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Post Post #300 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 7:57 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 84, Dannflor wrote:guys gypyx and bingle are scum together
hey dann was this ever a real read? Also you are hypocritical to that fact for calling out mena for giving no content while you gave no content as well.
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Post Post #301 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 7:57 am

Post by ProfessorDrapion »

Let me ask you something, @Lukewarm
What do you look for when reading someone and deciding a scum/town lean?
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Post Post #302 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 7:58 am

Post by ProfessorDrapion »

In post 300, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 84, Dannflor wrote:guys gypyx and bingle are scum together
hey dann was this ever a real read? Also you are hypocritical to that fact for calling out mena for giving no content while you gave no content as well.
Well I think it was more of the fact Mena was pushing on him for it.
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Post Post #303 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 7:59 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 298, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 294, Dannflor wrote:I have no idea why Bingle is town reading me, he shouldn't be but he probably has reasons for it

I'm not going to argue anything I've done so far is indicative of radiant town!dann blah blah blah

I'm just like, so thrown by the fact that Menalque thinks I should be radiating town within my first five posts.

Menalque, you've made 47 posts and I can pull threads of alignment out of maybe three of them.
I like this post.
Questioning TR.
Explain how stuff is NAI.
This is a good reaction towards Mena and I sorta agree with what he’s saying.
He seems quite genuine here regardless of alignment.
Think I’ll move this from NT to LT.

eh i don't think I am too quick to put Dann in the townpool honestly.
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Post Post #304 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 7:59 am

Post by ProfessorDrapion »

What’s your current town pool Gramps?
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Post Post #305 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:05 am

Post by Lukewarm »

In post 297, GrandpaMo wrote:I am also waiting on a game to end so I can also see if your slot was scummy ( I think you should know what game I am referencing) but we can't talk about on going games so no further discussion on that please.
If you are referring to the game where I replaced out, my replacement got voted out Day 1. So you can already check my alignment from that game.
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Post Post #306 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:06 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 304, ProfessorDrapion wrote:What’s your current town pool Gramps?

I think you had a way better game after your introduction that makes you more town especially with the good reactions from Luke pressuring you and other interactions after early game. The only thing I didn't like was post 35; That post really felt ingeninue but like I said you evolved and actually did better than what I expected.

But like I said earlier in my analysis; Mena and Bingle were also on my townreads.

Pooky and Dann are really my null reads. I am starting to not like Dann after recent psots but I still want to here from them.

I did say there was scum between you and Gypx but Gypx making no comment and not being here makes me to have to retract that read for now especially since I town read you now.
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Post Post #307 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:11 am

Post by GrandpaMo »

In post 305, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 297, GrandpaMo wrote:I am also waiting on a game to end so I can also see if your slot was scummy ( I think you should know what game I am referencing) but we can't talk about on going games so no further discussion on that please.
If you are referring to the game where I replaced out, my replacement got voted out Day 1. So you can already check my alignment from that game.

Oh yea! LMAO That is where I called T3 scum just because of there weird difference playstyle than Newbie 2059 but I realized that was because they were probably in a more slower game compared to my game I played earlier with them. Also, I thought you were towny that game but T3 made you scummy. I will have to do some meta analysis and I will catch up with you.
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Post Post #308 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:26 am

Post by Gypyx »

In post 139, Almost50 wrote:
In post 124, Gypyx wrote:
In post 112, Almost50 wrote:
In post 13, VFP wrote:VOTE: T3

Every post above me is town.

The quoted post is literally a scum claim. :wink:
pls tell me you're not serious
I am, actually. How do you know the alignment of a Teddy Bear from a single post with 3 letters: ego?? That's for instance.

Note that this comes from a guy who promotes the theory of "there's almost always -at least- one scum in the first 3 posters in any given game". In fact, gun-to-my-head I'd say one of them IS scum and then VFP was trying to paint his p as a townie. Now another-gun-to-the-other-side-of-my-head and I'd bet on you being the scum of the first 3 posters with this response. (Don't forget to submit my name as the NK if your team decides to NO KILL) :twisted:
alright, good to know you're town
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Post Post #309 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:27 am

Post by Gypyx »

In post 141, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 135, Gypyx wrote:
In post 128, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 125, Gypyx wrote:
In post 113, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 112, Almost50 wrote:
In post 13, VFP wrote:VOTE: T3

Every post above me is town.

The quoted post is literally a scum claim. :wink:
I didn’t notice that till you pointed it out.
on the other hand, ew @ this

VOTE: professor

still not a fan of Pooky ftr
This is what I’m “ew” on?
I could probably give you like 3 others posts I’ve made that is more “ew” then that one.
Like can you explain?
Feels like your just trying to reach for a reason to vote me.
just the way you apparently take this seriously without doing the appropriate actions in that case (a vote)

but hey, what do you think is scummier than that and for what reasons now that you're on the topic?
I said I didn’t notice it to be consider that way. If you read my ISO you will know I GT’ed VFP.
Unless your referring to the after when you placed your vote, well if you go look at the thread I’m already voting you.
For your last part, if you read my ISO you can find allot better stuff to case me on.
I’m saying I feel like you just grab a random post of mine to vote me on.
GT'd? wdym?

and welp, i'm not seeing the stuff to case you on if that wasn't obvious, so that's why i'm interested on what you think it is, it would really be appreciated if you did that really
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Post Post #310 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:28 am

Post by Gypyx »

In post 156, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 33, Bingle wrote:Optimal play is for baby to target Allen and Allen to aim for scrum.

We all pseudoclaim a psych inno D2 and maybe later day phases on the basis of how kills pan out. psych claims immediately if has guilty (although letting pseudoclaims happen is reasonable for extra analysis fodder). Mafia likely use the roleblocker to kill n1 as they are most valuable. They also likely don’t target with their roleblock N1, as it is greater utility as the game proceeds.

No more mech discussion, including clarification about scum action optimization or WHY I would share such action optimization is appropriate on D1.
In post 71, Bingle wrote:So I have a spicy tinfoil theory. I think that professor Drapion is not actually a drapion at all and is a robot attempting to pretend to be a drapion for the purposes of making achieving a professorship more impressive. I know, I know, this is all very farfetch’d, but I do have evidence.

Firstly, drapion has been established to evolve at level 40, which as everyone knows is a very rare occurrence in a game of mafia. Usually you have to have several weirdos running conflicting gambits to even get close to level 10 play. I find it very unlikely that someone with no completed games has managed to pull of a high enough level maneuver to evolve.

He COULD be a naturally occurring drapion, as drapion have been encountered in many places. This is exceedingly unlikely on the basis that there have been 0 wild drapion sightings in Central Park. Indeed, there aren’t even any confirmed drapion sightings in the greater New York area. Occams suggests that such a large Pokémon would have been spotted at least once during its migration.

Furthermore, when I began quoting music from Pokémon soundtracks, drapion remained ignorant of the context and didn’t respond to his supposed people’s music. I find this very suspicious.

Thirdly, when preparing to battle Mena, drapion mentioned that his claw was ready. Claw: singular, not plural. As everyone knows, drapion as a species has two claws, four spiked limbs and a scorpion like tail. This lack of biological familiarity with his supposed species is highly suspicious.

Finally, it is common knowledge that very few Pokémon have learned to speak proper English. Among those who have, a predilection towards using their own species name (such as the famous Team Rocket Meowth) is still common. drapion has shown a distinct lack of these behaviors. Clearly, the preponderance of evidence shows: Drapion must be a robot.
In post 99, Bingle wrote:
In post 96, ProfessorDrapion wrote:Now Bingle, got any other early reads?
Mena slightly scummy, pooky low priority, your slot has tells but I need to wait for the psych evaluation result to determine if they’re scummy or towny. Dann strongest townread. I’d be voting lukewarm if I weren’t voting gypyx, but I think the gypyx wagon is more likely to be spicy atm.

So through these analytical posts... I don't think mafia goes out in their way to actually give out on what town does. Mafia specifically in this setup where it is their job to figure out PRs does not give PRs help unless its direct manipulation to favor a specific result. However, seeing what Bingle has said, I doubt there is a world where Bingle actually does this as mafia. Looking back at their older games, they seem the same as their townplaystyle. Also their continued aggression and coherent reads are okay, there is some I disagree with however and I will explain later.

In post 103, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 99, Bingle wrote:
In post 96, ProfessorDrapion wrote:Now Bingle, got any other early reads?
Mena slightly scummy, pooky low priority, your slot has tells but I need to wait for the psych evaluation result to determine if they’re scummy or towny. Dann strongest townread. I’d be voting lukewarm if I weren’t voting gypyx, but I think the gypyx wagon is more likely to be spicy atm.

I liked the way Mena went about my slot when they voted me. It doesn’t seem to be “faked” per say. So I would slightly TR Mena there.

I personally like the way VFP has handled the thread. Not much content but it felt genuine. More of a gut read then anything but I trust it at least for now.

T3’s entrance wasn’t entirely bad but it was definitely not a great entrance. I’ll probably watch this slot and it’s progression towards Pooky.

As for Pooky themselves, well. I’m not really sure where to put them. From the majority of what I seen, their agenda is just Sheeping Mena.

I think your first big post (the one with the Psyc Check thing) felt towny. I want to vote with you for now and see where it goes and see further progression towards your slot.

As for Gypyx, I don’t know.
His first post seemed like jealous of me taken his spotlight.
His other posts haven’t really done much.
I believe 3 were Filler and the other was a turn down towards your Psych Plan Bingle. (If I remember correctly.)
Going back and giving these actual insight of reads (since they are being pushed). I agree with the Mena townread, mafia is less likely to push and interact with people. They were the first people to give a read and I actually gave a comment on that early on. Your read on Gypx feels artificial meaning that you tried to spew any information to make Gypyx look mafia alligned. If you are mafia, you could just be bussing, or making Gypyx (someone who would town) look scum as possible. But that conclusion is very debatable and not coherent until EoD or whatever stage in the game we are.
In post 79, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 55, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 54, Menalque wrote:Oh if it’s hectic it’s not so bad

I thought prof was a newbie (prof do you have any pronoun preference?)
Shadow Claw

I do, He/Pokemon
VOTE: Professor

Claims he is a pokemon, but he can talk. The first pokemon I think of that can talk, is in fact,

This is a really weird entrance. I think something that should be noticed. They come into the game with a read already done being made on Prof. They vote them and probably make some random meme excuse as mafia. I will explain later with another read on why Lukewarm is my scumread here.
In post 41, Menalque wrote:VOTE: professor drapion

This might actually be scum lol
Looking at post 41, this is a very towny entrance from Mena and like I said why I townread Mena from early game. Mafia is more inclined to just stay back and let town push and interact members. However, they could be experienced enough to just do that as Mafia. But usually from the games I have played in, this is what I have been through and seen and it is usually right; early pushes (especially the first player) tend to be town. Also something to remark, is that if Drap is scum this is the only reference I see them scum in early game and that is in post 35. I replied to Mena hoping for an answer on this, but no answer sadly.

In post 83, Dannflor wrote:VOTE: gypx
In post 84, Dannflor wrote:guys gypyx and bingle are scum together
Honestly, this is a bad pairing for this reason. I doubt mafia busses day 1 in this setup. Bingle is hard pushing Gypyx and while everyone is pushing Drap, Bingle is staying on with a read that they think Gypyx is scum (look at post 99 where they they say a Gypx BW is more spicy implying wanting it more). This is a weird enterence too but at least its better than lukewarm's enterence. You are still null since you haven't done nothing that scummy right after.

In post 104, Bingle wrote:Hmmm. Too many scum reads, not enough time. Monkey get your ass in here, I have need of you.
In post 129, Bingle wrote:
In post 123, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 120, Dannflor wrote:Lukewarm, do you have any non-pokemon related thoughts on any players yet?
Yeah. I am actually suspicious of Bingle making the suggestion for the psych to automatically out a guilty result. Because imo, that seems more likely to out the sitter then to out mafia.

I think that they know that too, because they were in the Open Setup review of the game that the mod linked to in the first post, and there they talked about the Psych having "a fake inno and a fake guilty on a questionable reliability investigative."

So from my PoV, Bingle came out with some anti-town advice, and then said for no one to question them
Let me give you a quick rundown on how Bingle do.

Bingle will argue the optimal strategy for town as he sees it, regardless of his alignment. Bingle is good at mechanics speak. Bingle is very good at mechanics speak. Bingle is widely regarded as among the best at mechanics on site. Bingle has said, specifically, that there are a bunch of things that are mechanically optimal, and that we should not discuss mechanics speak further for the rest of the day.

Either, Bingle is telling the truth that this is a protown maneuver or Bingle is crippling his ability to lean into mechanics speak, setting himself up to be questioned thoroughly on not D1 (historically the day when Bingle wants to be questioned in order to establish himself), and taking a harsh departure from what is a tried and true strategy Bingle has used as both town and scum for literally years to a pretty good result in a lobby that is at least half full of people who know Bingle pretty well.

Feel free to scumread me for it (I in fact enjoy scumreads, they are delicious) but we are done talking mech for D1.
The amazing "Feel free to scumread me for it" is the most towniest IF AND ONLY IF it used after a analytical post has been made. I have also seen this in games and I do it to and they are town. This is because of your mind saying "hey, I am writing this for you as town and I want you to read it as me for town. Why scumread me when in my perception, what I am doing is town." Basically some psychology of perception and how you perceive vs the other party perceives it. You get more townpings for this. No need for mafia to write that much on optimal gameplay.
In post 134, Almost50 wrote:
In post 117, Lukewarm wrote:I am actually a little confused how the psychologist role helps us in this set up.

If he can get a "can kill" result on the baby sitter, but gets a "not able to kill" result on the cowardly mafia + any mafia that has already committed a kill, then on day 1 wouldn't a "can kill" result be a 50/50 chance at being the babysitter or mafia. And then starting on Day 2, they will basically be getting "is babysitter" and "is not babysitter" results, right?

That makes me question this advice given by Bingle
In post 33, Bingle wrote:Optimal play is for baby to target Allen and Allen to aim for scrum.

We all pseudoclaim a psych inno D2 and maybe later day phases on the basis of how kills pan out.
psych claims immediately if has guilty
I do have to comment on this though:

; you should always treat Bingle's mech talk as gospel. It is accurate and indeed best play for Town. End of discussion.

Note: The above is not limited to this game. It does apply here but is a general rule of the thumb.
I actually hate this from Almost50. It almost seems like you are scumsiding to seem that you are agreeing with them as scum while Bingle is town. Maybe a pocket who knows...but what was the point of making it seem like we all should listen to you? Mafia and town will make up their own conclusions and now you are leaving Bingle with no reaction testing or any pressure of the person they were asking this to, for example, Lukewarm. I will explain later on why Lukewarm has been acting a certain way and the reaction actually to this post seems very very off.
In post 138, Bingle wrote:Town:


Needs more content before being arbitrarily shuffled into a pile:




Yes. All nine of those are genuine reads with genuine reasoning. I'm not going to bother explaining most of them at the moment, and they're loosely ordered based on how accurate my gut says they might be.
Okay. So the only real townread I agree with you here is T3.

I also think VFP and Mena are town.

VFP is playing way similary to the game I have played in and has so far not been focused on interactions with anyone else. I don't seem being mafia with someone. Mena, I already explained the towny posts. And T3 has just been also the same as VFP; playing similiary (and I know I am meta reading and sometimes it is a pain in the ass but their actual interactions same with VFP have been towny.) FWIW; the only time VFP is mafia is if they are mafia with T3 (and extra third mafia) which I doubt this is the case.

The more null reads is Pooky, Danna, Gypx, Darp.

Pooky is playing way different than what I have played with them before in Newbie 2059. And honestly it feels weird to me. Their constant non-argumentative status is bringing no information to town and thats why they are null... I need to hear more information on this. Danna I already have explained above.

And okay so Gypx and Darp; it seems everyone is pushing those two. Honestly I could them either or flipping scum and I actually think there could be scum in between. I already explained more on Darp and Gypx has played way more towny on Gypx but Darp could also be falling in the newbie trap. Third mafia could be in that pair assuming Pooky and Danna are town.

And scumreads consist of Lukewarm and Almost50.

And these reads; I have explained their scummy entrances and I will further exemplify Lukewarm's scumread on a later post that I have added but basically Bingle gives info against Lukewarm because Lukewarm pushed the narrative of why psych outting in which Almost50 made that post and I gave my reason on why they were scum above btw!! But after that post from Almost50, lukewarm instantly backs down. And it seems like mafia tried to push this narrative where they didn't want psych to out because they could set up a CC later hence why Almost50 tried to signal them to backdown; it would be more of wifom to say it in day chat.

I could be overreaching on this pairing but there is definitely scum between and both could be paired through my reasoning.

In post 148, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 134, Almost50 wrote:
In post 117, Lukewarm wrote:I am actually a little confused how the psychologist role helps us in this set up.

If he can get a "can kill" result on the baby sitter, but gets a "not able to kill" result on the cowardly mafia + any mafia that has already committed a kill, then on day 1 wouldn't a "can kill" result be a 50/50 chance at being the babysitter or mafia. And then starting on Day 2, they will basically be getting "is babysitter" and "is not babysitter" results, right?

That makes me question this advice given by Bingle
In post 33, Bingle wrote:Optimal play is for baby to target Allen and Allen to aim for scrum.

We all pseudoclaim a psych inno D2 and maybe later day phases on the basis of how kills pan out.
psych claims immediately if has guilty
I do have to comment on this though:

; you should always treat Bingle's mech talk as gospel. It is accurate and indeed best play for Town. End of discussion.

Note: The above is not limited to this game. It does apply here but is a general rule of the thumb.
I have never played a game with Bingle, so I guess I will take your work for it for now. His advice doesn't really come into play until day 2 anyways, so we can talk about it then.
This is the post that I was referencing on why Luke could be scum. Them backing down after pressure.
In post 151, Lukewarm wrote:VOTE: Professor

I know that he was my RVS vote, but now I actually have a scumlean on him :lol:
Also look at this... "RVS vote but now I actually scumread them" Sounds like a blantant way to BW on this vote. Tell me why do you scumread Drap, is it because everyone is? I don't see any reason for you to be voting them right now.

what's the tl;dr version?
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Post Post #311 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:30 am

Post by Gypyx »

In post 168, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 167, ProfessorDrapion wrote:(A50 said he SR’s VPN not you, if that makes things more clear)

He put me as the solve. Probably just to see my reaction. My gamesolve is Lukewarm/A50/ >>> There is a world where A50 is paired with Pooky just because of openly defending. That means that would make Gypx and Darp both town which is a weird read honestly. I still need to get
why isn't Pooky in your main solve if a50 being scum relies on associatives with em'?
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Post Post #312 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:32 am

Post by Gypyx »

so, i was gonna finish reading but got a headache and peoples are being loud so aaaaaaaa fuck that
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Post Post #313 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:32 am

Post by PookyTheMagicalBear »

how can pooky be in any solve when pooky is town af
"I can't even look at the game anymore.
That evil teddy bear has got everyone twirling by his thumb.
It's like witnessing an slow but unavoidable train crash you can't stop."


"Please refrain from diverting our sleuths out there Pooky."
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Post Post #314 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:35 am

Post by ProfessorDrapion »

In post 309, Gypyx wrote:
In post 141, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 135, Gypyx wrote:
In post 128, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 125, Gypyx wrote:
In post 113, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 112, Almost50 wrote:
In post 13, VFP wrote:VOTE: T3

Every post above me is town.

The quoted post is literally a scum claim. :wink:
I didn’t notice that till you pointed it out.
on the other hand, ew @ this

VOTE: professor

still not a fan of Pooky ftr
This is what I’m “ew” on?
I could probably give you like 3 others posts I’ve made that is more “ew” then that one.
Like can you explain?
Feels like your just trying to reach for a reason to vote me.
just the way you apparently take this seriously without doing the appropriate actions in that case (a vote)

but hey, what do you think is scummier than that and for what reasons now that you're on the topic?
I said I didn’t notice it to be consider that way. If you read my ISO you will know I GT’ed VFP.
Unless your referring to the after when you placed your vote, well if you go look at the thread I’m already voting you.
For your last part, if you read my ISO you can find allot better stuff to case me on.
I’m saying I feel like you just grab a random post of mine to vote me on.
GT'd? wdym?

and welp, i'm not seeing the stuff to case you on if that wasn't obvious, so that's why i'm interested on what you think it is, it would really be appreciated if you did that really
GT = Gut Town
Which you would know if you read my posts.

Hold Up.
Your “not seeing the stuff to case me on if that wasn’t obvious”.
So it’s an OMGUS vote that was placed on me then?
Um I’m not sure I understand the last part.
You want
to give
a reason why your vote on
is valid?
I’m pretty sure I’m not understanding you here can you elaborate please.
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Post Post #315 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:36 am

Post by ProfessorDrapion »

Oh that’s right. That’s what your asking.
You want me to show you the posts that are scummier then that.
Go read Lukewarm’s case on me.
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Post Post #316 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:37 am

Post by ProfessorDrapion »

Least he gave like multiple things that he found scummy.
You choose a post at random and decided to call it your vote reasoning.
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Post Post #317 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:39 am

Post by ProfessorDrapion »

In post 312, Gypyx wrote:so, i was gonna finish reading but got a headache and peoples are being loud so aaaaaaaa fuck that
How come you respond to Gramps but say nothing about Lukewarm?
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Post Post #318 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:39 am

Post by Gypyx »

i don't read posts

you were voting me? otherwise nope it wasn't, just not seeing the stuff that you mention

and well yes

you're saying there's better case material on you out there, so spill the beans my man / pokemon / robot pretending to be a pokemon, what are those posts?

pedit : not reading the pedits, that was a response to 314
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Post Post #319 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:41 am

Post by Gypyx »

In post 315, ProfessorDrapion wrote:Oh that’s right. That’s what your asking.
You want me to show you the posts that are scummier then that.
Go read Lukewarm’s case on me.
alright, will do tommorow
In post 317, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 312, Gypyx wrote:so, i was gonna finish reading but got a headache and peoples are being loud so aaaaaaaa fuck that
How come you respond to Gramps but say nothing about Lukewarm?
either didn't felt like it was worth responding to, or i didn't get to it, anything you think i should've perticularly took a look at?
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Post Post #320 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:43 am

Post by ProfessorDrapion »

In post 318, Gypyx wrote:i don't read posts

you were voting me?
otherwise nope it wasn't, just not seeing the stuff that you mention

and well yes

you're saying there's better case material on you out there, so spill the beans my man / pokemon / robot pretending to be a pokemon, what are those posts?

pedit : not reading the pedits, that was a response to 314
Why did you say the
in this response instead of the last one.
In the other post I made I stated I voted you.
In the previous one I asked if your vote was OMGUS.
Do you understand “OMGUS” better then “I’m already voting you”?
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Post Post #321 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:44 am

Post by ProfessorDrapion »

In post 319, Gypyx wrote:
In post 315, ProfessorDrapion wrote:Oh that’s right. That’s what your asking.
You want me to show you the posts that are scummier then that.
Go read Lukewarm’s case on me.
alright, will do tommorow
In post 317, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 312, Gypyx wrote:so, i was gonna finish reading but got a headache and peoples are being loud so aaaaaaaa fuck that
How come you respond to Gramps but say nothing about Lukewarm?
either didn't felt like it was worth responding to, or i didn't get to it, anything you think i should've perticularly took a look at?
Yeah that case on me and his readslist.
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Post Post #322 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:49 am

Post by Gypyx »

In post 320, ProfessorDrapion wrote:
In post 318, Gypyx wrote:i don't read posts

you were voting me?
otherwise nope it wasn't, just not seeing the stuff that you mention

and well yes

you're saying there's better case material on you out there, so spill the beans my man / pokemon / robot pretending to be a pokemon, what are those posts?

pedit : not reading the pedits, that was a response to 314
Why did you say the
in this response instead of the last one.
In the other post I made I stated I voted you.
In the previous one I asked if your vote was OMGUS.
Do you understand “OMGUS” better then “I’m already voting you”?
uh, good point

think my brain didn't register it the first time, while you directly asking about OMGUS stuff was harder to miss
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Post Post #323 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 8:50 am

Post by Gypyx »

and anyways, quit deflecting the topic, you're gonna point out these scummy posts of yours or nah?
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Post Post #324 (ISO) » Sun May 02, 2021 10:43 am

Post by ProfessorDrapion »

In post 323, Gypyx wrote:and anyways, quit deflecting the topic, you're gonna point out these scummy posts of yours or nah?
Deflecting what? LMAO. I answered you.
Read. My. Post.

I said LukeWarm covers it, why are you ignoring Lukewarm, want me to quote it for you? Lol.
Also IMO you could have said what you said without adding the final part to it “or Nah?”
Like adding that final bit to it didn’t look that great, but Maybe it’s just me that feels that way.