↑ xRECKONERx wrote:I need some help refining my Garen/Corki builds.
I'm usually playing Garen in a duo lane and going solo mid with Corki.
Garen I usually just build AD as fast as possible.
Garen is tanky dps, so keep this in mind with your build. You want *some* damage, but the most important thing is to be tanky with your dps. You aren't meant to be doing 400 damage nukeshots with every hit. You're meant to be taking 400 damage nukeshots in the face while laughing them off since they're really only 200 with all your resistances and oh yeah you've got 3k health. And then you kill their things.
Some (imo) good items for garen are: frozen mallet (health, free slow proc, and ad, all things you want), merc treads (tenacity op), sunfire cape (health and armor, you're in the middle of skirmishes anyway so the passive is huge), force of nature (moar survivability + ms boost), atma's impaler (you're getting huge health amounts anyway, turn it into some ad), randuin's omen (armor item to counter large quantities of auto-attack).
This isn't necessarily a *build* guide on him, but these are all solid items. I tend to open doran's shield, get boots + giant's belt in my first one or two backs, and then get the resistance item of choice against whoever hurts more in lane (negatron / chain). Sunfire cape out of the belt if I need more survivability or mallet if I need to kill things. Then I get the other one later. Most games end before I get any further, but I'm typically at ~2.5k+ hp with over 100 mr and armor thanks to the passive on garen's w.
To be honest, I think garen can go more for health based survivability than other champions due to the w, making it potentially goodplay to be a bit like lee sin and go atmog's. I'd still say the above build is solid, but you can play around with other items.
Key gameplay point to remember with garen is the fact you've got the ability to essentially kick the shit out of any squishies on the enemy team and not give a damn. In a team fight, make a beeline toward their 1.5k hp ashe and tear her a new smile. You'll likely get some focus but turn on your w and continue to spin to win all over her face. She'll be so busy running away from your huge sword that she won't be doing damage. And you want to be focused anyway so the fact they're blowing half their total cooldowns to stop you going to town will give your team plenty of opportunity.
Necessary anecdote: I was garen, sf cape, frozen mallet, merc treads, doran's shield, ~3k hp and over 100 mr and armor. Team fight broke out and I ran toward their mf and tore at her, she had to run, and katarina tried to help save her (via killing me), leaving it a 4v3 in mid lane where the rest were fighting. I killed mf thanks to ultophuehue, and then chased katarina down from almost full health (she was full at the time I was attacking the half health mf, but spin to win and sf cape procs, etc) to dead while my team had already cleaned up. Aced, got baron, won the game. If mf and katarina had been in the team fight, their ults would've been a real pain in the arse, but instead we got a 5 for 1 exchange.
When it comes to key build points, remember that you are not meant to be a squishy little glass cannon like ashe or miss fortune. You're meant to take a beating and dish out a beating. Survivability is
for any tanky dps champion. I've seen people play lee sin and be all like "wahh I do nothing" because their items were... infinity edge and a phantom dancer. If you melt before you can do damage, your hueg dps won't be so hueg.
Edit: I'd like it if the better players could correct / expand on anything I said. I wanna learn toooo.