man, I have one of those too, and I've been putting off that project as well! :lol:
Got this book and that paper-theater a few years back when my friend came home from his Korea/Japan trip.

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Post Post #1633 (isolation #163) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:18 pm

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In post 1603, Not_Mafia wrote:UnaBombaH, why have you failed to palce a vote?
You won't believe me when I say that I just woke up, read to the end of previous page, and was about to vote Galron just to see if anyone would follow. I'm still not going to join either of bob/Bella.
Then I hit preview and saw that there was one more page that I hadn't even noticed.
So yea, was about to, but you got the jump on me. :lol:

I've been putting off my ISO-read on the G's, but since people are already starting a wagon there, I'll be happy to join. :]
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Post Post #1635 (isolation #164) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:20 pm

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In post 1621, Galron wrote:I still think Bella is the wrong execution today. But if that 5th vote comes, I'll give intent. Consider that a warning to any lol hammers.
This looks very bad in context. :lol:
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Post Post #1642 (isolation #165) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:40 pm

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In post 1634, notscience wrote:Why did the Galron wagon appear so easy too? Mmmm
What wagon though? :lol: Isn't it just N_M and Hoopla?
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Post Post #1643 (isolation #166) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:42 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1637, Not_Mafia wrote:So why have you still not voted?
Because I'm setting up my workspot.
Hold ya horses and moos.
Don't spare your heys.
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Post Post #1649 (isolation #167) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:45 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Yea, no immediate lolhammer-danger yet - I'm fine with this for now.
In post 1644, Galron wrote:Other than Hoopla, I dunno. I think maybe RFS. I think maybe you, but both of those reads are weak.
So if I vote you now, I get to be on the scumlist? :?

VOTE: Galron
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Post Post #1655 (isolation #168) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:52 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

There has been something about the way you post Galron that pings me.
All throughout the game.
It sort of feels like you are almost engaging in whatever is in front of you, but then you just..dont? :?

Like here, your first response to the idea of people wagoning you was more powerful and immediate.
It felt like you might be making a statement.
And now you've skirted answers with N_M and that feeling is completely gone IMO.
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Post Post #1658 (isolation #169) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:54 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1653, Hoopla wrote:we really shoulda given galron a proper wagoning ages ago.
I know what we should've given you.. :igmeou:

But you see Hoopla, I'm onto your game here.
Last day you went on gera to make others go to popopo.
It's the same here.
You jumped on Galron to make sure one of the three already existing wagons will definitely go through.
Meaning that my read on bob/bella is correct, and they are both town.
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Post Post #1660 (isolation #170) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:55 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1657, Galron wrote:You need to be more specific.
When describing you to you? You know what, I'll do your ISO today anyway.
I'll try and keep and eye out for these examples as well.
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Post Post #1669 (isolation #171) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:16 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1662, Galron wrote:What does engaging what is in front of you but then not mean?
It could mean many things, but more than anything, there are always either half-measures in terms of following up on declared reads, or making calls about actions being scummy/towny, but then acting on them differently anyway.
In post 790, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 760, Galron wrote:
In post 740, Bellaphant wrote:@galron, your poat about the wagon feels like info, not analysis - who's jump on that wagon feels scummy/badly positioned?
Wait a minute - based on what? You preflip associating? :igmeou:
I now have nasty feeling about this wagon with Galron dropping posts like this, and then joining the wagon anyway.. :facepalm:
Something like this maybe?
Just a quick search for your name in my own ISO to give you something that has pinged me before as well.
Here you had called me out for joining that wagon, but then decided to join it yourself.
Instead of pushing for me/trying to come up with a wagon yourself etc etc.
In post 840, UnaBombaH wrote:I still think Galrons stance on this wagon / my vote on Hoopla makes little sense to me.
They are either thinking Hoopla is going to flip scum -> me joining the wagon means something OR they are thinking Hoopla is going to flip town -> me joining the wagon means something ELSE.
You can't just say my way of joining the wagon was the scummiest (or however it was phrased) without considering the implications Hooplas flip is going to give.
Or I mean, you CAN, but then you'd be arguing that no matter what Hoopla flips, I'm the bad guy here. :lol:

I don't think that's a rational way to read things.
This is regarding that same situation.
In post 1339, UnaBombaH wrote:
In post 932, Galron wrote:I don't mind the geraintm wagon so much, but I don't like hoopla pushing it. And it has dead weight on it.
is sitting on a fence while we are really closing in on the lynch of the day.
And this is something I noticed earlier this gameday, about your positioning at the end of the D1.
D2 I started with by still townleaning you over gera, but there were some pointers here as well.

And these are all just from my own ISO, not even diving into yours.
So these are some of the things that have already pinged me throughout the game.
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Post Post #1670 (isolation #172) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:18 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1665, Galron wrote:And you haven't explained why you would be on my scum list for voting me.
Oh, that was just a silly jab at you. :]
You named the two people voting you + RfS as your scumreads.
It sort of felt like lazy/OMGUS.
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Post Post #1677 (isolation #173) » Thu Jul 23, 2020 7:06 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1675, Galron wrote:This is what una just called me out for.
And calling out Hoopla for anything right now is a moot point. ;)
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Post Post #1723 (isolation #174) » Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:36 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

I think this is the day that will help us solve the lategame, when we look back on it. Absolutely an amazing tool from the mod with all these votecounts as well.
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Post Post #1724 (isolation #175) » Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:37 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

I dislike the fact that Bella is still the main target Porkens/notscience.
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Post Post #1725 (isolation #176) » Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:39 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

RfS and Bella should both relocate to another wagon within Bella/RfS/Galron, and then we can all have a talk. Agreed?
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Post Post #1728 (isolation #177) » Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:13 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1726, Hoopla wrote:
In post 1725, UnaBombaH wrote:RfS and Bella should both relocate to another wagon within Bella/RfS/Galron, and then we can all have a talk. Agreed?
this sounds like a very convoluted negotiation.
Why though?
They either have to pick between voting each other or going for Galron.
I think that's as simple as it gets - we don't need more than three wagons at the same time.
Having five wagons all at 2 votes is silly.
Having 2-3 wagons all at 3-5 votes is the way we either get people to commit to votes, or make switches that they have to explain later.

Splitting into multiple wagons and then rushing into one "because deadline" is the way to play where scum can scatter however they want.
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Post Post #1841 (isolation #178) » Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:16 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Mark my words - the wagon on Galron was all town at least until Isis joined.
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Post Post #1869 (isolation #179) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:48 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1830, Hoopla wrote:it almost makes me believe this is a town/town wagon battle with the way this game has ground to a halt.
At this time, Hoopla was voting for RfS, and the other leading wagon (ahead by one vote) was on Galron.
Just noting this down.
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Post Post #1871 (isolation #180) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:12 am

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People sometimes dislike readlists, and coloring them might just make it even worse? :]
So I made an execute-list instead.
Players I'm willing to make a compromise-vote on, if/when the wagon on Galron isn't going to get all the way through.

- want flipped today. Their posting has been off for some time now, and their "defense" today seems weird. And there's this one thing I feel like I noticed, but am holding on to until they are put back to E-1.
*Replacement for Sujimichi
- willing to compromise if they are the only other significant option "against" Bella/bob.
- not willing to compromise.
- not willing to compromise today or tomorrow. Bella is only potentially scum to me, if Hoopla is town, but..
- ..should die tomorrow unless I'm drastically mistaken, in which case not much else makes a lot of sense anymore either. :]
- not willing to compromise at all.
- willing to compromise
none of the
ones are going to get lynched today, and we are running to a potential no-lynch.
- most uncertain about. Would've wanted lynched at the start of the day, but has managed to make me doubt my read on her somewhat. Likely not a realistic lynch for today anyway. :?
- not willing to compromise today. I sort of have gera/Galron as "opposite sides of the same coin" in my head. And since I currently believe Galron is scum, this ought to be town.
- not willing to compromise

Take these how you will, I wrote them out of memory, without any fact-checking.
So lot of these are based on either the latest pages, or the strongest gutfeelings that came to me when reading this list of names. :]
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Post Post #1872 (isolation #181) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:15 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1870, Porkens wrote:RfS also tunneling bob between easy miscancels. RfS + ???
Good pickup. I feel like RfS+Galron+Hoopla is not impossible either.
It just feels like an "easy" solution, so I guess 2/3 in there max. :lol:
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Post Post #1873 (isolation #182) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:23 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1851, Replacement for Sujimichi wrote:That's the mindset of someone happy to survive rather than the mindset of someone trying to jester scum.
I actually sort of "get" what you're saying here, but in this specific case, I do not think it makes bob scum.
bob might even know and admit that this read is somewhat correct, right bob?
I've been able to do this very specific read correctly on bob before, and just a simple confirmation from them is all I need. :]
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Post Post #1874 (isolation #183) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:25 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1856, notscience wrote:I think the other option is that he wagons could both be on scum.

Both wagons, as in?
If you are talking RfS+Galron, we can agree on this.
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Post Post #1880 (isolation #184) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 9:29 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1878, Galron wrote:But the talk of the town is why Mr. BombaH gave you and me asterisks.
Because you are #1 and #2 in my list right now. You being #1, and RfS being the first compromise. As I tried to put it in words instead of numbers or an order in a list.
The colors are only there to make it more obvious where I'm at.
But if that's the first/only/last thing you managed to pick up from that, good on you. :]
Just the kind of posting that fits my current read on you.
In post 1879, Galron wrote:A sinking feeling about someone else.
And this was the thing I didn't want to bring up myself until you were at E-1, but since you pointed at it again..
You are talking about me here, right? And even if you aren't - why not make it more obvious to everyone right away?
Because that would be the townier course of action, and considering you WERE one vote away from being lynched, you should always out everything you have in your mind at the time.
OR did you KNOW someone was going to unvote anyway? Or at least not hammer you away quickly? :]
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Post Post #1881 (isolation #185) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 9:40 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

You know, I really think there was 4 town on Galron at the time of this post.
In post 1828, Galron wrote:
In post 1725, UnaBombaH wrote:RfS and Bella should both relocate to another wagon within Bella/RfS/Galron, and then we can all have a talk. Agreed?
Hmm... I have a sinking feeling.
Then we get an immediate votecount afterwards, and you know what are the two things that follow?
In post 1830, Hoopla wrote:this is a strange stalemate. the two leading wagons have townreads on one another, and are voting elsewhere. this is rare. usually out of self preservation one or both wagonees will vote the other option.

it almost makes me believe this is a town/town wagon battle
with the way this game has ground to a halt.
My #1 scumread comes in and starts to spew nonsense about the wagons. And to top it all off?
In post 1833, Isis wrote:VOTE: Galron
..making it E-1 for a very brief moment, until Porkens got cold feet and unvoted.

And no. I'm not saying Porkens is the scum here, but I believe Isis voting Galron might've very well been a scum jumping on a bus.
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Post Post #1882 (isolation #186) » Mon Jul 27, 2020 9:43 am

Post by UnaBombaH »

I'm off to bed now, but I'll just say that I really want Galron to be the one we flip today.
The more I think about it, the better I feel.
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Post Post #1919 (isolation #187) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:50 pm

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I'm fairly certain notscience didn't get a result.
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Post Post #1920 (isolation #188) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:51 pm

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I mean, at least not a useful one.
Remember, Neapolitan would only get a "not Vanilla Town"-result from all the PRs AND the scum.
So notscience wouldn't have been able to differentiate a guilty from a "PR-guilty". :?
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Post Post #1922 (isolation #189) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:04 pm

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And just to be clear - I somehow read notscience as a protective-PR. :lol:
I think they mentioned the word Doctor in a way that felt almost like tongue-in-cheek.
One of the reasons why I didn't want to talk about my paranoia on notscience ever.
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Post Post #1923 (isolation #190) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:04 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Wait a minute. :lol:

notscience targeted Hoopla N1.
Wanna bet?
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Post Post #1924 (isolation #191) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:05 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

No wait, that makes no sense.
Nevermind. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

They'd get the same result even if their claim was true or not true.
Silly me.
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Post Post #1926 (isolation #192) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:13 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 17, notscience wrote:I drew town, and intend to share my ice cream with whoever else did as well.
Reference to Vanilla/Neapolitan Ice Cream.
In post 48, notscience wrote:And you get an ice cream cone for joining
This was an answer to Hoopla.
In post 95, notscience wrote:There will be your choice of vanilla, and not vanilla.
This is so obvious in retrospect. :lol:
Good crumbing.
In post 685, notscience wrote:There’s an
ice cream shop next to my restaurant and I haven’t been able to go get some bc The hours I’m working
and it makes me sad

I think they have cookies and cream too.

I’m honestly debating reciting hoops
This could've been another crumb? Dunno.
In post 1044, notscience wrote:Hoops did you ever tell me what kind of ice cream you like
As well as this. But it makes no sense, because Hoopla had already claimed at #844.
In post 844, Hoopla wrote:i am an even-night friendly neighbour.
So either notscience misunderstood their role/forgot how it works/whatever, or they didn't crumb it. Because they did crumb their target for N2.
In post 1823, notscience wrote:I’m curious what kind of ice cream gera likes.
This would've been last night.
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Post Post #1927 (isolation #193) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:14 pm

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In post 1925, Isis wrote:stop trying to posthumously usurp our venerated Master Clown
I'm not even sure what this is supposed to mean, but OK. I'm just trying to make sense of how come we have three dead PRs(???) and no results. :facepalm:
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Post Post #1932 (isolation #194) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:54 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

In post 1930, geraintm wrote:I didn't get any ice cream
Actually, unless I'm completely mistaken, you did theoretically get the ice cream, as in visit from notscience.
It's just that they were killed right after/during that visit. :]
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Post Post #1933 (isolation #195) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:55 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

@Isis - would you ever consider lynching Hoopla even if bob claims to have gotten a Friendly Neighbour-visit? :?
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Post Post #1936 (isolation #196) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:12 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Yea was just wondering.. :?
Because I'm still thinking bob is town, so I'd take that confirmation pretty seriously.
I guess if a similar confirmation would be coming from Bella, you'd be a lot more hesitant, right?
You'd be looking for a Bella-wagon anyway I guess.
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Post Post #1938 (isolation #197) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:17 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

I'm just spitballing here. Dunno.
I really felt like one of gera/galron had to be scum, and it REALLY felt like Galron was acting like one.
I believe in wagonomics to a degree, so I guess D1 needs to be looked at again later.
First we settle this Hoopla-thing obviously.

But after that.
Porkens still feels like such an obvious townie.
And if Isis is not scum, and my read on bob/Bella won't waver, well...
3 scum in gera/RfS/Hoopla/N_M? Not sure about that either.
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Post Post #1939 (isolation #198) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:18 pm

Post by UnaBombaH »

Isis, how deepscum are you here?
Scale of 1-10?
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Post Post #1942 (isolation #199) » Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:25 pm

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I was actually checking out what the response could be if you really are tipsy. :lol:
Although I have to admit, I was expecting a cheeky response, instead of a "full-stop"-kind. :]
"If Unah’s scum, consider me a random $20 on the ground, cuz I am pocketed."
-Flavor Leaf to scum!Una