In post 346, Bacde wrote: In post 340, Nobody Special wrote:Questioning whether I had to be alive to win would not have been an absurd question, to my mind.
Bob's slip didn't involve knowing whether he had to be alive to win.
Bob's "slip" was for not knowing the town win condition, if I remember correctly.
Does this affect your belief that Bob slipped?
223, Bob says that he assumed the "real winners" {quotes mine} were the survivors. That speaks to his understanding of the town wincon. (Also, bear in mind his first exposure to mafia was on, ffs. There's no way they can play anything close to a real game of mafia over there.)
226, he talks about having "just read" the Role PM. I believe other people were assuming he had 'just' (as in just prior to making
that post)
read the PM, whereas I interpret his
Bob wrote:I assumed, even after I read the role PM, that the real winners are the ones who live to tell about it
as saying that he thought that even after reading his Role PM {at the beginning of the game}.
Now, please: Explain to me the distinction between a newbtown not knowing whether he had to be alive to win, and a newbtown not knowing the town wincon. Or rather, explain how not knowing you can win while dead negates knowledge of the general town wincon. Or both, really.